
Shadowstrike Arcanist: Lightning's Embrace

In a world of magic and combat, Noah, a 21-year-old orphan, finds himself reincarnated after sacrificing his life to save a child. Now known as Aric, he discovers a loving family and the affection he yearned for in his past life. However, as he becomes attached to his newfound world, sinister demons threaten its existence. Aric, along with his companions, embarks on a perilous adventure to safeguard the people and the life he cherishes. Will he succeed in protecting his loved ones, or will tragedy strike once again? Join Aric as he navigates through danger and uncertainty, determined to rewrite his destiny and save his world from destruction.

Shadowguard08 · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Sara Ironfist

I started wondering if I could awaken a dual element. The idea was thrilling but dangerous, as expecting too much could lead to disappointment. I resolved that whatever element I received, I would make it so powerful that even dual-element wielders would have to take notice.

Just then, Clara's name was announced. As she stood up, I said, "Best of luck," and she smiled at me, her nervousness evident.

Clara walked towards the stage, each step deliberate and tense. When she placed her hand on the crystal, it began to glow a dark blue. The crowd started murmuring in astonishment—arcane. Arcane was an exceptionally rare element, and Clara was the first to awaken it in this ceremony. The rarity of her element made the moment even more significant.

Aunt Emma and Uncle Samuel jumped for joy, their faces radiant with pride. "Clara, you did it!" they cheered, their voices carrying over the crowd.

I glanced at my mother, feeling a surge of pride. She, too, possessed a rare arcane element, and seeing Clara achieve something extraordinary made me even prouder of my heritage.

Clara walked back towards us, a mix of relief and excitement on her face. "Congratulations, Clara," I said, smiling broadly at her.

"Thank you," she replied, her cheeks flushed with happiness.

"Wow, Clara, I am so proud of you," Aunt Emma said, enveloping her daughter in a hug.

"Thanks, Mother," Clara responded, returning the embrace.

"Clara, now that you are an Arcanist, I have to train you from now on. Looks like I've got my first student," my mother, Lyra, said with a proud smile.

"Yes, Aunty Lyra, please train me to be like you," Clara said eagerly, her eyes sparkling with determination.

As we chatted and celebrated Clara's success, the atmosphere was filled with joy and hope. Clara's rare achievement had lifted everyone's spirits, setting a high bar for the rest of the ceremony. Her success was not just a personal triumph but a beacon of hope for all of us, showing that rare and powerful elements were within our reach.

Just like that, 200 kids had completed their turns, with the majority not awakening any element. Those who couldn't awaken were left in tears, facing the harsh reality of living as commoners. I felt a pang of sympathy for them, but I understood that not everyone is born with the same fortune.

Suddenly, the announcer called the name everyone had been waiting for: the daughter of Duke Soros. The crowd buzzed with anticipation. From a young age, Sara had shown immense talent, and with Shane as her mentor, expectations were sky-high. I, too, looked forward to seeing her awakening.

Sara descended from the VIP room and walked towards the stage with a confident air. Her poise and determination were evident, and it was clear she believed she would possess something extraordinary.

"It's time," Soros said to Shane, his voice filled with a mix of hope and nerves.

"Yes, it is," Shane replied, his eyes never leaving Sara as she approached the crystal.

Sara reached the crystal and placed her hand on it. Initially, the crystal glowed blue, signifying the ice element. The crowd's excitement dimmed slightly, as many had hoped for something more.

But then, something extraordinary happened. The crystal began to glow brown on one side, and before anyone could fully comprehend, it turned half blue and half brown. The crowd erupted in celebration—Sara had awakened a dual element. This was the moment everyone had been waiting for: a dual element holder from their city both ice and wind.

The cheers were deafening, and people began to celebrate wildly. "A dual element! She's a dual element holder!" voices shouted, echoing throughout the square.

I watched in awe as Sara stood there, a calm yet proud look on her face. She had fulfilled the hopes and dreams of not just her family but the entire city.

Duke Soros and Shane exchanged a look of triumph and relief. "She did it," Soros said, his voice barely audible over the cheering crowd.

"She did," Shane agreed, a broad smile spreading across his face.

As Sara made her way back to the VIP area, the crowd continued to celebrate.

As Sara entered the VIP room, her brother Asher immediately enveloped her in a tight hug. "You did it, Sara. Father would be proud."

"Yes, brother, I did it," she replied, her voice filled with joy.

Their father, Duke Soros, entered the room shortly after. Sara's eyes lit up, and she rushed to him, hugging him tightly. "I am so proud of you, my daughter," he said, his voice filled with pride and love.

"Thank you, Dad," She said beaming up on him

"Hey, don't forget about me, Sara," Shane called out with a warm smile.

"No, Master!" Sara exclaimed, running to hug him as well. Shane, the wise old mentor, chuckled as he embraced his talented student.

They all took their seats, the air still buzzing with excitement and pride. Shane turned to Sara, his expression becoming serious. "Sara, now you have to train even harder. People's expectations are high for you."

"Yes, Master," Sara replied, her eyes gleaming with determination.

Shane then turned to Asher. "And you too, Asher. Even though you have only one element, you can become strong enough to rival those with dual elements."

"Yes, Master. I will train hard from now on," Asher said, his voice filled with resolve and a newfound sense of purpose.

"Okay, let's relax a bit now and watch the rest of the ceremony. We might find someone else with great potential, like Clara, who we can train alongside you," Shane suggested.

"Are you going to train her, Master?" Asher asked, curious.

"Yes, Asher. Clara has a rare element which will be beneficial for the future. We can't let go of such talent,I have to talk with her parents" Shane replied.

"Hmm, you're right, Shane. We have to nurture such talent," Duke Soros agreed, nodding thoughtfully.

The room settled into a more relaxed atmosphere as they turned their attention back to the ceremony. The anticipation in the air was palpable as the next names were called, each child stepping up to the crystal with a mix of hope and anxiety.

Sara watched the proceedings with a mix of empathy and determination. She knew that the path ahead would be challenging, but she was ready to face it head-on. She glanced at Asher, who was also watching intently, his jaw set in a determined line. Despite not having a dual element, he was resolved to prove his worth through sheer hard work and dedication.

As the ceremony went on, the atmosphere in the VIP room remained charged with a mix of pride and anticipation. They knew that this year's ceremony was special, not just because of Sara's dual element awakening but also because it marked the beginning of a new era of potential and promise for their city.

Every now and then, Shane and Duke Soros exchanged looks of satisfaction and hope. The emergence of talents like Sara and Clara signaled a bright future, one where their city could stand proud among others in the kingdom. They were determined to provide the best training and guidance to these young talents, ensuring they reached their full potential.

As the ceremony continued, the announcer suddenly called out arics name

"Finally it's my turn now"