

Outside a small village the wind blew heavily alerting everyone of the incoming storm. All the villagers were packing their belongings back inside their house.

"Neyney you need to come and see this." A little girl with blue hair said out while running through the street heading for a particular house in sight. Opening the door due to the shout of her granddaughter was an old woman wearing a white robe with white hair and strands of blue hair within which showed how related those two people were.

"Get inside Minny is too dangerous to be outside!!." She shouted out.

"But Neney you need to see this " she said.

"This is not the to play Minny." She angrily voiced out.

"No Neyney there is some one who needs help at the park near the forest." Minny voiced out. There looked to be hesitation on her face on whether to head out there and help or just pull her granddaughter inside, but all those thoughts were thrown out of the window as soon as she heard Minny say something. 'Did she just say the stranger is pregnant, if so then I need to help her.' Neyney said in her head.

"Go and show me where you saw her." She said.

An hour later inside a room with dimly lit crystals which looked to be embedded in the walls glowed with a fluorescent glow. Laying down on what seemed to be like a mat with some kinds of writings which illuminated with a greenish glow was a young lady with black hair which was tied into a pony tail, she looked to be unconscious.

"Eyyyyy eyyy!! Eyyyy." A small voice of what sounded like a crying baby reverberated across the room.

"Neyney why does this kid like so much and his cries can even busrt my eardrums open, can't you do anything about it with.. You know with magic or something. Minny said wjtb her hands around her ears trying to stop any kind of noise from entering.

" Hahaaa you are very funny Minny, this is not the thing for magic when you were also born you also cried if you don't know." Neyney said with a large smile on her pale face, a smile which was so wide that it was even touching his eyes. In her hands was a little baby boy with slanted eyes and dark purple hair which was strange for a newly born baby.

As they were talking they started to hear few groans coming from the unconscious woman laying on the strange like bed-mat.


And in the next second her eyes sprang wide open, she immediately turned to the source of noise coming from the baby and looked straight at the baby in the woman's hands as if there wasn't even someone holding onto the baby.

"Oh! You are awake and you look a lot better than before." Neyney said snapping her out of her thought's.

"What happened to me". The young woman voiced out.

" well as you can see you have delivered a baby boy." Neyney said handling over the baby to her mother. "We found you at the edge of the village where the children always play at,what happened to you do you remember how you got there." Neyney asked while pulling a face of concern. At that moment the woman started to tear up as as if she was starting to remember what happened to her.

"I...I remember." The woman said with tears flowing down her cheeks.

"I am from a town called Heartburgh." The woman eventually managed to voice out despite the pain she was feeling in her heart which almost choked her from even speaking.

"Wait you mean the town near the mountain of the shadow Knights. Neyney asked as if surprised by something.

"Yes and we were attacked by the demon beast of the northern cave and his army of beastly creatures,and as a mage at the peak of the gold star rank I and my husband tried our best to fend off the attack. But as you can see I was weak due to the pregnancy and couldn't help much, this left my husband to go for a deal with the shadow Knights to try and help us but even with their intervention they were not able to fend off the beast." She said and phased to gasp for some air as she was reaching the hardest part of the story.

"The beast eventually killed all the villagers and were now coming for me that was when the shadow lord himself came in to protect me. With his appearance he killed a lot of the beast which lead them to start and retreat, after that the shadows lord told my husband to hand him his part of the deal but my husband refused." She said.

"He told me to run away as far as I could and with my teleportation magic I was able to escape them, but used a lot of my energy from my manna core to the extent that I even borrowed from my own life force. As for what happened to my husband I don't even know, even though my husband was a human he possed unnatural strength which makes me think he might have survived only if he decided to run away from them. Because I know my Gunther does not have the power to take on the shadow lord." She voiced out lengthinly.

please follow me on all platforms at Richhomie_11

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