
Shadows Of Her Heart

Abuse isn't something that anyone should go through. Ellean should know. She's been abused since she was a youngling. Ellean is now in a wheelchair because of the abuse. She was also born deaf. When she reached the age of 18, she was supposed to be able to find her Mate. But unfortunately, she was rejected by him. Alpha Chase didn't wasn't a disabled mate. So, there was no way she could stand beside him and do the things she needed to do. Come on this journey with Ellean as she discovers who she is. ******************************************************************** As always, this story is a work of fiction. Anything that is depicted is solely from the imagination of the author. Any reference to places or people is coincidental.

Jmi_Lana · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter XI

Xavier patiently feeds Ellean all the broth in the bowl. He had to stop because her eyes were getting droopy and almost falling asleep.

Fluffing the pillows behind Ellean's head, Xavier gently laid her head against them, smiled down at Ellean.

"Go to sleep; no one will bother you. You are safe here."

Ellean watches his lips move, trying to stay awake, but the pain and sleepiness drug her under to sleep.

Xavier sat at the table to work on his laptop, his icy shy blue glancing from time to time to watch Ellean sleep.

Xavier leans back into his chair, twirling a pen in his long fingers. He couldn't believe that he had finally found his princess. She was so tiny compared to his lumbering form. Xavier truly hopped he wouldn't squish her to death. He could carry her with his arm if he genuinely desired to do so.

A whimper drew Xavier's gaze over to Ellean. He could see sweat beading on her forehead. Before Xavier could get up and move to her, a scream escaped Ellean's mouth as her upper body thrashed on the bed. Reaching the bed, Xavier gently runs a hand over Ellean's hand. He didn't want to scare her any more than she was.

Panting, Ellean's eyes flew up open when she felt a touch to her hand. Ready to lash out at whoever touched her, calming down when she meets Xavier's calm gaze.

Xavier smiled down at Ellean before backing up slightly to give her some space. Then, keeping his gaze firmly on hers, he asks.

"Are you ok? Can I do anything for you?"

Ellean shakes her head before turning her gaze towards the wall. She would never be free. But, no matter how much she wished, she would never be able to get away from the pain. Oh, how she longed to be able to walk, be able to run away from everyone and live somewhere no one knew her.

Xavier gazes at Ellean for a bit longer, his eyes gentle. Xavier knew it would be a long hard road for Ellean. The healing would be a hard road to walk. He wasn't even sure where to start. But they had to start somewhere. So Xavier decided to learn sign language. That would make it much easier to communicate with Ellean.

Xavier also wished he had better news about Ellean legs. Although, the Doctor had said that with Xavier's blood running through her veins, that there might be a possibility that Ellean might be able to stand. But it didn't guarantee anything because it had been too long since her spinal injury. They could only work with what they had.

It didn't bother Xavier that Ellean couldn't hear or walk. She was just as precious to him either way. All he wanted for her was for her mind and soul to be healed. Nothing else matters at the moment.

Going back to his laptop, Xavier's fingers flew over the keyboard. First, he needed to figure out what clan Ellean had come from. And then he was going to declare an all-out war. Xavier's eyes turn cold; no one hurt his mate and got away with it.

Hearing a soft knock on the door, Xavier looks over at Ellean first to ensure it didn't disturb her before heading to the door. Opening it, he sees Raphael.

Leaving the door open a crack, Xavier mentions to Raphael to speak quietly.

"What have you found out?"

Raphael's voice is soft as his chest rumbles with a growl.

"She's from the Black River Clan. Which is about 600 miles from here."

Xavier ponders for a moment, then sneers.

"Find out how she got here and everything else you can about the clan. I want to know everything, down to how often they go to the bathroom."

Raphael bows his head, "Yes, Your Highness. I will have it sent to your email as soon as possible."

Xavier nods satisfied before quietly heading back into the room; he would stay here with Ellean as long as he needed to. That way, she would get used to his scent and being around him.

Sitting once more at the table, Xavier groans, running a hand through his hair. He had no idea where to start with his mate. He wasn't about to give up. It would be worth it in the long run. Xavier decided it would be best to speak to his parents. The King had to work long and hard to convince his Queen to give him a chance. So maybe his parents could give him some pointers.

Smiling, Xavier looks over at the small lump on the bed. Let the courting commence. It was going to be interesting.

Chuckling, Xavier gets busy once more with the pile of work that is waiting on him. But, of course, he couldn't neglect his work either, so between courting Ellean and doing the Crown Prince duties, Xavier was going to be one busy man.