

Princess Yasuline has always yearned for adventure but has never left the confines of her castle. That changes when she meets the infamous assassin, the White Reaper, and they become friends. Their timing is perfect as Yasuline can prove herself of becoming an adventurer and explore the world as did her father.

ReSoul · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Battle for the Castle: Caliber

As the White Reaper and Yasuline pressed on in their search for the King and Queen, they hurried through the castle's dark and silent corridors, their footsteps resonating with an eerie echo. Yasuline couldn't shake off the growing unease she felt as they passed closed doors and shadowy corners, wondering what secrets might be concealed within. The musty air and the faint creaking of old wood that she had been used to only added to her sense of foreboding.

After ensuring the safety of the maids by securing them in a vacant room, Yasuline couldn't ignore the nagging feeling that something was amiss. She pondered the possibility that the maids had been affected by the castle's strange events, her mind racing through various conjectures. Were they under a spell? Or were they being controlled by an external force?

Continuing down the hallway, the White Reaper abruptly halted, raising his hand as a signal for Yasuline to stop. Holding her breath, Yasuline focused her senses, detecting a faint metallic rhythm in the distance. Her heart pounded as she conjured up images of lurking dangers.

Just as she was about to guide the White Reaper into one of the rooms for safety, he vanished from sight, leaving Yasuline alone in the dark corridor. She muttered to herself, "Reliable, but still annoying," attempting to steady her racing heart.

Suddenly, Caliber emerged from around the curve of the hall, his echoing footsteps drawing Yasuline's attention. Suppressing a groan that almost escaped her lips out of habit, she forced a mild smile while discreetly concealing the runeblade behind her back. She wondered if Caliber could perceive her unease or if he remained oblivious to the looming peril within the castle.

"Princess?" He says in a quiet shock. For once in her life, she is actually relieved to see the champion. If there was those that might have the answers to what is going on, it would be him.

"Princess! It's great to see you are unharmed!"

"It's actually good to see you too. How's my parents? Are they safe?"

"Your mother is unharmed and secured in the secret area. As for your father, I am still on the lookout for him."

"My father is missing? Then we better start looking, now!"

"Wait princess!"

The princess would not hear it. Her father is her top priority at this moment. "White Reaper, go and see if you can find my dad ahead of us." She would harshly whisper ahead of her, hoping the message would reach to the intended receiver.

A flicker of blue seemed to answer her. Leaving the two to continue the search for the king, each absorbed in their own thoughts and emotions. Yasuline couldn't shake the intensifying sense of dread as they ventured deeper into the castle, contemplating the terrors that awaited them. The White Reaper maintained his vigilance, scanning their surroundings for potential ambushes, while Caliber, despite his apprehension, endeavored to provide comfort and support for the princess.

Turning another corner, Yasuline felt a chilling sensation run down her spine as she caught a glimpse of movement in the shadows. Was it an enemy, the White Reaper, or simply her imagination playing tricks on her? Drawing a parallel between her present unease and the reassurance she felt when the White Reaper was by her side, she held her breath and tightened her grip on her weapon, prepared for whatever awaited them.

With hesitant steps, Caliber and the princess proceeded down the dimly lit hallway, their footsteps resonating ominously in the stillness. The castle exuded an unfamiliar aura, colder and more foreboding than ever before. Yasuline's heart raced at the mere thought of what awaited them around the next corner.

Caliber spoke up, his voice trembling slightly. "The situation began when I returned from the Adventure's Guild. None of my men were at their posts, and the maids' behavior had become erratic and aggressive. Some had to be dealt with."

Yasuline's breath caught in her throat as she processed Caliber's confession.

The two of them suddenly halted in their tracks, the princess' eyes widen as she saw the main door of the castle looming in front of them. Caliber spoke up, his tone defeated. "We're leaving," he said as he walked away to prepare the levers used to open the doors.

Yasuline was shocked and questioned him. "What do you mean we're leaving? What about my parents? What about everyone else? What's going on?"

"Listen," Caliber replied, his voice tense. "The castle has been compromised. Somehow, the Hellfire Gang has returned from the abyss. The enemy has somehow turned everyone against you and the king. You are in danger, and my promise to your father was to ensure your safety. I can only do that if you are out of harm's way."

Yasuline felt a surge of anger rising within her. "So you're going to run away and leave my father and mother to fend for themselves?!" she exclaimed, her voice trembling with fury. She had always been told how courageous Caliber was, and yet here he was, attempting to perform such a cowardly act.

The air grew colder and more oppressive as the reality of the situation set in. Yasuline felt her heart pounding in her chest as she realized the gravity of the danger they were in. She wondered how they would survive on their own, with no allies and no protection, in the face of an unknown enemy.

As Caliber struggled with the levers, Yasuline looked around the darkened hallway, her eyes darting back and forth, searching for any signs of danger. The castle felt like a tomb, silent and foreboding, as if it were hiding dark secrets behind every door and around every corner.

Finally, with a loud creak, the main doors slowly began to open, revealing the dark, unknown world beyond. Yasuline took a deep breath, standing her ground, as Caliber stepped forward, into the unknown. She was determined to find her parents and face whatever dangers lay ahead.

Caliber looked back at the princess and held his hand out for her to take and go with. The dim light from the torches in the hallway cast a flickering orange glow on his face, making the worry lines on his forehead more prominent. Yasuline hesitated. Her fists were clenched tightly by her sides, and her expression was one of fury and frustration. She was struggling with her decision to leave her parents behind in the castle.

"Princess, we must escape out of here before more of them arrive to block our path," Caliber said in a pleading tone.

"I'm not going anywhere!" Yasuline replied, her voice filled with anger.

"Princess, out of all the times you wanted to leave the castle, you have your one chance here and you refuse?" Caliber's voice was tinged with desperation.

"You're asking me to leave my parents in danger! I'm not leaving until I know they are safe!" Yasuline's eyes were filled with tears of frustration and fear.

"We don't have time for this!" Caliber shouted back as he started to step toward her with his arm outward, stretching to grab her.

Suddenly, a sharp object flew past them, landing on the wall with a thud. Both of them turned to see a dagger stuck in the wall, and a chain extending from it, separating them from each other. Caliber was shocked, but Yasuline smiled widely. Both of their eyes followed the chain to its source and found the White Reaper stepping out of the shadow of the doors, revealing himself. The mood in the hallway shifted from tense to relieved, and the atmosphere was electric with anticipation as the princess now had her reliable friend back at her side.

The princess then gained a idea. With both of their skills and powers working with one another, they would definitely win against the Hellfire Gang. No matter how many of them were they, they would be no match. After all, they had already worked together once when taking down the first two that fateful night she met him. "Wait, with all three of us, we should-"

But, her words are cut off at the "Schling" of the Champion's sword being unshealthed.

Caliber drew his enchanted sword and charged towards the White Reaper, who fluidly dodged the attack and countered with a swift jab of his dagger, narrowly missing Caliber's exposed side.

[Weapon Skill, Blade Waltz has been activated]

[Description: A masterful display of finesse and grace, the sword-user performs a seamless and intricate dance of slashes and parries. The Blade Waltz is both a defensive and offensive maneuver, allowing the user to deflect incoming attacks and retaliate with quick, precise strikes. It is a sight to behold and a testament to the artistry of the sword-user's skill.]

The two engaged in a flurry of quick strikes, each attempting to gain the upper hand.

Caliber, being the kingdom's best swordsman, was able to match the White Reaper's speed and skill. He struck back with a powerful slash, sending the White Reaper stumbling backwards. The assassin quickly regained his footing and expertly dodged another one of Caliber's swift strikes.

The two combatants continued their intense dance around each other, their weapons clashing and sparks flying. The White Reaper darted in and out, his quick movements making it difficult for Caliber to land a clean hit. But Caliber remained determined, his sword slicing through the air with precision and power.

As the battle continued, the White Reaper's stamina began to wane, and his movements slowed slightly. Caliber saw his opportunity and launched a fierce assault, his sword striking again and again. The White Reaper, now on the defensive, parried as best he could, but it was clear he was struggling to keep up.

Despite his skill and quickness, the White Reaper was eventually pushed back against a wall. Caliber seized the opportunity and lunged forward, ready to deliver the finishing blow. But at the last second, the White Reaper expertly dodged the attack and struck back with a swift counter, catching Caliber off guard and causing him to stumble backwards.

The two continued to exchange blows, each trying to gain an advantage. But the White Reaper's skill and experience eventually gave him the upper hand. He expertly disarmed Caliber, sending his sword clattering to the ground.

[Paladin Skill, Sword of Light, has been activated.]

[Description: A energy manifests in a empty scabbard of the wielder, creating a make-shift sword of pure light used to vanquish the darkness.]

Caliber unsheathed his enchanted sword, channeling his energy to activate his holy skills. Brilliant light erupted from his blade, casting a radiant glow that illuminated the dark hall. With determination in his eyes, he charged towards the White Reaper, his weapon poised to strike.

The White Reaper, agile and quick, narrowly evaded Caliber's attack, swiftly dodging to the side. In a swift motion, he retaliated with a precise jab of his dagger, aiming for Caliber's exposed side. The blade grazed past, missing its mark by a hair's breadth, as Caliber instinctively shifted his position, narrowly avoiding a potentially fatal blow. The clash between the two adversaries sent echoes reverberating through the corridor, each combatant displaying their formidable skills.

[Paladin Skill, Radiant Shield and Shieldbreaker Sunder, has been activated.]

[Description: With a single powerful blow, the sword-user directs their energy to focus on the tip of their blade. When the sword connects with an opponent's shield or defensive barrier, the impact releases a shockwave that shatters the defenses, leaving the target exposed and open to subsequent attacks.]

Caliber, undeterred by the White Reaper's resilience, pressed on with unwavering determination. He lunged forward, sword poised to strike the fallen assassin once again. However, to his surprise, the wounded White Reaper summoned an incredible burst of strength and managed to evade the attack, narrowly avoiding the blade.

Despite the severity of his wound and the evident loss of blood, the White Reaper persisted with an almost supernatural endurance. Ignoring the pain, he moved with a calculated grace, his movements still sharp and precise. Caliber couldn't help but admire the assassin's tenacity, even in the face of certain defeat.

Yasuline, her eyes widening in disbelief, watched as the duel continued with a renewed intensity. It was as if the White Reaper drew strength from his own impending demise, fighting with a desperation that defied logic. She couldn't help but wonder what drove him to persist, to keep fighting even when the odds seemed insurmountable.

Caliber, realizing that defeating the White Reaper would require more than just brute force, adjusted his tactics. He began to strategize, aiming not just to strike the assassin, but to outmaneuver and outwit him. With each clash of their weapons, Caliber studied the White Reaper's movements, searching for weaknesses or patterns he could exploit.

The battle raged on, the clash of steel echoing through the hall as Caliber and the White Reaper fought tooth and nail. Their struggle became a dance of skill and will, each combatant pushing themselves to the limits. But as the confrontation wore on, it became apparent that the White Reaper's strength was waning, his movements growing slower and less precise.