

Princess Yasuline has always yearned for adventure but has never left the confines of her castle. That changes when she meets the infamous assassin, the White Reaper, and they become friends. Their timing is perfect as Yasuline can prove herself of becoming an adventurer and explore the world as did her father.

ReSoul · Fantasy
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50 Chs

A World Called Atlas - Playdate

Sunlight streamed through the ornate windows of Yasuline's chamber, casting a warm glow upon the lavish furnishings. With an energy that rivaled the very sunbeams, Yasuline herself burst into the room, her vibrant pink hair, freshly cleansed with soap and unique health creams, a cascade of color against the opulent backdrop. Her eyes twinkled mischievously as they landed on her unexpected guest—the White Reaper.

"Good morning, sleepyhead!" Yasuline greeted with exuberance, her voice a symphony of cheerfulness that filled the room. She clutched an armful of dresses, a veritable rainbow of fabrics, patterns, and designs. "I thought it's high time we add a touch of color to your wardrobe." A whiff of mischief gleaned from her pupils.

The White Reaper stood there, his figure wrapped in the familiar enigma of his white coat with blue flames. His stoic demeanor and piercing blue eyes were a stark contrast to Yasuline's animated presence.

"Come on, don't be shy," Yasuline encouraged, her eyes dancing with determination. "I promise it won't bite. Well, most of them won't." She flashed a playful grin.

Yasuline approached, her excitement seemingly contagious as she began to drape different dresses over his arm. "Let's start with something simple," she announced, her fingers deftly selecting a delicate gown adorned with intricate embroidery. She held it up against him, scrutinizing the contrast between the vibrant fabric and his enigmatic aura. "What do you think?"

The White Reaper's response was subtle—a small tilt of his head and a faint shift in his posture.

Yasuline clapped her hands with delight. "Ah, I see you're a man of few words, but don't worry, your body language speaks volumes!" She chuckled, undeterred by his reticence.

With a flourish, she produced another dress, this one a lively ensemble of ruffles and pastel hues. "Now, this one screams 'springtime enchantment,' don't you think?" Yasuline's eyes sparkled as she waited for his reaction.

He raised an eyebrow ever so slightly—an almost imperceptible gesture that Yasuline took as a sign of contemplation. "Hmm, not convinced yet, huh? No worries, we've got plenty more to try."

One after another, Yasuline draped dresses over his arm, creating a kaleidoscope of colors against his stark attire. She presented a regal gown with a sweeping train, an adventurous ensemble with a multitude of pockets, and even a playful outfit adorned with ribbons and bows.

As Yasuline's chatter filled the air, the White Reaper remained a silent canvas upon which her sartorial dreams played out. He shifted his weight, adjusted his stance, and occasionally shot Yasuline a subtle glance—each movement an unspoken communication in their peculiar exchange.

By the time the dressing marathon reached its climax, Yasuline was practically breathless with laughter and excitement. "Alright, just one more, I promise," she declared, holding up a dress that shimmered like stardust. "This is my personal favorite, the pièce de résistance."

The White Reaper regarded the dress with a measured gaze, his eyes lingering on the intricate details and the way the fabric seemed to capture the very essence of starlight.

"There you have it," Yasuline beamed, clapping her hands together. "A fashionable journey through Yasuline's Dress Emporium! So, what's the verdict?" She peered at him, her eyes full of anticipation.

With a simple gesture, the White Reaper extended his hand towards the shimmering dress—the closest he would come to accepting Yasuline's invitation into her world of vibrant fashion.

"Excellent choice!" Yasuline exclaimed, practically glowing with triumph. "Now, let's get you all dressed up and ready to make a grand entrance!" And so, with a determined spirit and an unyielding vision, Yasuline set about her mission to bring a touch of color and adventure to the enigmatic figure before her.

As Yasuline guided the White Reaper through the process of donning the shimmering stardust dress, she couldn't help but notice the way it seemed to complement his aura of mystery. The gown, which seemed fit for a celestial ball, draped gracefully over his form, its ethereal glow a stark contrast to his enigmatic presence.

"Wow, you make that dress look like it was tailor-made for you," Yasuline remarked, her eyes widening in surprise. "I never thought I'd see the day when the White Reaper became a fashion icon!"

He tilted his head slightly, a faint glint of amusement in his eyes as he regarded his reflection in the mirror. Yasuline had positioned him near the large full-length mirror in her room, giving him a chance to see himself from every angle.

Encouraged by his subtle response, Yasuline's excitement bubbled over. "You know, I think we're onto something here. I mean, who would've thought that the feared White Reaper could pull off such elegance?" She chuckled.

With a playful glint in her eye, Yasuline disappeared into her wardrobe, emerging with a frilly dress that she had always disliked. "Okay, I have to admit, I've never been a fan of this one," she admitted, holding up the dress with a slightly exasperated expression. "But hey, if we're going all out with this dress-up adventure, then let's really go for it!"

As she approached him with the frilly dress, the White Reaper regarded it with a mixture of curiosity and hesitation. Yasuline couldn't help but notice the way he seemed to convey his reluctance through a subtle shift in his posture.

"Come on, just give it a try," Yasuline encouraged, her tone lighthearted. "You've already surprised me with how amazing you look in these dresses. Who knows? Maybe you'll even make me change my mind about this one."

With a nod, the White Reaper allowed Yasuline to help him into the frilly dress. The transformation was both amusing and endearing, as the stark contrast between his stoic demeanor and the whimsical dress created a striking juxtaposition.

Yasuline stepped back, her eyes wide with disbelief. "Okay, I have to admit, you're making even this dress work somehow. It's like you have a magical ability to rock any outfit!"

He simply lifted his shoulders in a half-shrug, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. It was a rare display of emotion that Yasuline couldn't help but appreciate.

As the two continued their playful dress-up session, Yasuline couldn't help but marvel at the unexpected camaraderie they had forged through this quirky endeavor. The White Reaper's willingness to indulge her antics and experiment with different styles spoke volumes about his willingness to connect in his own unique way.

With a final flourish, Yasuline draped a dramatic cape over his shoulders, completing the look with a flourish. "There you have it, the one and only White Reaper, fashion extraordinaire!" She grinned, her heart light with a sense of shared adventure.

As the morning sunlight continued to fill the room, Yasuline and the White Reaper stood side by side, a testament to the unlikely bond they had formed amidst the colorful array of dresses. It was a memory that neither of them would soon forget, a moment of unexpected connection that bridged the gap between two seemingly disparate souls.

It has been a few days since the incident occurred at the castle. The entirety of the event was blamed on the White Reaper. Strangely, even the night raid was blamed on him. By Caliber no less. Somehow, his memories are messed with and he vouches on the fact that the White Reaper was the one who attacked him that night.

But since then, the White Reaper has not made an appearance. And thus, the lockdown is still in effect. The capitol has returned to normal for the most part, only with more security around. The castle, however, is a different story

Part of the process of the lockdown for the castle is that Yasuline's movement will be severely restricted. No longer will she be able to traverse the building as much as she would like, she would have to have an escort to a specific room of the castle and even then, she would have to stay in that room for the day until it was time to turn in for the night. That way, the Royal Guards would know where she was.

With such a strict ruleset, it was expected for her to go ballistic and be enraged about such a thing. But, because a certain wanted man would visit her every day, she didn't seem to mind it so much. She even added a rule where she didn't get bothered by the guards or maids unless she specifically called for them. This meant that the White Reaper didn't have to leave or hide all the time. Even more so, the two could eat together at peace.

A knock on the door jolted the princess from her thoughts, indicating the arrival of the requested delivery. Noticing the impending knock, the White Reaper swiftly moved to a corner, concealed from view. Yasuline, ever curious, swung open the door to find a maid holding a tray laden with lunch.

"Ah, perfect timing! We missed breakfast. What's on the menu today?" Yasuline inquired with her characteristic enthusiasm.

"We, miss?" The maid's brow furrowed in confusion at the peculiar phrasing.

"Me and my second belly, of course," Yasuline playfully clarified, flashing a grin to mask the subtle nervousness stemming from her near-slip.

"Ah, I see. It's mashed potatoes, some cheesy noodles, and a hearty sandwich," the maid replied.

"Excellent! Keep 'em coming, and you'll ensure my good mood stays intact," Yasuline declared cheerfully.

Once the food was set down, Yasuline resumed her rapid-fire questioning of the enigmatic White Reaper.

"Ever ventured beyond Lumines?" Yasuline asked between bites of noodles, her genuine curiosity undeterred by her full mouth. His quiet nod in response spurred her on.

"Fantastic! I can't help but wonder what lies beyond our borders. Atlas is like this vast playground just waiting to be explored. I've seen paintings of those far-off places—so captivating! And the books, oh, they paint vivid pictures. Dad's an old adventurer himself, you know."

His repeated nods acknowledged her words as she continued her musings.

"Once, he regaled me with a tale of stumbling upon the floating continent of the draconians. Imagining a land suspended in the sky, waiting to be discovered, it's simply exhilarating!"

In Yasuline's animated narrative, the White Reaper listened intently, nodding along as he chewed his food. Yasuline's conversational rhythm flowed effortlessly, a testament to her easy going nature. With each topic she broached, her curiosity seemed to grow, drawing her into a world of exploration and discovery—one that perhaps even the elusive White Reaper could relate to in his own silent way.

Various continents cover the surface of Atlas. And even then, there are various locations in the sky, under the water, and even underground that call the planet home. And in those locations, various countries are formed. Lumines being one of the main countries that united with the other countries for a global unification between themselves to ensure communications and peace was kept.

"Guess where I'd dash off to first? The Gaia Islands, hands down. Heard they're a treasure trove of bizarre wonders. Most of the flora in my mom's garden comes from there—she's head over heels for those plants." Yasuline took a pause from her chatter, focusing on finishing her sandwich and relegating the noodles and potatoes to the White Reaper.

"Speaking of plants," she continued, resuming her lively conversation, "Mom's all about Nature as her life element. So, her green thumb makes perfect sense. Even back in her hometown, she was tending to gardens. Now, how about you? Let me guess—Darkness?" A confirming nod from him sparked a mischievous grin from Yasuline.

"Ah, figured as much—fits the whole 'silent but deadly' vibe you've got going. You know, it's quite fitting. Funny thing, though—I've got no clue about my own element. Never really had the chance to find out. And, well, even now, I'm sort of element-less. There's this mystical orb supposed to spill the beans, but it's locked away in the library."

Life Elements often defy people. Created by the godbeasts, they were at first used as a guidance in what their personalities will be when they grow up. Aside from that, they actually have a purpose in combat, they allow people to have the chance to be able to learn magic that matches their life element, people call this chance, an affinity.

"And that's why I'm stuck without any skills, magical or otherwise. It's like a never-ending void of nothingness in that department. Pretty frustrating," Yasuline lamented, her words carrying a mix of resignation and a hint of wistfulness.

She took a moment to let her emotions settle, the topic fading into the background. "But you know what? It's funny how things work out. Having you around somehow makes up for all that. Distracting me from the skill-less abyss and all." A nod from him served as his response as he efficiently cleared up the various plates and tidied her room. It was a welcome sight, especially considering Yasuline's usual tendencies to scatter her things like a creative storm.

She propped herself onto the bed, legs playfully dangling over the edge. "Ugh, speaking of things that didn't work out, I was supposed to be out in the capital, you know? That day we met, I was all geared up to hit the streets, gather supplies, and just have a blast. But hey, no hard feelings. Just a tiny bit bummed out, that's all." Her voice carried a hint of mock exasperation as she aired her grievance.

The White Reaper remained a silent yet attentive listener, a steadfast presence to absorb her musings and complaints. She had come to rely on him as a sounding board for all her thoughts, big and small. His unspoken loyalty in being her confidante didn't go unnoticed.

Then, a new spark lit up in Yasuline's eyes, her lips curling into a mischievous grin. "Wait a minute, I've got it! Tomorrow's plan is officially set!" Her excitement radiated through her voice as she pointed directly at him, her playful energy palpable.

For once, a hint of confusion danced across the White Reaper's usually enigmatic expression, a reaction that Yasuline found surprisingly amusing.