
The Beginning and End

It was august when it began, the 'it' which I am referring is the one in my shadow. It is always there peering back, watching waiting. Who knows for what it awaits. As I awake, I walk to the bathroom to shower. And as usual I feel my shadow watching me, judging me. The tortuous sensation of being judged.... always, and I am unable to do anything about it. As I turn the water on to begin my shower I feel a tingle down my spine and I know it's laughing I can't hear it but I can feel the laughter an evil laugh. It makes my skin crawl and so before even beginning my shower I step out and examine myself. What I am looking for I am unaware but SOMETHING is wrong I can feel it. As I examine my body starting from my feet and I see nothing wrong until I arrive at my face and my eyes they are black and in an attempt to keep normality I ignore it and I go to school like regular and nothing feels wrong except I know that my irises are the wrong color, and yet no one noticed. And when I arrive home to my apartment, exhausted. I collapse on my bed and sleep.

I awaken to a new day and to my surprise I no longer feel "it" in my shadow. So I go and shower and I check if my irises are still black. Hoping that yesterday was some horrid dream i see that my entire face is far darker than it was.... as dark as a.... "shadow " I whisper as a single black shadowy tear rolls down my cheek. 'No one noticed my eyes yesterday and I don't think they'll notice me today either. ' I think sadly. And so I go to school still hoping this is some kind of dream. As I leave my college and return to my apartment I feel a sense of hollowness. So I drink... 1 shot, 2 shots, 3 shots, 4,5,6,7,8. And then I'm out cold already exhausted from my overwhelming thoughts and emotions.

It's the third day since this shadow started covering me and Exiting my showing I look in the mirror already knowing what I was going to find... shadow down past my collarbone. Today I'm going to stay home from school to try to solve this. I search and I search for hours on end. Looking for something, anything related to what I'm feeling or rather what's taking me over. And I find nothing except one page that says "those covered in shadow will spread their affliction through their takeover and death." Knowing this and that there's nothing I can do to fight this. I admit defeat because I know tomorrow I'll be fully taken over.

"Finally" I whisper "I no longer have to suffer this torment." As I pull my rope out from under my bed with my shadowy hand. I raise the noose up to the ceiling firmly attaching it to a beam. I put the ladder away and stand on a chair with a note on my counter written "I'm sorry I couldn't bear it anymore." I place the rope around my neck and then I drop. My lungs fight for oxygen unsuccessfully my vision fades and I pass away.