

Princess Yasuline has always yearned for adventure but has never left the confines of her castle. That changes when she meets the infamous assassin, the White Reaper, and they become friends. Their timing is perfect as Yasuline can prove herself of becoming an adventurer and explore the world as did her father.

ReSoul · Fantasy
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50 Chs

The Lorna Labyrinth - Guide

Yasuline emerges from the Guild House, with the White Reaper deftly closing the door behind them. He adjusts his cloak to conceal his identity, careful not to draw any unwanted attention. The young woman wastes no time in reminding her companion of their mission. "Alright, now we go find this Labyrinth that those wimps are so scared of and look for those adventurers," she declares with determination.

However, her enthusiasm is short-lived as she suddenly freezes in place, gazing blankly ahead. Luckily, no one happens to be passing by to witness her momentary lapse. Ever the patient one, the White Reaper stood by her for the minute she hesitated. "Umm, so where do we go?" she asks, turning her head towards the White Reaper. It becomes clear that she is expecting him to take charge and lead the way toward their destination. She was wrong.

"No good? Well then..." Her wording starts to grow weaker as she turns her head back to the door she has just passed through. A burst of laughter can be heard inside and her cheeks puffed up again as if the laughs were directed at her. "Nope! We'll just ask someone else about the labyrinth."

Even with the lack of guidance, Yausline's confidence has not wavered. This is her chance to finally experience an adventure of her own. She felt like the Labyrinth was made specifically to be her exclusive challenge to prove to everyone she had the capabilities to become an adventurer as great as the fabled Adventure King. After all, her father became one, so she had the genes of one.

She recalls some basic advice that her father repeated within his stories of some of his early adventures. One such piece of advice highlighted the fact that one should always retrace their steps when there is no guidance. "There will always be paths we take in life and ones we don't."


"Huh? How would I know how you get to the labyrinth?" she asks the weapons salesman, hoping for some kind of lead. But his response was not what she had hoped for. Yasuline's face scrunches up in disappointment, feeling as if she had hit a dead end.

She nervously scratches her cheek, feeling her momentum slipping away. "Really? You don't know?" she asks, hoping he might have some hidden knowledge.

The salesman shakes his head. "Of course not. I just sell the weapons and gear. I'm no adventurer. I can barely work as sturdy as the dwarves from the mountains."

Yasuline sighs, realizing she had been foolish for expecting too much. "Oh, right."

But then the salesman offers a suggestion. "Why not just ask a guardsman? Or another adventurer?"

Yasuline's expression turns sour. "Umm, neither of them is an option to me. Know anyone else?"

After a moment of thought, the salesman's face lights up. "Hmm, maybe. There was a commotion about a girl who managed to fall down into the labyrinth through a hole. Luckily, she managed to land near one of the top bridges of the labyrinth and was rescued by the guards without any trouble."

This piques Yasuline's interest. "Oh? What's her name, where can we find her?"

The salesman shakes his head. "Easy there. I don't have all the answers. But, I do know that the potion maker kid might, I saw them talking a few times. And it didn't seem to be all about business."

Yasuline's face lights up at the prospect of a lead. "Oh? A kid who makes potions? I know him. Right! Off to the potions, my lovely assistant!" she exclaims to the White Reaper, who seems indifferent to his new title and follows her to the next shop.

Thankfully, the child of the potion shop was still waiting for customers standing outside his shop.

"Hello!" Yasuline calls out to him for attention, "So listen, I heard through the grapevine that you happen to know someone who managed to fall into the Labyrinth and managed to escape from it."

The child of the potion shop stood outside, his face contorting into annoyance at the interruption. He seemed to think Yasuline and the White Reaper were there to buy more of his wares, and not just seeking information. Once he realized the true purpose of their visit, he closed his eyes and delved into his memory for the answer they sought.

"Labyrinth. Oh, you mean Anna?"

Yasuline nodded, her eyes shining with eagerness.

"Oh, so Anna is her name?"

The child's tone turned suspicious as if he thought they might have ulterior motives for seeking out this Anna.

"What do you want with her, not trying to marry her off or anything, are ya?"

Yasuline's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Well, that sure came out of left field." Even the White Reaper seemed taken aback by the question.

The child appeared to be embarrassed by his boldness and quickly tried to steer the conversation away from the awkward moment. "L-look, if you don't mean harm to her and her dreams, then I don't mind telling you where you can find her."

Yasuline flashed a smile and gave him a thumbs-up. "Of course! We're on a quest to save someone else's dream and complete mine! It's a double win!"

The young potion maker had provided Yasuline and the White Reaper with information on Anna's whereabouts - the bustling main street during peak hours. But he had also warned them of the dangers of this time, with merchants increasing their prices and competing fiercely for customers' attention. Tensions would be high, and the competition cutthroat.

Yasuline voiced her concern about the crowd's size, and before she knew it, reality hit her hard. The view before her showed that the crowds had multiplied and were moving at an incredible pace. People were pressed tightly together, forming a seemingly impenetrable wall. Despite Yasuline's attempts to squeeze through, it was futile. "Now how are we going to find Anna now!?" she exclaimed in frustration.

The White Reaper caught her attention, gesturing for her to follow him. He led her to an empty space wedged between two buildings, hidden from sight. The area was accessible only through narrow windows and vents, making it a safe haven for anyone needing to hide.

Yasuline looked around and spotted a ladder leaning against the wall, leading up to the roofs. "Nice!" she exclaimed, excited to climb it. The White Reaper had already climbed up and was waiting for her at the top.

From their elevated position, Yasuline could see the main street from a different perspective. The wall of people she had tried to penetrate was now an impenetrable fortress, with no clear view of the road or the merchants. One could see the sprawling city in all its glory. The vibrant colors of the buildings and streets were a sight to behold, with the sun casting warm rays upon them, illuminating their intricate details and designs. The architecture was a mix of modern and classic styles, blending together seamlessly to create a unique and visually stunning skyline.

But what truly made this city special to the princess was its people. Looking down at the bustling streets below, one could see a diverse mix of individuals, each with their own unique story and background. People of different races, skin colors, and ages all moved about the city, going about their daily business. There were young children running and playing, their laughter echoing up to the rooftop. There were elders sitting on benches, enjoying the warm sun and chatting with one another. And everywhere in between were people of all walks of life, going about their day with purpose and determination.

Despite their differences, there was a sense of unity amongst the people of the city. They all shared a love for their home, and a desire to make it a better place. This was evident in the way they interacted with one another, with kindness and respect, regardless of their differences. It was a testament to the incredible ingenuity and creativity of the people who called this place home. "This place is pretty cool," Yasuline remarked, taking in the view. But…

"Get your treasures here, folks!" A voice shouted very closely to Yasuline, but it wasn't coming from down below her. It was to her right.

As Yasuline turned around, she was greeted by the sight of a girl leaning over the edge of the roof, her eyes fixated on something she held tightly in her hand. The girl seemed determined not to drop it as she strained to maintain her grip. Surrounding them, other people could be seen on balconies, windows, and rooftops, all shouting in an attempt to make themselves heard over the cacophony of voices below.

The chaotic scene below was a testament to the hustle and bustle of the city. During the peak hours, the streets were teeming with people, all vying for the attention of the various merchants who had set up shop. With tensions running high and competition fierce, it was not uncommon to see people reaching up to the higher levels of the buildings in an effort to make sales. Some merchants were even able to make transactions this way, with coins being passed down from the customers above.

The girl's voice cut through the noise, her words aimed directly at Yasuline and the White Reaper. "Hey, you two!" she shouted. "This is my spot! If you're going to sell something, pick another roof! Or I'll report you to the Merchant Guild for invading my booth! I'll have your tags taken away before you even make a sale!"

The girl's fiery eyes matched her red hair, which she had pulled back into a ponytail. Her outfit was a mix of a white puffy shirt and leggings, with tall slim boots that reached up to her knees. The boots were a deep brown, matching the color of her leather gloves, which were adorned with extra patches on the inner hand. Her stance was assertive and unwavering, as if she was ready to fight anyone who crossed her.

[Assassin Class Kill, Sleight Hand, has been activated]

Anna's eyes darted between Yasuline and the White Reaper as they approached her makeshift stall in the bustling marketplace. Yasuline couldn't help but notice the way Anna's hand was clutched tightly around something in her other hand.

As they drew closer, Anna's gaze locked onto Yasuline's. Despite this, Anna was quick to react to the opportunity to make a sale, and she instinctively crouched down to grab the coins that had been offered to her. She quickly placed whatever she had been holding into her pocket before the customer could even react.

"Hey!? What the hell is this!?" the customer shouted, clearly dissatisfied with the transaction.

"All sales are final pal!" Anna shouted back, still keeping her eyes fixed on Yasuline and the White Reaper.

Yasuline stepped forward, hoping to explain their presence. "We're not selling anything. We're looking for someone named Anna."

Anna's expression shifted as she realized they were looking for her. "That'd be me, what do you want?" she asked.

But before Yasuline could answer, Anna's expression changed again. "Wait, it's you two lovebirds. The one who bought the mansion key, right? Sorry, pinkie, but all sales are final."

"My name isn't pinky!" Yasuline retorted, feeling a bit frustrated.

Anna brushed off Yasuline's annoyance and continued on, "Well then tell me your names, you never even introduced yourselves."

Yasuline hesitated for a moment before responding. "Oh right, my name is Yasuline."

"Yasuline, like the princess? Your parents sure went for it, huh?" Anna chuckled, seemingly amused by Yasuline's name. She then turned her attention to the White Reaper, "Okay, what about him?"

Yasuline watched as the White Reaper remained silent, seemingly uncomfortable with the question. She realized that she had never actually asked him his name before. She had only referred to him as the White Reaper, but that wasn't a name she could simply give him either. "He's…"

[Psychic Magic Skill: Mind Implant, has been activated.]

[Description: The user can implant a memory, image, word, or fact inside the mind of another being of their choosing.]

She couldn't think of any moment. And it was doubtful that he would suddenly be speaking up for himself for a change. She just accepted that fact. But then an idea hit her head. Not really an idea, but the number zero came to mind.


"Zero huh?"As she repeated the name, she looked over to see that the White Reaper had just removed his hand from his face. Still having the hood cover a good portion of his face, Anna let out an exasperated sigh as she looked at Yasuline and the White Reaper. "Okay then. So, Yasuline and Zero. If you two aren't here for a refund, then what the heck do you want? I'm in the middle of making my rounds for the day!"

Yasuline took a deep breath before responding, hoping to convince Anna to help them. "Well, we heard about how you found a hole and fell into the Labyrinth. We were hoping you would show us the way to the labyrinth."

"Huh? You WANT to go into the labyrinth!?" Anna exclaimed, clearly surprised by their request. "You two sure are a couple of oddballs."

Yasuline could see the doubt in Anna's eyes, so she quickly tried to explain their motives. "But we need to explore the labyrinth to find someone, maybe more than one! And also prove to the adventurers that I am more than capable of being one."

Anna rolled her eyes at Yasuline's response, clearly annoyed with her determination. "Yeah," she said, giving Yasuline an annoyed expression, "how about you don't endanger yourself due to peer pressure. But, if someone is in trouble, I guess I can at least show you the way to it. But that's all! I'm not trying to fall in again!"

Yasuline let out a relieved sigh, happy that Anna was willing to help them out. She gave Anna a strong thumbs-up, pleased with her answer. The White Reaper mimicked her approval expression, silently showing his agreement.

"You got it!" Yasuline exclaimed, feeling grateful for Anna's willingness to help them out. She knew that they were taking a risk by entering the Labyrinth, but she was determined to find the person they were looking for. She just hoped that they would be able to make it out alive. And prove her worth.