

"Harriet You will be getting married to Stephen Mario"Father Said Those words mad her realise that an action must be taken otherwise she will keep on living a life written on A script It's so easy For people to envy her for riches but the major problem was whether one could withstand the trauma , Lack of love and Care that She didn't Get or Rather Avoid THE SHADOWS OF HER PAST that kept haunting her

sophiyya · Fantasy
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7 Chs


The question rang in my head

"I---- I--f ---i h--ad n--ot in--sisted on goin--g fo--r the re--union p--arty then we w---ouldnt h--ave h--ad an A--ccident

I Sh--ould h--a--ve  b--een The o--ne

I s---hou--ld ha--ve D--I---ED "  I said

"So harriet Do you feel that because you couldn't get justice for the death of  him

Even though you had given the Driver's number to the police men" She asked

Taking a Deep breath "i--- tr----ied m--y best bu--t t--he c-----ase close---d th--ey accuse--d h---im o-n bee--n hi--gh -----he-- he-- he nev--er D--ra--nk o-r too-k  dru--gs "

"Harriet do you still have memories that you kept with you like items" she asked

I zoned out

'Babe you have all my T-Shirts at your house we have to go outing and i need to shop' he said

'It's not my fault that i find yours comfortable than mine Zack you should be glad i love been surrounded by your scents ' i said

'Wow!!  It's an honour I'm glad princess Harriet ' he replied Sarcastically

'Zack !  Are you replying me sacrastically' i said

'Of course no your Highness i wouldn't want my head cut off' he replied

Laughing So hard i would always end up throwing my pillows at him as he would Dodge so fast

Those laughter , smiles everything was gone .

"HARRIET" My therapist called

"You zoned off so i guess you still have items that belongs to him" she said

"Can i ask you a question" She asked

Nodding my head in approval she continued

"Do you believe you can find true love again" She asked

Dropping that question i froze i had always taught about that and i knew the Answer was always going to be no

I couldn't i flashed back to the first time i saw Zack

' i always had a sercet place where i would listen to the birds chirping and trees swinginging sideways sitting at that particular spot i discovered when i was just a five year old and at fourteen i would always go there when i needed a calm environment  but on getting there someone else sat there , i wondered who that was as that place was always hidden but the view was backed and i could only sight a blonde haired guy .

Moving closer i sat down 'hey I'm harriet you seem to be sitting at my spot' I said

'I'm so sorry harriet I'm zack i moved here recently needed a cool place to think didn't think that i would find someone here as people of this arena always stay to themselves' he said

He wasn't wrong people normally stay at their houses and would never bother coming here

'That's true you moved here ?  ' i asked . 'nope  mum  is a nanny at clifford  residence ' he said

'Okay' i said

'So??    'He asked

I didn't get to reply him when my phone rang bringing out my Iphone XR at that period was regarded as the most expensive

Looking up he had a shocked expression on his face

After my phone call i heard

'I can see you are not a nanny's daughter Harriet' he said

'Why? ' i asked

'From your phone you are definelty a rich kid but i wonder why you are so humble 'he said

' anyway till we see some other time he said

And that was it we kept on seeing each other we met at fourteen , dated at sixteen and  he left at Eighteen

Zack made be feel wanted , he understood me , we laughed he had to work three shifts every Valentine to get to presents  for me

I was never bothered when it came to him getting things for me i always contented .

I never regretted meeting Zack i couldn't regret but i wished we had never met maybe then he would never had lost his life.

Although we  would not have met but we will still have our lives right

Zack stood by me always gave me a reason to smile

The memories and shadows still stay in my mind .

He never liked to party with the wealthy children i always begged him to tag alone

But he would Say they always made him feel inferior and made  him really know his class , i was teased him trying to make him change his mind i'd say ' but i do not see you that way Babe' i would say 

' of course that's why i admire you the most Harenttia you were the first person that saw me for nothing irrespective of my financial staus i can proudly say you took me by suprise ,and guess what?  I'm glad

I met you and changed the concept i saw the wealthy children as you made me realised  that in the the midst of all they can be one that stands out than the rest and you were that one ,  you are my QUEEN' he said

'Oh my Zack you do know how to have your way around words well I'm glad you came into my life too ,  and i spent memories with you of course you have no option we are going to be together Forever Grow old and live happily ever after " i said

He chuckled in response

'Of course darling we would live happily ever after together as one grow old and i can't wait to see mini us running round I'm very sure we would have a Stubborn one  he grinned

'So from who cause i know it can't be me ' i said

'Well darling you are the only stubborn one

Between the both of us ' he replied

'REALLY!!! ' i acted hurt

'But i love you for that ' he replied

Grinning from ear to ear with my cheekbones hurting from blushing so hard

Fidgeting with my finger's i smiled.

Hugging him 'I love you too'

Now , the question was can i find love again

Looking into the eyes of Rosline i replied "No"