
Shadowstrike Arcanist: Lightning's Embrace

In a world of magic and combat, Noah, a 21-year-old orphan, finds himself reincarnated after sacrificing his life to save a child. Now known as Aric, he discovers a loving family and the affection he yearned for in his past life. However, as he becomes attached to his newfound world, sinister demons threaten its existence. Aric, along with his companions, embarks on a perilous adventure to safeguard the people and the life he cherishes. Will he succeed in protecting his loved ones, or will tragedy strike once again? Join Aric as he navigates through danger and uncertainty, determined to rewrite his destiny and save his world from destruction.

Shadowguard08 · Fantasy
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32 Chs


When I thought we would finally be out of this forest, a new problem arose, one we didn't even see coming. But I was determined—whoever or whatever it was, I wouldn't back down easily. Still, from how alert Shadow was, I knew this wasn't going to be easy.

Suddenly, I heard the sound of horses approaching. I turned to see several people riding towards us. Roselyn's face lit up with recognition and relief. "Don't worry, Noah, they're here for us," she said, her voice a mix of excitement and assurance.

I wondered how she knew they were here to help us. The riders stopped a few feet away. They looked like knights from the capital, their armor glinting in the dappled forest light. One of the knights dismounted and walked towards us, his face stern but respectful. He then bowed deeply to Roselyn, a sign of his unwavering loyalty.

"Princess," he said, his voice filled with a mixture of relief and concern, "I am Levi, a loyal knight of your kingdom. We have been searching for you, my lord and everyone else have been worried sick."

Roselyn sighed in relief, her shoulders relaxing. "Sorry for the trouble, Levi. I was kidnapped by some bandits."

"Kidnapped?" Levi's eyes widened in alarm, his brow furrowing with anger. "Who were they? Tell us, Princess, and we will ensure they pay for their crimes."

Then he glanced at me, his gaze sharp and appraising. "And who is this?"

Roselyn stepped forward, her expression earnest. "Oh, don't worry about the kidnappers—they're already dead. Noah here saved me."

Levi looked astonished, his eyes narrowing as he studied me. "What? You, a boy of your age, defeated the kidnappers?"

Roselyn nodded vigorously, her face lighting up with admiration. "Yes, Levi. He's incredibly strong, even stronger than my brothers, and he's the same age as me."

Levi turned to me, his eyes now filled with respect and gratitude. He bowed low. "Thank you for saving the princess. We are truly grateful to you."

I was dumbfounded. I had actually saved a princess. Snapping out of my stupor, I responded, "Oh, don't worry about it. It was my pleasure to help the princess."

Roselyn looked a bit sheepish, her cheeks tinged with a faint blush. "Sorry, Noah, I didn't tell you earlier—I'm actually a princess."

I smiled warmly. "I don't mind. You had your reasons for keeping it a secret, right?"

"Yes," she said, nodding earnestly. "My father always told me not to disclose my identity."

Levi straightened up, his expression serious but relieved. "Alright, Princess, it's time for us to return. Your family is waiting for you, especially the King and Queen."

Roselyn turned to me eagerly, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Yes, let's go, Noah! I want you to meet my mother and father."

I shook my head gently. "Oh no, I'd prefer to explore the city first. After I've seen the sights, then I'll meet them."

Levi looked concerned, his brow furrowing. "Are you sure? The King and Queen would surely want to meet their daughter's savior immediately."

I nodded, my expression firm. "Yes, I'm sure. Besides, I've been in the forest for so long, I'd like to experience the city

The knight, with a stern expression, said, "Alright then, we should get going before sunset."

"Yes, let's go," I replied. Roselyn and I climbed onto the back of a knight's horse, and we started moving towards the city.

As we rode, Levi, the knight who had first spoken to us, turned to Roselyn with a worried look. "Princess, are you sure he has no ill intent? He wears a mask on his face. What if he is here as a spy?"

Roselyn shook her head, her eyes filled with confidence. "Don't worry, Levi. He's not a spy. If he were, he would have known who I was and wouldn't have hesitated to abduct me. He has his own reasons for wearing the mask."

Levi seemed to consider this, then nodded. "Oh, you're right. There must be a reason for it."

As we continued our journey, I spoke with Shadow in my mind. "Shadow, are you sensing that danger now, or was it just the knights?"

"No, Aric. That was something different. I'm familiar with it, but I can't place it. I think I've sensed this power before."

"Okay. Once we get back to the city, we'll figure it out," I said, trying to remain calm.

Suddenly, the horses began to act erratically, rearing and bucking as if something had spooked them. The knights struggled to control them.

"What's happening?" one of the knights shouted.

"We don't know! They started behaving like this out of nowhere," another knight replied, panic in his voice.

A sinister laughter echoed through the trees, sending chills down my spine. "Hahaha, humans. Kekekek. Look what I've found here."

The voice was otherworldly, dripping with malice. Shadow's tone became urgent. "Aric, this is no normal threat. I think it's a demon."

"A demon?" I whispered, feeling a cold dread settle in my stomach.

Before I could react, a figure emerged from the shadows. It was tall and gaunt, with skin the color of midnight and eyes that glowed with an eerie red light. Its presence exuded a palpable sense of malevolence.

"Aric, get ready. He's powerful. You have to escape, but I can't leave them behind, especially the princess. Don't worry, Aric. I'll think of a way," Shadow's voice was urgent, highlighting the serious threat we faced.

"A demon?" Levi's face was a mix of confusion and concern. "What is it doing here? How did it come into our kingdom?" His thoughts were clearly racing.

Hearing it was a demon, panic spread through the knights. They had never faced a demon before, and the legends told of their immense power and deadly nature. An S-class threat was more than they were prepared for.

My mind raced, searching for a way to protect everyone. I knew I wasn't a match for this high-class demon, especially with the aura it was exuding. This was my first time encountering such an enemy, and I felt the weight of the challenge.

The demon's laughter echoed around us. "Kekekeke, humans. And the king's knights, no less. This will be fun."