
Shadowstrike Arcanist: Lightning's Embrace

In a world of magic and combat, Noah, a 21-year-old orphan, finds himself reincarnated after sacrificing his life to save a child. Now known as Aric, he discovers a loving family and the affection he yearned for in his past life. However, as he becomes attached to his newfound world, sinister demons threaten its existence. Aric, along with his companions, embarks on a perilous adventure to safeguard the people and the life he cherishes. Will he succeed in protecting his loved ones, or will tragedy strike once again? Join Aric as he navigates through danger and uncertainty, determined to rewrite his destiny and save his world from destruction.

Shadowguard08 · Fantasy
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32 Chs


As we camped in the safe zone, the night fell gently over the forest. The warmth of the bonfire crackled in the center of our campsite, casting flickering shadows on our faces.

The aroma of the food prepared by the merchant's servants wafted through the air, mixing with the earthy scent of the woods. We sat in a circle, the fire's light dancing in our eyes, creating a sense of temporary peace amidst the dangers of our journey. The others had already settled into their tents, leaving only Baku, Rio, Leon, Vienna, and me awake.

Baku was the first to break the silence, his voice carrying a warm, paternal tone. "So, Aric, where are you from? I haven't seen you in Elaria before."

I looked up from my meal, feeling a bit more at ease. "Yes, I'm actually a traveler. I'm from Skyfall City."

Vienna, her nonchalant demeanor softened by curiosity, leaned in slightly. "A traveler at this age? You have guts, boy."

Rio, on the other hand, remained unimpressed. His crimson hair glowed ominously in the firelight as he spoke with a hint of arrogance. "Ha, boy, you know how dangerous the world is. There are not only monsters but bandits too. They can ambush from anywhere. Young ones like you should stay away from this."

Leon, the silent and strong type, finally spoke up. His voice was calm but firm. "Hey, don't be rude. He's young and just wants to adventure. It's a great thing, appreciable for someone his age."

Rio scoffed, dismissing Leon's words. "Kids these days think they can fight monsters. Quite arrogant."

Vienna defended me, her eyes narrowing slightly at Rio. "Don't be rude towards him, Rio. Even if he's a kid, he can still safeguard the merchant and his servants if any dangerous situation arises. He can help them escape."

Rio rolled his eyes, his disdain clear. "Ha, he will just be a burden."

Baku, sensing the need to mediate, stepped in with his calming presence. "Alright, guys. I think Aric is only here to experience the adventurer life and wants to go to his hometown while earning some money. That's why he accepted this job, right, Aric?"

I nodded, trying to convey my sincerity. "Yes, I just wanted to go back to my hometown, and this job was also on the route to my city. That's why I accepted this job. Don't worry, I won't be a burden to you."

Vienna smiled, her earlier sternness replaced by warmth. "Don't worry, Aric. Rio is like that to everyone, so don't take his words to heart."

Leon added, giving me a reassuring nod, "Alright, Aric, you get some sleep. We'll be here safeguarding."

"Okay, guys. I'll get some sleep. Wake me up if I need to be on duty."

"Goodnight," they all said in unison.

I headed towards my tent, the night air cool against my skin. As I settled into the surprisingly comfortable bed the merchant had provided, I felt a sense of peace. The campfire's glow seeped through the tent's fabric, and the soft murmur of the team outside provided a comforting backdrop. I closed my eyes, feeling content and ready for whatever the next day would bring.

After a restful night's sleep, we resumed our journey early in the morning. The air was crisp, and the forest around us was bathed in the golden light of dawn. For most of the journey, it was peaceful. The occasional rustle of leaves and distant animal sounds were the only interruptions. However, as we moved deeper into the forest, a sense of unease began to settle in my gut.

"Aric, I think there is going to be an ambush here. Be alert," warned Shadow.

"I felt something just now too. Don't worry, I won't let them succeed. And if they are high-class, it will be a great test for me," I replied, gripping my sword tightly.

Just then, a whistling sound cut through the air, and a bow came speeding towards Baku. With impressive reflexes, Baku caught the arrow just before it hit his face.

"All of you, it's an ambush! Be ready!" Baku shouted, his voice booming with authority.

Everyone sprang into action, their weapons drawn and eyes scanning the surrounding forest. Vienna turned to me, her eyes sharp and focused. "Aric, keep safeguarding the carriage."

I nodded, positioning myself near the merchant and his servants, who were now huddled together in fear.

Emerging from the shadows of the trees, a group of bandits appeared, their faces twisted into mischievous smiles. The leader, a burly man with a scar running down his cheek, stepped forward, his eyes gleaming with malicious intent.

"Who would have thought we'd find such a big prey today with only five guards? Today is really a great day for us," he sneered.

His comrades chuckled, their eyes glinting with greed. "We have the numbers. Attack each of them with force, and they won't stand a chance!" the leader ordered.

The bandits surged forward, weapons raised. Baku, Leon, Rio, and Vienna quickly engaged them. Baku's strength was on full display as he swung his massive sword, fending off multiple attackers. Leon moved with precision and speed, his blade a blur as he cut down any bandit that got too close. Rio, despite his earlier arrogance, fought fiercely, his crimson hair flying as he parried and struck. Vienna moved with grace and lethal efficiency, her strikes precise and deadly.

I stayed near the carriage, ready to defend the merchant and his servants. A bandit lunged at me, his dagger aimed at my chest. I sidestepped, bringing my sword down in a swift arc, and the bandit fell to the ground. More bandits approached, but I held my ground, each movement calculated and efficient.

"Impressive reflexes for a kid," one of the bandits sneered as he circled me.

"You'll find I'm full of surprises," I replied, my eyes never leaving his.

With a yell, he charged. I met his attack head-on, my lightning sword clashing against his with a metallic ring. The force of the impact overpowering the bandit. With a swift movement, I disarmed him and delivered a decisive blow.

Nearby, Baku let out a roar, swinging his sword in a wide arc and sending several bandits sprawling. "Keep fighting! We can handle them!" he shouted.

The battle raged on, the forest echoing with the sounds of clashing metal and cries of pain. Despite the bandits' numbers, our team held strong. The ambush, meant to overwhelm us, was turning into a showcase of our skills.

Vienna, her face set in determination, cut down a bandit who had tried to sneak up on her. "Is this all you've got?" she taunted, her eyes blazing with defiance.

Leon moved with the fluidity of a dancer, his swordplay both beautiful and deadly. "Stay focused, everyone. We can't let them near the carriage," he called out, his voice calm and controlled.

The leader of the bandits, seeing his men fall one by one, grew furious. "You worthless fools! Overwhelm them! Now!" he bellowed, his face contorted in rage.

Then suddenly the bandit leader saw Vienna facing her opponents with her back towards him seeing this opportunity bandit smile grew mischievous