

Princess Yasuline has always yearned for adventure but has never left the confines of her castle. That changes when she meets the infamous assassin, the White Reaper, and they become friends. Their timing is perfect as Yasuline can prove herself of becoming an adventurer and explore the world as did her father.

ReSoul · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Battle of Lumines: Invitation

Crossing the threshold of the castle interior, Yasuline found herself immersed in an unsettling tableau. The grand hall, once a place of regal splendor, now lay in disarray. The doors to the chambers have been broken, enforcing them to reveal the interior to anyone that passes by now. The silence was deafening, broken only by the soft rustle of dust particles disturbed by their presence.

The room seemed frozen in time, frozen in the grip of some malevolent force. The air hung heavy with a sense of desolation, each step they took sending ripples through the thick layer of neglect that clung to the hall's every corner. It was as if the very essence of life had been drained from the space, leaving behind only a lingering echo of past grandeur.

Tattered banners drooped listlessly from their poles, their once-vibrant colors faded to muted shades of gray. Frayed tapestries whispered ancient tales, their threads unraveled and ravaged by time. The grandeur of the hall had been eroded by neglect, its former glory now but a distant memory.

The room was cast in a perpetual purple, with feeble rays of light piercing through the high, stained-glass windows. The shards of illumination danced upon the cracked marble floor, casting eerie shadows that seemed to writhe and contort with a life of their own.

As Yasuline moved deeper into the Grand Hall, the weight of the darkness grew more oppressive. It pressed against her, squeezing her chest, making each breath a struggle. The very atmosphere seemed to conspire against her, as if the hall itself held secrets and malevolent intent.

Yet, her determination remained unwavering. She clenched her teeth, her grip tightening around the runeblade. The faint glimmer of hope ignited within her, driving her forward in the face of uncertainty. The princess was determined to unravel the mysteries that lay within this forsaken hall, no matter the cost.

In the dim light, the figures' features slowly emerged from the shadows. The man in worn armor stood tall and proud, his weathered face etched with lines of hardship and wisdom. His eyes, weary yet resolute, bore into Yasuline's, as if peering into the depths of her soul. The other figure, cloaked in a tattered robe, exuded an aura of mystery and power, his presence commanding attention.

Their voices, hushed and laden with urgency, faded into silence as Yasuline approached. The weight of their gaze settled upon her, an unspoken question hanging in the air. She could sense the tension between them, the unspoken conflict that had brought them to this forsaken hall.

Curiosity mingled with caution within Yasuline's heart. She had come so far, faced countless trials, and now she stood on the precipice of discovery. The princess steeled herself, her grip on the runeblade tightening further, as if drawing strength from the ancient weapon.

"Ah, welcome Princess Yasuline. So pleased you could find the time to meet me here. Let's get to introductions, shall we? I am known as Apophis." The words hung in the air, his tone dripping with a calculated charm that sent a shiver down Yasuline's spine.

Undeterred, Yasuline approached the enigmatic figure with measured steps, her determination overshadowing the unease that gnawed at her. Each footfall echoed through the chamber, a reminder of her presence in this forgotten realm. Her heart, though racing, resonated with a resolute beat, a reflection of her unwavering resolve.

"And I believe you might know my friend here." His words carried a tone that hinted at concealed amusement, a facade thinly veiling his intentions.

As she drew nearer, the intensity of their gazes held her captive, skepticism and curiosity intermingling in their eyes. Yasuline's mind raced, a whirlwind of questions and instincts vying for her attention, all against the backdrop of a room that seemed to hold more secrets than it revealed. And then, the truth began to unravel before her, a revelation long sought.

"Dad?" Her voice was a mere whisper, laden with disbelief and confusion, as she confronted the figure before her. Her eyes widened in a mix of shock and realization, her heart aching at the sight—her father's countenance twisted by a malevolence that rendered him unrecognizable. A tidal wave of emotions surged through her—a sense of betrayal, a wellspring of sorrow, and a glimmer of hope struggling to endure amidst the darkness. In his eyes, she saw a void, an absence of the love and warmth that had once defined him.

She stood, her internal struggle mirrored in her gaze, a fierce battle between what she wished to see and the brutal reality she was forced to accept. This man, this figure that bore her father's form, was a specter of his former self, a haunting embodiment of the shadows that now threatened to consume them all.

Status Check: approved. Aldric, King of Lumines, is currently under the Sorcerer Magic Skills, Puppet Strings and Mind Drain.

Description for Puppet Strings: A magic skill that focuses on controlling the body of a target The weaker the target, the more effective the skill is. Can be categorized as a Dark Skill

Description for Mind Drain: A magic skill that focuses on the mentality of a target when consuming energy from them. Causes great mind fatigue and victims feel drowsy and remain in a dream-like state during the action. Can be categorized as a Psychic Skill.

The man who had identified himself as Apophis chuckled, his voice dripping with twisted satisfaction. "Ah, yes, princess. Surprised to see your dear father in such a compromising position? It seems my little mind manipulation has worked wonders.

A surge of anger blazed within Yasuline, fanning the flames of her determination to unveil the truth shrouding her father's enigmatic transformation. Her fists clenched, knuckles paling as she grappled with the tumultuous blend of emotions threatening to engulf her. "Unhand my father, you abomination! Reverse whatever vile enchantment you've ensnared him with!"

Apophis's chuckle, like the sinister hiss of a serpent, echoed throughout the chamber, its chilling resonance a stark contrast to Yasuline's fervor. "Ah, my dear princess, why would I relinquish my most prized possession? Your father is naught but a vessel, a marionette dancing to my symphony. There is no escape from the vice grip of my dominion." His words slithered through the air, a venomous reminder of the cruel power he wielded over her family.

As he spoke, the hooded Apophis shifted once more, revealing a face that sent a shiver down Yasuline's spine. His figure, a grotesque amalgamation of human and serpentine form. Despite his humanoid face, there was an undeniable daemon-like aura that emanated from him. His body was elongated, sinewy, and eerily devoid of any lower limbs. Instead, a long, slender tail coiled on the floor behind him, its scales shimmering in the dim light of the chamber.

As the lighting shifted, Yasuline's gaze traced the length of his body, her eyes widening in astonishment. The absence of legs only accentuated the unnaturalness of his appearance. How could a creature stand on such a serpentine frame? It defied the laws of nature, instilling a sense of unease within her.

Apophis's arms hung at his sides, bony and skeletal, yet ending in sharp, menacing claws. His scarlet scales glistened ominously, reflecting the flickering shadows that danced across the walls. Each scale seemed to possess a life of its own, as if whispering secrets and malevolent intentions to the air.

The daemon's face bore the traces of his duality, a haunting combination of human and serpent features. His eyes gleamed with an otherworldly crimson hue, glinting with a maleficent intelligence. Horns adorned his head, curving backward like twisted branches, further emphasizing his demonic nature. His visage was a testament to the unholy fusion of two disparate worlds, a chilling reminder of the darkness that dwelled within.

Yasuline couldn't tear her gaze away from Apophis, her instincts recoiling from his unsettling presence. His appearance alone was enough to send shivers down her spine, a visual manifestation of the twisted power he wielded. It was a constant reminder that she stood face-to-face with an entity that defied comprehension—a creature born from the darkest recesses of existence, a daemon of unfathomable depths.

The atmosphere in the room grew suffocating, a thick aura of malevolence hanging heavy in the air. Shadows seemed to writhe and twist, lending an otherworldly quality to the scene. Yasuline's mind raced, seeking a way to break free from this nightmarish web that had ensnared her loved ones.

Apophis's voice slithered through the air, its tone dripping with smug confidence. The audacity of his words echoed in the grand hall, reaching the ears of Yasuline like a venomous serpent's hiss. His proclamation sent a chill down her spine, mingled with a surge of anger that fueled her resolve.

The daemon's crimson gaze fixated upon Yasuline, a sinister spark dancing within the depths of his eyes. A wicked grin curved his lips, baring predatory fangs that gleamed malevolently. His voice dripped with nefarious intent as he continued his ominous proclamation.

"Our schemes are in motion, princess," Apophis hissed, his words laced with a cruel and cunning undertone. "Your father, the king, shall willingly surrender his realm to us daemons, or he shall bear witness to its ruin. Once his kingdom falls into our grasp, the might of the Hellfire Gang shall be revitalized, and our ambitions shall flourish anew. Your cooperation in this matter, my dear, would be most... satisfying."

The audacity of his proposal lingered in the air like a poisonous fog, threatening to suffocate the very essence of the kingdom Yasuline held close to her heart. Her spirit blazed with an indomitable defiance, her narrowed eyes a testament to her unyielding determination in the face of this malevolent intruder. She was resolute in preserving her father's legacy from the tarnish of Apophis's wicked machinations.

A heavy silence settled, charged with tension, as Yasuline stood unwavering. Her voice, carrying the fervor of a warrior's resolve, remained steady as she addressed the daemon.

With unwavering conviction, she advanced, her gaze unwavering upon her father's twisted form. "Hey, you won't be wrecking everything I cherish. I'm gonna rescue my dad from your grip, even if I gotta dive into that super dark pit you crawled out of!"

As those words left her lips, an empowering surge coursed through her veins. Her grasp on the runeblade tightened, its arcane energies harmonizing with her determination. Shoulders squared, her eyes ablaze with fierce determination, Yasuline stood as a beacon of defiance. She would not allow darkness to engulf her family or her realm; she would battle until her final breath, guided by the unrelenting flame of hope burning within her.

Yasuline's heart plummeted as her father stood unwavering before her, his presence both a shield and a barricade. Her gaze bore into him, desperately searching his countenance for any trace of falsehood or illusion. Yet, the lines of fatigue etched on his face and the unwavering determination in his eyes confirmed the painful reality.

"Father?" Her voice trembled, a fragile mixture of disbelief and desperation. Her hand extended hesitantly, fingers quivering as if hoping to brush away the nightmare that had taken hold. But her father remained resolute, his focus locked onto Apophis with an unyielding determination.

Apophis, relishing the havoc he had sown, unleashed a chilling laughter that seemed to reverberate through the grand chamber. The sound sent icy tendrils down Yasuline's spine, stoking the flames of her anger and strengthening her resolve.

"Oh, how deliciously intriguing," Apophis taunted, his words dripping with cruel amusement. "A formidable warrior, your father, a force to be reckoned with. The only worthy adversary being the champion himself. Quite the predicament, I must admit. He almost posed a threat, much to my concern. But alas, the champion is no longer a concern, all thanks to your actions, dear princess."

Each syllable struck Yasuline like a blade to the core, the weight of her decisions heavy upon her shoulders. The consequences of her choices, laid bare in this moment, stung with a bitter remorse. It was a stark reminder that she could not save everyone, that sacrifices, though agonizing, were at times essential for the greater good.

A surge of anger ignited within Yasuline, fueled by her unwavering love for her father and her unyielding determination to safeguard her realm. Her fists clenched, her eyes ablaze with newfound determination.

Yasuline's heart raced as she desperately searched for a way out of the situation. She couldn't bear the thought of her own father being controlled by the likes of Apophis, a member of the Hellfire Gang. The sight of her father reaching for his sword made her feel sick to her stomach. She couldn't let this happen, but she also couldn't harm her own father.

As she scanned the room, her eyes caught sight of the White Reaper's absence. Fear gripped her as she wondered what he could be planning. Was he going to betray her too? But then a glimmer of hope sparked in her heart as she realized that he might be working on a way to save them all.

Seeking to maintain her poise, Yasuline eased her posture and exhaled a steadying breath. Apophis appeared momentarily taken aback by her sudden shift in demeanor. "Hm, surrendering without a fight. How disappointingly anticlimactic. I had anticipated a more spirited performance," he jeered.

Yasuline clenched her jaw, determined not to grant Apophis the satisfaction of her emotional reaction. "Pfft, Apophis, you're totally giving yourself too much credit with those sneaky tricks. You seriously think I'd fall for your nasty games? Get ready to be seriously surprised." she retorted, her words laced with a potent mixture of scorn and defiance.

Apophis's gaze sharpened, a glint of surprise flickering in his eyes as Yasuline's unwavering resistance struck a nerve. "Ah, a glimmer of resistance amidst the shadows," he mused, his tone dripping with a perverse amusement. "But remember this, princess: your defiance is a mere flicker, destined to be extinguished in the abyss of chaos and suffering."

Undeterred, Yasuline held her stance, her gaze locked unflinchingly with Apophis's malevolent stare. She would not waver in the face of his taunts, nor would she allow him to revel in her turmoil. Deep within her core, a fierce determination blazed, fueled by her love for her father, her unwavering loyalty to her kingdom, and her unyielding resolve to stand against the encroaching darkness.

In this pivotal juncture, Yasuline fully embraced her role as a warrior princess, ready to confront the impending trials. With an unshakable spirit and a heart brimming with courage, she steeled herself to confront her father, outwit Apophis's machinations, and wrest their lives from the clutches of malevolence. The battle was only beginning, and she was prepared to fight with every ounce of her being to safeguard all that she held dear.

But before she could do anything else, a sharp snap cut through the air, freezing Yasuline in her tracks. Her heart sank as she watched her father begin to move, his arm crossing his belly as he unsheathed his greatsword. The metallic rasp of the blade sliding from its scabbard reverberated through the chamber, a chilling sound that echoed her despair. Her father, the king, was being controlled by the enemy, and she couldn't do anything to stop it.

Yasuline's heart thudded painfully in her chest as she struggled to come up with a plan. The situation was far more dire than she had anticipated. She had just taken down Caliber, but her own father was another matter entirely. The weight of the moment pressed upon her, threatening to overwhelm her resolve.

As Yasuline watched her father unsheathe his sword, a mixture of dread and awe washed over her. The glint of steel in his hand mirrored the glimmer in his eyes, hinting at a lifetime of honed skill and battles fought. The way he handled the weapon with a fluidity born of countless hours of practice sent a shiver down her spine. It was a bittersweet realization to witness her father's mastery of the blade, juxtaposed with the knowledge that it was now turned against her.

With each calculated step forward, her father transformed into a figure of both elegance and danger. His movements, once filled with warmth and love, now exuded a cold determination that chilled her to the core. It was a dance of swords, a confrontation neither of them had ever imagined. The familiarity of his techniques, the grace with which he shifted his stance, betrayed the truth that this was not a mere puppet under Apophis' control. No, this was her father, a warrior king consumed by darkness but still bearing the mark of his former self.

The chamber crackled with an electric intensity, the air heavy with conflicting emotions. Yasuline's eyes darted back and forth, analyzing her father's every move, searching for an opening, a weakness. She knew she had to be ready to strike with her runeblade at a moment's notice, even if it meant confronting the unimaginable. The weight of responsibility settled upon her shoulders, a burden she could not afford to falter under. The room seemed to shrink around them, suffocating her with the gravity of the impending battle. Fear clawed at her insides, threatening to undermine her resolve, but she clung to the flicker of determination that still burned within her. She would face this test of loyalty and love head-on, hoping against hope that she could somehow reach the heart of the man she once knew as her father.

But suddenly, her attention is drawn to a familiar blue glow, and she turns to see the White Reaper's coat burning brightly with flames. The light emanating from his coat illuminates the entire room, casting shadows on the walls and highlighting every detail of the scene before them.

Apophis, too, is taken aback by the sudden appearance of the legendary White Reaper. Fear and awe flicker across his face as he turns to face the figure in the coat. "The White Reaper? So the rumors were true," he stammers. "You really are here, out of all times!"

Apophis's heart pounds in his chest, his breath quickens, and beads of sweat form on his brow as the White Reaper steps forward, his eyes glowing with an otherworldly intensity. The very presence of this enigmatic figure sends waves of terror crashing over Apophis, threatening to consume him whole.

Every instinct in Apophis's being screams at him to flee, to escape the impending doom that seems to loom ever closer. But he knows he cannot show weakness in the face of such a formidable opponent. He tries to steel himself, summoning every ounce of courage he can muster, but his trembling hands and quivering voice betray his true state of panic.

The king, still under Apophis's control, senses the fear radiating from his master. His eyes widen with simulated terror, mirroring the apprehension that grips his puppeted form. The mind-controlled king's body tenses, his muscles coiled like a spring ready to snap, caught in the illusion of fear conjured by the White Reaper's presence.

Apophis fights a desperate internal battle, his mind frantically searching for a way to resist the paralyzing terror. He clenches his fists, grits his teeth, and takes a shaky step forward, determined to face his fear head-on. But deep down, he knows that the confrontation with the White Reaper will test the limits of his resolve and push him to the brink of his sanity.

In the midst of the chaos and panic, a chilling silence descends upon the room. The air crackles with anticipation, as if the very fabric of reality holds its breath, waiting for the clash of powers that is about to unfold. The stage is set, and the battle between light and darkness, fear and courage, is on the cusp of eruption.

As Yasuline's gaze locks onto the White Reaper, her heart skips a beat, but this time with a surge of relief. The weight of the world seems to lift from her shoulders as she realizes that she is not alone in this daunting battle against Apophis. A glimmer of hope ignites within her, fueling her determination to face this formidable foe head-on. She watches as the White Reaper steps forward, his presence radiating strength and reassurance. In that moment, Yasuline feels a renewed sense of courage surging through her veins, knowing that together they will stand against the darkness, united in their fight against the forces of evil.

Apophis' voice wavers with a mixture of anger and desperation as he struggles to regain control of the situation. His words echo through the grand hall, filled with resentment and a desire for revenge. The air crackles with tension as the White Reaper maintains his stoic silence, his gaze fixed upon Apophis with unwavering focus.

Yasuline watches the scene unfold before her, a knot tightening in her stomach. The confrontation between the two powerful figures sends a chill down her spine, and she can't help but feel a surge of anticipation mingled with fear. The flickering blue light dances upon the contours of Apophis' face, emphasizing his snakelike features and amplifying the menace that radiates from him.

Apophis clenches his claws, the veins in his temples pulsating with the intensity of his emotions. His frustration and resentment fuel his determination, but there's a glimmer of panic in his eyes, a flicker of doubt that he fights to suppress. The realization that the White Reaper had been undermining him all along shakes his confidence to the core, leaving him teetering on the precipice of his own fears.

As Apophis hisses with venomous resentment, the White Reaper's calm demeanor only seems to intensify his agitation. The hooded figure's silence feels like a calculated provocation, a deliberate reminder of the power and skill that lies within him. It's as if the White Reaper revels in the chaos he has sown, a master puppeteer pulling the strings from the shadows.

Yasuline noticed that the White Reaper held in his hands a unique sight, a rolled-up chain and a dagger from the maid from before in his other hand. Together, it looked like a hastily crafted yet strikingly effective weapon. This ingenious dagger with a chain attachment defies convention, embodying both utility and lethality in its design. As if a blend of desperation and ingenuity gave birth to its form.

Fashioned from hardened steel that bears the marks of hurried craftsmanship, the dagger's blade possesses a cold, silvery sheen. Its edge, while not as refined as traditional weapons, is jagged and keen, ready to pierce through armor and flesh alike. The handle, wrapped in worn leather for grip, seamlessly merges into a length of thick, weathered chain.

Yasuline grips her runeblade tighter. She knows that this battle will be unlike anything she has faced before. The clash of wills between the White Reaper and Apophis, the embodiment of darkness and destruction, hangs in the air, threatening to consume everything in its path. And in that moment, Yasuline understands the weight of their roles in this dangerous dance, where the fate of their home hangs in the balance.

Apophis, his voice laced with a mix of anger and desperation, contemplates his next move aloud. "If I eliminate both of you here and now, I can still salvage what remains of my original plan," he sneers, his eyes darting between Yasuline and the White Reaper. "The king shall deal with you, princess, and I shall handle the Reaper myself. I will rip out your heart and prove to the world that I am Death Incarnate!"