

Depicts the story of a series of great battles fought for the sake of humanity ,destruction of demons and power combined with a sense of oppression between demons of the other world and resilent humans who refused to surrender and continued the battle against them till the very end.

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10 Chs

The Cracks of Despair

Rex and the remaining Archdemon's army confronted each other on the outskirts of Hollowvale. The Archdemon, maintaining his distance, began observing from a vantage point and began to chant in an ancient and bizarre language. With him desisting the chant, the ground trembled violently and cracked open, devouring many into its depths of the crack, which was formed in a pattern of ancient symbols, spreading rapidly across the settlement. The fissures split the settlement in two, revealing a chasm of purple colored ominous looking liquid echoing with the aching and excruciating cries of the people of Hollowvale gradually devoured by it. It had been just a few seconds to that and just then, from these depths, an overwhelming shadow army emerged, consisting of the fallen people converted into lower demons that included Wraiths, Reapers, and even more horrifying, modified versions of their kind.

In mere moments, the village was besieged by thousands of undead warriors, closing in from all directions. The Protectors, though trained and battle-hardened, trembled at the carmine sight of their homeland. Panic spread among the villagers filled the air with cries of terror and despair. Amidst the chaotic situation, a small household consisting of three people: two desperate Defender parents holding shield and sword in both hands and their six-year-old daughter, Lila, who clung to them in fear.

The parents, eyes wide open with terror witnessing the inevitable and frightening undead army that appeared to be indomitable, pleaded the Bastion class Protectors to save their daughter in a voice filled with madness. "Please, at least save our child at the time we sacrifice ourselves to borrow you some time!" they begged, tears streaming down their faces. But those Protectors were corrupted and consumed by their own desires for survival, ignored their pleas. One of them even kicked the child's father in the face, almost knocking Lila from his arms. The father, with a last desperate effort, gasping for breath, shielded his daughter, narrowly saving her from harm.

Just then, a brilliant light pierced through the gloom, drawing everyone's gaze. Rex, the Divine General, was making his way in the battlefield, protecting the town, killing all those demons like nothing in a few seconds and making mother earth free of the nuisance. As he traveled, the thick, dark atmosphere was cleared, replaced by a radiant glow that illuminated the area. His presence was a beacon of hope amidst the world of despair. The sight of him filled the villagers with renewed strength, even as the Protectors prepared to confront the overwhelming undead army.

The battle began with an explosive clash of steel and iron. The Protectors, some driven by a mix of duty and selfish motives, fought with all their might, filling the battlefield with their roars and cries. Swords clanged, and the air was filled with the scent of demon blood, yet the undead army, relentless and terrifying, pressed forward with unyielding force. The Protectors, unprepared for the sheer number and ferocity of the enemy, struggled to form a coherent strategy. They fought bravely, using improvised tactics and leveraging their environment as best they could.

In the midst of the chaos, the seven Ethereal Knights, the boldest of all as well as the Protectors with the greatest responsibility in this battle, fought valiantly. As they battled the demonic horde, they caught glimpses of a being of light moving through the fray, his divine light cutting a path through the darkness. Their spirits lifted as they saw him stand before the Archdemon, ready to confront the source of their terror.

The chapter closes with the image of Rex facing the Archdemon, the battlefield around them, a maelstrom of destruction and chaos with the fate of Hollowvale and the remnants of humanity hinged on this confrontation.