
Shadows Of Her Heart

Abuse isn't something that anyone should go through. Ellean should know. She's been abused since she was a youngling. Ellean is now in a wheelchair because of the abuse. She was also born deaf. When she reached the age of 18, she was supposed to be able to find her Mate. But unfortunately, she was rejected by him. Alpha Chase didn't wasn't a disabled mate. So, there was no way she could stand beside him and do the things she needed to do. Come on this journey with Ellean as she discovers who she is. ******************************************************************** As always, this story is a work of fiction. Anything that is depicted is solely from the imagination of the author. Any reference to places or people is coincidental.

Jmi_Lana · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter IX

Xavier Lopez had been restless all day. Something was bugging him. He could feel it in the air.

Leaning against the rail on the balcony, Xavier looked out over the valley. The castle sat nestled against the mountain, hidden so well that not many people knew it was here.

The clan had picked this land out long ago, staying hidden in the shadows as vampires are wont to do. So the Shadow Clan didn't interfere much with the other clans or humans. As long as everyone stayed off their land and kept to themselves, the vampires rarely showed themselves. Most lines and humans didn't believe there was such thing as vampires as they kept to themselves so much.

Mothers told their children stories about vampires passed down from generation to generation, mostly to scare the children into behaving. Such things as if the children didn't eat their veggies, that a vampire would come at night and suck them dry of their blood. Or, if they didn't obey their parents, a vampire would go and make them a slave. Children would huddle in fright as these stories would get passed around. Finally, children themselves would try and scare other children as a dare.

Hearing footsteps behind him, Xavier turns to see his beautiful Mother standing there. Queen Debra Lopez looked the same as when King Joesph Lopez had turned her some 250 years ago. However, she had never lost her graceful form.

Laying a gentle hand on Xavier's arm, the Queen's lip turns up in a small smile, her voice soft as the rain.

"What is bothering my son this time of night?"

Xavier runs a hand through his black hair.

"I'm not sure, Mother, something is going on, and I can't figure out what. It's causing me to be restless."

Queen Debra nods, her head tilted back as she looks up at her tall, broad-shouldered son.

"Do we need to call the Oracle and see if she can see anything?"

Xavier shakes his head, "whatever it is, I am sure I will figure it out. And maybe it's nothing at all. It could be just my imagination at work."

Queen Debra nods before turning back to go back inside. "If you need something, please tell your Father or me. You know we will help."

Xavier watches his Mother walk away before turning around to look back out into the night. Such a peaceful and lovely night, but his heart was not quiet. Something kept tugging at him, and it was starting to annoy him. Running his large hand through his hair again, Xavier turns to walk about into his room. He would lay down and see if he could sleep; maybe by tomorrow, it'll all have passed, and he could get on with his duties as Crown Prince. Had Xavier known he would regret this decision for the rest of his life, he would have gone out that night.

The following day when Xavier woke up, the lingering feelings from the night before had all but dissipated. Stretching, Chase hurriedly washed up and dressed to eat breakfast with his parents. He loved being able to meet with his parents freely. Xavier knew that most kingdoms didn't run such as this, but since the Shadow Clan was the only one in the United States, they could pretty much run things how they wanted. And King Joseph was pretty lax about things at home. Only when he was sitting on the throne did people fear him.

Xavier bends down to kiss Queen Debra's cheek in the dining room, nodding towards his Father, King Joseph.

Sitting down, Xavier waits for his Mother to take the first bite before he starts to dig in. Just as he was taking a bite, his guard and best friend Raphael walked in, bending over whispers in his ear.

"Your Highness, we found a body lying just inside of the border. It's female. She's barely hanging on to life. Also, she smells like wolves and humans. What would you have us do with her?"

Xavier wipes his mouth with a napkin before standing up bowing slightly towards his parents.

"If you will excuse me, Father and Mother, something requires my attention at the moment."

King Joesph waves his hand. "Do what you need to do, son. Just report to us later."

Xavier nods before walking out the door, his steps quick, turns his head to talk to Raphael.

"How did you find her?"

Raphael reports, " Your Highness, one of the young guards patrolling out along the border and found her. We haven't moved her yet."

Xavier nods as he moves faster. Every time they found a girl, all the males would become excited. Maybe it would be their bond-mate this time. Most of the time, vampires had to make a mate; bond-mates were rare and exceedingly precious.

Reaching the place that Ralpheal had indicated, Xavier saw a tiny form lying there. The body had been so torn up that you could hardly tell if it was female or male. Only because of her womanhood in between her legs could they tell it was a young girl.

Xavier took a deep breath before his heart gave a hard thump, almost making him fall over. Placing his hand over the area, Xavier blinks for a moment before realizing that this poor tiny form was his bond-mate. His anger swirled around like a dark cloud as his voice thunders.

"Cover her! Why are you standing around like a bunch of idiots? Call the Doctor and have him meet us in my room."

Raphael raises his eyebrow slightly at Xavier.

"Are you ok?"

Xavier shakes his head, voice almost in a howl. "Whoever did this almost killed my bond-mate."

Anger swirls in Xavier's sky blue eyes as his fists clench; the words ground out between his clenched teeth.

"Raphael, find out where she came from and report to me immediately."

Raphael bows his head.

"Yes, Your Highness!"

As Xavier picks up the tiny form, he can hear Rapheal barking orders to start a search.

Reaching the castle door, Xavier kicks it open, looking down at the limp form he is carrying.

"I promise I will find out who did this to you. And they won't get away with it."

As Xavier heads up the stairs with his precious cargo, Queen Debra rounds the corner, her gaze falling on the dirty form in Xavier's arm, her kind eyes filling with tears.

"What happened, son?"

Xavier's growl bounces off the walls. "They tried killing my bond-mate." Leaving his Mother behind with her mouth open in surprise before blinking and realizing he had finally found his bond-mate. The Queen turned around to find the King and share the good and bad news.