
Shadowstrike Arcanist: Lightning's Embrace

In a world of magic and combat, Noah, a 21-year-old orphan, finds himself reincarnated after sacrificing his life to save a child. Now known as Aric, he discovers a loving family and the affection he yearned for in his past life. However, as he becomes attached to his newfound world, sinister demons threaten its existence. Aric, along with his companions, embarks on a perilous adventure to safeguard the people and the life he cherishes. Will he succeed in protecting his loved ones, or will tragedy strike once again? Join Aric as he navigates through danger and uncertainty, determined to rewrite his destiny and save his world from destruction.

Shadowguard08 · Fantasy
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32 Chs


Today was full of surprises. Just when I thought I would shock my parents with my third element, they turned the tables with revelations about our origin and a sister I never knew existed. The turmoil inside me was overwhelming. But I needed answers.

"Where is she, Father? Where is my sister?" I asked, trying to steady my voice.

My father sighed, his expression heavy with the weight of past decisions. "Aric, when we were living away from our home, your mother's family got wind of our whereabouts. To protect their reputation, they wanted to eliminate us.

"We were running out of options, as they were closing in on us. But before your grandfather could find us, your grandmother's spy reached us first. She was disappointed in your mother, but when she saw your sister, she was overjoyed. For your sister's safety, she suggested we flee to another kingdom across an isolated area where they wouldn't find us. However, she insisted on keeping your sister in the royal capital to ensure her growth wouldn't be affected and that she would remain safe."

"You let them take her?" I asked, feeling a mix of disbelief and sadness.

"Yes, Aric," my father said quietly. "We had no choice. We weren't powerful enough to protect her. Giving her to your grandmother was the only way to ensure her safety."

"But what if Grandfather was displeased with her? Would he discriminate against her?" I questioned, my worry evident.

"No, Aric," my mother interjected. "She has her grandmother, who wouldn't let anyone harm her. Not only that, but there are also many people in the royal family who would treat her well. That's why we entrusted her to your grandmother until we could become strong enough to bring her back."

The gravity of their decision sank in. My sister was living in the royal capital, protected by the grandmother who loved her, yet still a part of a family that had cast out my parents. The situation was far from ideal, but it was the best they could do.

As we continued sitting in the living room, the weight of the revelations settled heavily on me. My father, seeing the confusion and concern in my eyes, resumed speaking.

"We were living a hellish life, constantly thinking about your sister and how to keep her safe. But then you came into our lives, Aric. From a young age, we saw your intelligence and your determination to become strong.

"We thought you might be the one to reunite our family and make us whole again. When you awakened your dual elements, we were overjoyed and even more determined to support you in becoming strong. But to think you possess the shadow element, the strongest of all, we were over the moon. That's why we decided to tell you our story now."

I was overwhelmed by their story. My parents had endured so much hardship, all while putting on a brave face for me. I had always thought we were a happy family, but now I realized they had been carrying this heavy burden in their hearts, all for my sake.

I looked at my father and mother, my resolve strengthening. "Don't worry, Mom and Dad. I will definitely bring our family together and become strong. I promise."

My father's eyes shone with pride. "I know, Aric. From your determination alone, we can tell that you won't disappoint us."

"Yes, Mother, I won't let you down," I reassured her. "But for that, I need your permission."

"What is it, Aric?" my father asked.

"I need to become an adventurer, Dad. Shadow said that to become strong, I must manifest my shadow element, but I can't show my power to people because of the potential danger. I need to train in secret, which means I have to leave home."

"No, baby, you can't!" my mother exclaimed, her voice filled with worry.

"Let him go, Lyra," my father said gently, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "He needs to become strong, and he can't do that here. We have to let him go."

"But what if something happens to him?" my mother asked, tears welling up in her eyes.

"Nothing will happen, Mom," I said firmly. "I have Shadow with me. He will protect me."

Shadow's voice echoed in my mind, filled with determination. "Don't worry, both of you. I am with him. You don't have to worry."

"Yes, honey," my father continued, "I think our boy will be safe and will only grow stronger by exploring the world. We should let him go. It will only be for a few years, and we can handle that."

My mother looked at me, tears in her eyes but a resolute expression on her face. "Okay, if you say so."

I felt a surge of gratitude and love for my parents. They truly wanted the best for me, even if it meant letting me go. I hugged them both tightly.

"Thank you, Mom and Dad. I promise I'll become strong and bring our family back together."

As we embraced, I felt Shadow's presence within me, a constant reminder of the power and responsibility I carried. With my parents' blessing,

"Mom, Dad, Shadow said the earlier I go, the better. I need to leave today," I said, trying to sound confident despite the knot in my stomach.

My dad gave me a reassuring nod. "Don't worry, Aric. You can go. I'll talk to Mentor Shane and explain everything to him."

"Thank you, Dad," I said, feeling a mix of relief and anticipation.

My mom looked at me with tears in her eyes but a brave smile on her face. "Aric, since you're going away, I want to cook your favorite meal. Eat as much as you want before you leave."

I smiled, feeling a rush of affection for her. "Thanks, Mom. I'd love that."

We spent the next few hours together in the kitchen. My mom cooked all my favorite dishes, and the delicious aroma filled the house, making me realize just how much I would miss her cooking. My dad helped set the table, and soon we were all sitting down to a feast.

As we dined, I savored every bite, trying to imprint the memory of this moment in my mind. My parents shared stories from their past, lighter ones that made us all laugh, easing the tension of the upcoming farewell.

After we finished eating, I went to my room to get ready for my journey. I packed a bag with essential supplies: clothes, food, a map, and some money. Shadow's voice in my mind guided me on what to take and how to prepare.

With my bag slung over my shoulder, I walked back to the living room where my parents were waiting. They both stood up as I approached, their faces a mix of pride and sadness.

"Mom, Dad, I'll be back before you know it," I said, trying to keep my voice steady.

My mom hugged me tightly, whispering, "Stay safe, Aric. Remember, we love you so much."

"I love you too, Mom," I replied, hugging her back just as tightly.

My dad placed a firm hand on my shoulder. "Make us proud, son. We'll be waiting for your return."

"I will, Dad," I promised, feeling the weight of their expectations and love.

With one last look at my home, I stepped out the door and into the early morning light. The city was just waking up, and the streets were quiet. I took a deep breath, feeling the excitement and trepidation of the journey ahead.

As I walked towards the edge of the city, Shadow's voice echoed in my mind. "This is the beginning of your path to greatness, Aric. Embrace it, and you'll become the strongest awakener the world has ever seen."

I nodded to myself, determination coursing through my veins. "I'm ready, Shadow. Let's do this."

And with that, I set off on my journey, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, I was ready to embark on this journey, determined to unlock my full potential and become strong.

This was the new chapter of my life in this world