

Princess Yasuline has always yearned for adventure but has never left the confines of her castle. That changes when she meets the infamous assassin, the White Reaper, and they become friends. Their timing is perfect as Yasuline can prove herself of becoming an adventurer and explore the world as did her father.

ReSoul · Fantasy
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50 Chs

The Hellfire Gang - Meetup

Yasuline felt a gentle tap on her shoulder, drawing her attention back to the present. "Hmm? What's up?" she inquired, turning to face the White Reaper. He gestured for her to listen, a sense of urgency etched upon his features. Curious, she strained her ears, expecting to hear the familiar sound of his boots resonating against the stone floor or the rats. But there was only silence, an unnerving void that engulfed the abyss. An eerie stillness that seemed to stretch infinitely through the abyss. Yasuline's brow furrowed in confusion. "Is something up? I don't hear anything." she pondered aloud, her voice laced with a mix of concern and confusion.

He nods.

Now, all that lingered was the disquieting hush of the abyss, enveloping them like a suffocating blanket. Yasuline longed for the grating squeals and hisses of the rats, desperate for any sound to break the oppressive silence. To distract herself, she surveyed their surroundings, her eyes scanning for any subtle signs or alternative paths that could lead them closer to their objective.

"This abyss feels insurmountable," she grumbled, frustration tainting her words as she struggled to decipher their next move. Despite making educated guesses and following certain paths, they found themselves circling back to familiar ground, trapped in an endless loop. However, this time, there were no rats chasing them, calming Yasuline's growing unease. But she had this nagging feeling as though they were on the cusp of encountering something far more sinister than the dire rats.

Just as Yasuline's anxiety reached its peak, a faint sound reached their ears, causing them both to freeze in their tracks. Murmurs, barely audible yet distinct, reverberated through the abyss. The distant voices were a lifeline amidst the suffocating silence, awakening a glimmer of hope within them. Yasuline and the White Reaper shared a solemn glance, understanding that these murmurs could hold the key to their progress.

After a moment of focusing their senses, Yasuline and the White Reaper were able to discern the direction from which the murmurs emanated. The whispers drew them downwards, deeper into the heart of the abyss. Despite her hesitations, Yasuline assured her companion that they should follow the elusive voices, trusting that they held the answers they sought.

With each descending step, the air grew heavy, as if laden with secrets and unseen forces. The absence of light compelled the White Reaper to enhance the illumination of his coat's blue flames, casting a dim glow that revealed only the immediate vicinity—the bridges they were about to traverse. The abyss swallowed everything else in an inky void, leaving Yasuline with a sense of disorientation and vulnerability.

As they pressed on, the voices grew louder, a cacophony of indistinct words that reverberated through the vast expanse of the abyss. The sheer openness of the space distorted the clarity of the voices, making it difficult for Yasuline to discern their meaning. Nonetheless, the allure of uncovering the source of these voices compelled them to press forward, driven by a sense of curiosity and a desire to make progress.

The labyrinth was meant to be inhabited solely by the adventurers they initially sought. It should have been a straightforward task to locate them here. However, the prospect of reaching them presented a challenge. Their only means of descent was by jumping down into the depths, but that would leave them without a way to ascend back up. The White Reaper's abilities offered some reassurance, but Yasuline couldn't help but question the potential hostility they might face upon discovery. Would she be forced to engage in battle with her fellow adventurers, just as she did with the dire rats? The thought unsettled her, yet if push came to shove, she would stand by the White Reaper's side, grateful for his unwavering support. The strength of her grip on him intensified, a subconscious display of her determination.

Taking another step down, the voices suddenly crystallized into distinct utterances. Their words, now discernible, stirred a mix of anticipation and trepidation within Yasuline's heart.

In the depths of the abyss, amidst the shadows and whispers, a pair of daemons engaged in a heated exchange of gossip. Their voices dripped with a wicked delight as they reveled in the tales of their fellow underworld inhabitants. Their conversation, a blend of humor and darkness, would send shivers down the spine of any mortal who dared eavesdrop.

"Did you hear about Beelzebub's failed attempt at summoning a soul from the mortal realm? Apparently, he ended up with a sheep instead!"

A chuckle can be heard, "Oh, the poor fool! I can only imagine the look on his face when he realized his mistake. I hope he at least got a decent meal out of it!"

"And let's not forget about Lilith's latest romantic escapade. She seduced a high-ranking noble, only to steal his wife and leave him stranded in Lunaria with nothing to protect himself with!"

A wicked laugh follows, "Lilith always did have a hate for marriages, doesn't she?. I bet the neightbors are still scratching their heads, wondering what happened to them."

"Oh, and have you heard the latest about Asmodeus? He challenged a mortal to a game of riddles and ended up losing his own name in the process! Now he's stuck answering to "Hey, you!" in the mortal realm.

One bursts into laughter, "That's rich! Asmodeus, the great trickster, outwitted by a mere mortal. I can only imagine the humiliation he must feel every time someone calls him "Hey, you!"

Their dark amusement echoed through the abyss, their mischievous whispers fueling the air with a wicked energy. The daemons reveled in the tales of their comrades' misfortunes, finding amusement in the unpredictable twists and turns of demonic existence. To them, these stories were a form of entertainment, a diversion from the eternal darkness that surrounded them.

As their bickering continued, they shared more tales of humorous mishaps and devious tricks played by their kind. Their laughter mingled with the shadows, adding another layer of macabre ambiance to the depths of the abyss. For the daemons, such gossip was a way to pass the time and revel in the darkness that defined their existence.

Yasuline and the White Reaper settle on a bridge hovering over where the daemons have occupied. "Daemons." She whispers harshly. Instantly recognizing them. She leans closer with her head sticking out of the side of the bridge, "What could they be doing down here? And why are there a lot of them?"

Many questions swirl inside her head. But she knew she couldn't just blatantly ask them. They were dangerous. For now, she would have to take a note from the way the White Reaper does his thing and merely watch quietly.

In the dimly lit abyss, the mischievous daemons, their red skin aglow with an otherworldly hue, continued their casual banter. Their scale-like armoring shimmered in the faint light from torches they have, adding an intimidating aura to their formidable physiques. They seemed to revel in their demonic nature, displaying their muscular forms without restraint.

Their yellow eyes gleamed with an unsettling intensity, piercing through the darkness with an almost supernatural radiance. It was as if the very essence of their wicked souls manifested in their gaze, full of mischief and cunning.

As they toyed with one another, their agile movements revealed the small belts adorning their legs and limbs. These belts, adorned with blades of various shapes and sizes, spoke volumes about their penchant for both mischief and combat. The blades, glinting in the dim light, were a testament to their readiness for any unexpected encounter that might come their way.

Their interactions were a blend of camaraderie and playful taunting. They would nimbly dodge each other's swipes, testing their reflexes and agility, their laughter filling the air like a haunting melody. With each quick movement, their blades danced in the air, a testament to their mastery over these deadly tools.

The daemons reveled in their devilish nature, finding amusement in their own sly tricks and subtle pranks. Their interactions were a testament to their affinity for chaos and their wicked sense of humor, as they teased and tested each other in their timeless existence.

Amidst the abyss, the red-skinned daemons continued their playful banter, their eyes glowing like fiery embers, and their blades ready to strike at a moment's notice.

"12, I think those two are new. So 14. Umm, did I already count those corkscrew head? Is that 15? But he is talking to a group, he keeps moving his head. And so are others. Man, just how many are there?"

The daemons, their red-skinned bodies exuding an air of malevolence, gathered around the imprisoned adventurers with sadistic grins on their faces. Their yellow eyes gleamed with a sinister light as they reveled in the prospect of tormenting their captives. Torches follow their sights and Yasuline can just make out bars that form a cage of some king. They seemed fairly too large for anything small like a dire rat.

One daemon stepped forward, his voice laced with cruelty. "Quit you whining, humans. We have gathered you here for our amusement. You thought you could sneak up on us? How amusing." He sneered, baring his sharp teeth.

"Wait, humans?" Yasuline leans even further off the bridge. The White Reaper was forced to assist by grabbing her to keep her from falling off.

Another daemon chimed in, his voice dripping with mockery as he kicks the bars and his sharp toe claws attempt to scratch at them "Oh, yes. We've heard tales of those heroic exploits that adventurers are so devoted to. But let us make it clear, your bravery means nothing here. We are the masters of this domain, and you are nothing more than mere playthings for our amusement."

As the adventurers exchanged worried glances, the daemons continued to taunt them, their voices filled with sadistic glee. "You see, we have a game in mind. A game of survival, if you will. We will hunt you down one by one, relishing in your screams and pleas for mercy. And when we finally catch you, oh, the torment we shall unleash upon you!"

The adventurers' hearts sank, realizing the gravity of their situation. They shiver the cold wind of fear that blew over them. The daemons reveled in their fear, knowing that they held complete control over their lives. The captives were deprived of food and given only a taste of water, further fueling their desperation and will to escape.

With wicked laughter, the daemons leave the adventurers to contemplate their grim fate. The air grew heavy with a sense of impending doom as the captives braced themselves for the harrowing trials that awaited them at the hands of their merciless captors.

At this point, Yasuline was more off the bridge than she really should be. Only having her footing on the stones with just the sole of her boot and the White Reaper acting like a anchor. She was flailing about at the shock of seeing the daemons having captured people. Let alone being adventurers.

The daemons' voices echoed through the cavernous chamber, their sinister tones intermingling with anticipation and malicious intent. Their red-scaled bodies glimmered in the dim light, the armor-like plates emphasizing their imposing figures. Yellow eyes gleamed with wickedness as they discussed their nefarious plans.

"When will the signal come?" one daemon growled impatiently, its voice laced with irritation. "We've been waiting here for days, ever since Lord Apophis ordered our assembly after the failed assassination."

The large daemon nodded in agreement, its formidable presence commanding attention. "It should be soon. Apophis must have the target in his possession by now."

Curiosity and impatience filled the air as another daemon pushed its way through the others, urgently making its way to the center pillar where their leader stood. The frantic daemon's voice trembled with excitement as it spoke, its words hanging in the tense silence.

"The Knights! They have entered the labyrinth just now!"

The daemons' eyes widened in surprise and concern. "The Knights? Have they discovered our plans?" one of them whispered anxiously.

The chilling notion hung in the air as they contemplated the implications. The thought of the Knights venturing all the way down to their dark domain unsettled them. After all, even the captured adventurers had been forcibly dragged into the abyss.

The large daemon's voice boomed, silencing the growing unease. "It matters not if the Knights are here. It means fewer obstacles in the castle to hinder our ascent to power."

A murmur of agreement rippled through the daemons, their confidence returning. But a voice dared to voice a concern that lingered in the shadows of their thoughts.

"But the Knights won't be affected by Apophis' spell," one daemon mused, its voice tinged with caution. "They may pose a threat to our dominion."

A wicked grin twisted the lips of another daemon, its sadistic amusement filling the space. "That just means we can have some fun with them before we take control."

Laughter, sinister and haunting, filled the chamber, as if it belonged to a macabre symphony of malevolence. The suggestion of consuming their enemies alive sent shivers down the spines of those who heard it.

"No!" Yasuline's voice erupted, breaking through the darkness like a thunderclap. All eyes turned to the defiant princess, her features etched with rage and determination. Fear had no place in her heart, only a deep-rooted dislike for the daemons' bloodlust.

"How dare you casually plot the murder of my parents?" she shouted, her voice carrying the weight of her righteous fury. "Their lives hold meaning and value beyond your twisted realm!"

The daemons, momentarily stunned by her audacity, glared at Yasuline with a mix of surprise and contempt. But she stood her ground, unyielding in the face of their malevolence. Her resolve burned like a fierce flame, illuminating the darkness that enveloped them.

Undeterred by their malicious gazes, Yasuline prepared herself for the battles to come. The daemons' sinister plans may have caused her heart to ache, but she was determined to protect her loved ones and vanquish the darkness that threatened her kingdom. With every ounce of strength and bravery, she steeled herself for the battles that lay ahead, ready to face the daemons and reclaim her rightful place.