
Shadows of the New World

Imagine you're transported to a new world, leaving behind a life filled with loneliness, suffering, and hatred. Sounds incredible, right? That's what happened to me after being an outcast all my life. I died and became like the heroes in novels who go to another world, defeat the Demon King, and win the most beautiful girl in the story. But am I a novel's hero? I don't have cheats or overwhelming talent. Girls don't like me. I'm not the lucky one who becomes strong in two days. I'm just a person who resembles an extra, living an ordinary life. I don't have high ambitions or strive for power. My only goal is to live a better life than my first one. To open a shop, earn money, marry an ordinary girl like me, have children, and end the story. These are just my dreams. *Sigh* Unfortunately, nothing goes as planned. Even though my dreams are simple, reality has shattered them.

DaoistfYq6MI · Fantasy
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5 Chs


كانت الغرفة البيضاء الواسعة، حيث يعزف الصمت لحن العزلة، تحتوي على أسرة مرتبة بعناية تذكرنا بالجنود في تشكيل الصباح. كان كل سرير يحكي قصة مختلفة: طفل يترنح على حافة الموت، أو يغرق في بحر الأحلام، أو يقاوم دموع الشوق. في إحدى زوايا تلك الغرفة البيضاء الغامضة كان يجلس أدوار، غارقًا في تأمل الأحداث الغريبة التي تتكشف في هذا المكان الغامض.

**<منظور ادوار>**


هذه الكلمة الوحيدة كانت كافية لوصف هذا المكان الغريب. كان هناك العديد من الأطفال، ربما ألف، ولكن لم يبق الآن سوى ثلاثمائة طفل. في هذه المنظمة، خضع الأطفال لتدريبات قاسية بشكل لا يصدق، تمثلت في "قمة الشيطان"، وهو جبل شاهق.

كان على الأطفال أن يتسلقوها بالكامل، وهو اختبار لقياس العزيمة والتحمل. خلال هذه المحاكمة، فقدنا ما يقرب من خمسمائة طفل. إن مشاهدة موتهم مباشرة ملأتني بالخوف. كانت المرة الأولى التي أرى فيها شخصًا يموت أمام عيني. وبعد ذلك، بقي نصف العدد الأصلي فقط.

كان أدوار على وشك الفشل في هذا الاختبار، لكنه أصر على أن يعيش حياة أفضل من ماضيه. كان وجوده السابق بمثابة دافع يدفعه للأمام لتجنب الشعور بالألم مرة أخرى. كانت "قمة الشيطان" طويلة بشكل مستحيل، وأدرك أدوار أن هذا العالم كان خياليًا. على الرغم من وجود الحبال على الأرض، كان من الصعب تصديق أن مثل هذا الجبل الضخم يمكن أن يوجد داخل غرفة بيضاء. وتساءل هل الجبل الذي رآه حقيقي أم وهم.

ومع تضاءل النصف المتبقي، استسلم مائتان للتدريب القاسي - عقليًا وجسديًا. كان حظ أدور يكمن في كونه أكبر سناً من الأطفال الآخرين، مما سمح له بتحمل الضغط النفسي، لكن جسده عانى. ولولا إصراره الذي لا يتزعزع، لكان قد ضاع.

I frowned thinking about these tests, until I looked at the little boy with white hair and golden eyes; It was Arthur. And also his older brother, who I learned was only ten minutes older than him. Until he is still his older brother. But Arthur never cared for me, even though I was his younger brother. Arthur was so cold and emotionless. I didn't know if this was due to the harsh training or if it was just that way by nature.

Arthur was always first and foremost in everything; He was a genius in every sense of the word. It is true that Edouard was not weak and was not last in position, but he was very far from his brother's level. Now, I started thinking to myself: What is this organization? What is her goal and intentions in all of this? Who are our real parents? What is the world we are in now? I will know all this later.

Now, Ador wanted to sleep, because tomorrow would bring another tough training.

**The next day:**

We were all standing in one line. In front of us is a gray-haired man, whose name we find out is Ashton. Ashton was our supervisor, he didn't care if some of us died, he just explained drills and instructions.

"Now, there will be no training."

Ashton shouted with a serious and indifferent face. I thought in surprise, "What really?"

The children were happy to hear this, except for the smart ones who were confused. The entire time we've been here, every day has brought tough training, so why no training today? What happened?

Then, Ashton screamed seeing the children's happiness increasing.

"You said that there will be no training, that does not mean that there will be nothing to do."

Upon hearing Ashton's words, my eyes narrowed and I thought to myself, "As I expected, something is up."

Ashton shouted with indifference on his face and his calm voice as he opened his arm, "A tournament will be held to challenge each other, children. It will be something in which you challenge each other, perhaps in strength, intelligence, or anything."

 The children's happiness is destroyed until it becomes despair. 

But curiosity is full in their minds 

If there is no training, what else will there be? 

Ashton opened his arms and said calmly and coldly, "A tournament will be held among you children. You will be divided into groups, and the winner of the group will qualify for the final. Then each group winner will face off against the winners of the other groups." 

We realized what would happen. It was a tournament. 

A smile appeared on my face because heroism would make me see my limits. 

It is true that I was in favor of Arthur in the beginning, but he was much stronger than me and I was not a competitor to her in all areas. 

Because in the beginning, duos were formed from the beginning, and competitions were held between them. But Arthur was so far ahead of me, I had no chance of competing with him in any field. Now, I will face others and see their skills and abilities and what is the difference between me and them. I know I'm not the best, but I'm also not the worst in my opinion.

"Okay, let me explain the tournament and the rules:

1. **First division**: The 300 children are divided into 25 groups, each group has 12 children. Emerging competitors will rely on challenges that require intelligence and skill, such as solving puzzles or tasks that require challenges and great thinking.

2. **Qualification**: One child from each group qualifies, but we have 25 children registered. This process will be composed of elements and groups for different skills.

3. **Five rounds**: The 25 children are divided into 5 children for free. Competitors here will be more formidable and challenges will include strength, strength, and availability, as well as the ability to handle items and tailoring.

4. **Finals**: The winners of each round qualify to compete in the finals, where individual bouts are organized. These duels will be a mixture of hand-to-hand combat and psychological challenges, with an emphasis on intelligence and cunning as well as strength.

5. **Coronation**: In the final, the child who best demonstrates his strength, intelligence and strategic skill will be crowned."

Ashton finished explaining, he was nervous and afraid, accepting that the other was as indifferent as Arthur. I started thinking inside: "The competition includes a lot of challenges, it could be intelligence, fighting, etc. The competitors and confrontations have not yet been determined."

Thinking-wise, I'm excellent at this, actually being a tough guy. But the kids who are trained hard, there may be kids with a man's body like Arthur, and I'm sure I'm not in the top five thinking, I should be better than a creation or thirty.

Personally, I feel pretty weak, not sure if I'm even in the top 100. Arthur easily dealt me two hits per match. Therefore, I am certain that Arthur is the strongest among everyone, so I hope to be in the same group with him, so send, I will lose to everyone.
