

On the day of the winter solstice, the Awakened Academy buzzed with an unusual air of anticipation. Sunny reluctantly awoke, feeling the weight of weariness. Wrapped in a blanket, he grappled with the listlessness that clung stubbornly.

The sense of déjà vu hit him – the same lethargy he felt before his First Nightmare and the echoes of impending death on the Black Mountain. Shivers ran down his spine as he lay, contemplating the imminent Spell, his last day on Earth for a while. The mysteries of the Dream Realm loomed, and Sunny wondered about the challenges awaiting him.

He sighed, realizing speculation was futile. His preparations had been thorough – diligent study, rigorous training, and safeguarding his secret. With an Aspect better than most, forged through the hardships of the outskirts and the gruelling First Nightmare, he felt ready.

Stepping out of bed, he proceeded with his morning routine, mindful of the significance of the day. The Awakened Academy, a hub of magical knowledge and training, had prepared him for this moment.

In the cafeteria, usually vibrant with chatter, an unusual hush enveloped the air. Sleepers and Legacies alike seemed lost in introspection. Making his way to the coffee machine, Sunny recalled previous Spell preparations.

Deciding to establish a tradition on this day, he opted for coffee with sugar and milk, attempting to inject a sense of normalcy into the impending journey. Seated near the blind girl, Cassia nicknamed Cassie, their shared silence persisted, resembling two strangers thrust together by the whims of fate.

As he took the first sip, Cassia unexpectedly turned her head, fixing her blind-blue eyes on him. Unnerved, Sunny glanced around, ensuring no one else had caught her attention.

"W—what?" he stammered, sensing a peculiar tension in the air.

Cassia hesitated before softly saying, "Happy Birthday."

Surprise flashed across Sunny's face as he realized he had forgotten it was his seventeenth birthday. Deciding to let the matter go, considering Cassia "too creepy," he replied, "Uh… thanks." With a nod, Cassia turned away, her interest waning.

Returning to his coffee, Sunny found it surprisingly palatable. The addition of sugar and cream seemed to work wonders, and he felt a slight boost in wakefulness.

Reflecting on turning seventeen, Sunny marvelled at the unpredictability of life. He thought about the people who used to celebrate his birthdays, pushing aside melancholic thoughts and forcing himself to smile.

The day unfolded with a visit to the Wilderness Survival classroom to bid farewell to Teacher Julius. The old man, emotional at the impending departure, offered Sunny numerous tips and even hinted at a research assistant position once Sunny became a full Awakened.

As the sun neared its setting, Instructor Rock gathered them in the foyer of the Sleeper Center. Snowy parks surrounded the white building, and other Awakened led their batches of Sleepers to the same destination – the Academy's medical centre.

Inside, the medical centre resembled a shrine, blending advanced technology with skilled Healers. Sleepers' bodies would be kept safe in specially designed pods, sustained by the magic of Healers in case of any mishaps in the Dream Realm.

Surprisingly, Instructor Rock diverted them to a deserted floor, leading them to a gallery bathed in the crimson rays of the setting sun. Rows of wheelchairs occupied the space, each holding a person with a vacant, peaceful expression – the Hollow. Silent and still, these were individuals who had perished in the Dream Realm.

The solemn atmosphere weighed heavily on Sunny as Instructor Rock explained the significance of the Hollow – a cautionary sight to remind them of the potential consequences of their journey. The Awakened Academy had prepared them, but the gravity of the moment was palpable.

A half-hour later, Sleepers were settling into their rooms, preparing to enter the pods. In one room, Cassia, the blind girl, struggled to navigate the unfamiliar space, her tears betraying a sense of vulnerability. In another, Caster, the proud Legacy, mumbled a cryptic phrase repeatedly, his trembling betraying internal turmoil.

Changing Star Nephis, the last daughter of the Immortal Flame clan, was in yet another room. Radiant light emanated from her hands, accompanied by a grimace of harrowing agony. Each occupant grappled with their own emotions in the final moments before the Spell.

In a separate room, Shadow Slave Sunless, Lost from Light, faced his own shadow. The silent exchange spoke volumes – a silent acknowledgement of the journey they were about to undertake.

"Well? Are you ready?" Sunny asked his shadow, receiving only a shrug in response. With a sigh, he admitted, "Yeah, me too," before stepping forward and climbing into the pod, ready to face the unknown of the Dream Realm.

As he settled into the pod, Cassia's voice echoed, "May the Dream Realm be kind to us all," marking the beginning of their journey into the vast unknown.


An hour passed, and the tense quiet of the medical centre was shattered by the abrupt entry of a group of government officials. Clad in authoritative attire, they barged into the room, their expressions grave as they swiftly began inspecting each pod without opening them.

Instructor Rock, ever vigilant, approached them with a furrowed brow, concern etched on his features. "May I inquire as to the reason for this intrusion?" he demanded, his tone laced with authority.

The lead government agent turned to face Instructor Rock, his expression stoic. "We are conducting a routine inspection," he replied tersely, his gaze sweeping over the pods.

Instructor Rock's brow furrowed further. "Routine inspection?" he echoed, his scepticism evident. "This seems rather unusual."

The government agent's lips tightened into a thin line as he met Instructor Rock's gaze. "We have reason to believe that one of the students under your care is a fugitive wanted for murder," he revealed, his voice carrying a weight of gravity.

Instructor Rock's eyes widened in alarm, his mind racing to identify the potential culprit among the students. Suspicions immediately turned to Sunny, who had always been a source of unease for Instructor Rock for reasons that came to mind.

"Who? Sunless?" Instructor Rock asked, his voice edged with urgency as he locked eyes with the government agent, searching for answers.

The government agent shook his head, his expression unreadable.

"Not him," he responded, "It's..."

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