
Shadow Slave: Shifting Sands

In a barren wasteland, where the remnants of humanity teetering on the edge of annihilation under the enigmatic grip of the Spell, shadows linger within the hearts of many. Struggling to contend with internal strife and external adversaries, the government falters in its duty to uplift the low-life scum of the slums, leaving them to languish in misery. Dorian finds himself thrust into the body of a young dweller of the impoverished slums, freshly ensnared by the insidious tendrils of the Nightmare Spell. As he grapples with this new reality, Dorian realizes he has been transported into the world of Shadow Slave. Determined to carve out a semblance of prosperity amidst the chaos, he resolves to embark on a path of empowerment and strength. With no aid to rely on and only memories of his former life as his guide, can Dorian endure the trials that lie ahead and emerge triumphant? /////Author side note///// Takes place in the world of Shadow Slave. MC is transmigrated into Shadow Slave verse into the slum. MC knows the Shadow Slave series but the Spell won't be bested that easily. MC will be strong but try not to affect the plot he knows much. I do not own anything but my created characters. Everything belongs to Guiltythree and/or his respected publishers.

TwistedAllegory · Book&Literature
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Chapter 1: A New Beginning

Dorian awoke to a body wracked with pain and overwhelming exhaustion, his senses clouded with confusion. Disoriented and disconcerted, he scrambled from his makeshift bed in a dingy alley, grappling with the unsettling realization that he had no recollection of how he ended up there.

Fumbling through his pockets, Dorian's panic grew as he discovered his possessions missing, leaving him empty-handed. As he took stock of himself, he was confronted not only by his ragged attire but also by his exhaustion.

Surveying his surroundings, Dorian found himself engulfed in a landscape of decayed buildings and labyrinthine alleyways, a far cry from anything he recognized. Venturing forth through the haze of smog and makeshift shelters, he sought out someone, who could shed light on his predicament.

After a confusing walk of twists and turns, Dorian finally came across a young boy in the bleak landscape. Feeling a mix of desperation and confusion, he asked the boy about his whereabouts. But instead of answers, the boy's brief response only left Dorian more puzzled, especially when he mentioned "The Outskirts."

As Dorian stood there, trying to make sense of everything, the boy asked him if he was going crazy. Dorian replied with a hesitant "maybe." The boy, looking wary, commented that Dorian looked awful and told him to die away from him if he was infected with the Nightmare Spell.

"The Nightmare Spell! The Outskirts!" Dorian thought as he tried to piece things together. "This feels like something straight out of Shadow Slave," he mused to himself. Confusion swirled in his mind as he considered his options: "Am I dreaming? Have I lost my mind? Am I dead? Or did I somehow end up in the world of Shadow Slave?" As he pondered, a realization struck, "Is that why my body feels so strange? Did I transmigrate and become some random slum rat?"

"Is that why I feel so tired and weak? Maybe I ended up in the body of some random kid from the slums when I transmigrated. Am I also affected by the spell? I should find a police station and turn myself in."

Dorian approached the boy and asked where the nearest police station was, feeling like he couldn't stay awake much longer. With a weary smile, Dorian made his way to the police station.


"Lost, kid?" a police officer asked.

Looking around at the heavily armored officers, Dorian realized they were dealing with something bigger than ordinary crime. The officer seemed annoyed by Dorian's silence.

"Just gonna stand there?" he prodded.

Clearing his throat, Dorian announced: "As per the Third Special Directive, I'm here to surrender myself as a carrier of the Nightmare Spell."

The officer's expression shifted, taking in the sight of the skinny kid before him. "Are you sure you're infected? When did symptoms start?"

"About a week ago," Dorian replied, his voice faltering.

Immediately, the officer sprang into action. "Attention! Attention! Code Black in the lobby!" he announced, hitting the button on his terminal.


Decades ago, the world faced a series of devastating natural disasters and resource wars, leaving it in turmoil. Amidst this chaos, the Nightmare Spell emerged, initially dismissed as just another ailment causing fatigue and drowsiness. However, when people began slipping into a coma-like sleep from which they never woke, panic ensued.

Governments scrambled to respond, but by then, the Spell had already taken hold. Infected individuals transformed into monstrous beings, overwhelming militaries worldwide and plunging the planet into anarchy. With no known cure or means of defense, humanity was caught off guard. It fell upon the Awakened—those who survived the Spell's trials and returned with newfound abilities—to quell the chaos.

Armed with powers gained from their Nightmares, they restored order and semblance of peace, albeit temporarily. Despite their efforts, the Nightmare Spell continued to wreak havoc, with new catastrophes unfolding. Dorian, an ordinary person until recently, found himself transmigrated into this nightmare world. For most, being chosen by the Spell posed both peril and potential. Children were taught survival skills and combat techniques in anticipation of infection. Wealthy families hired tutors to train their offspring in martial arts, while those from Awakened lineages inherited powerful legacies, granting them access to the Dream Realm's wonders. However, for Dorian—living a normal life and having nothing to his name—the Spell's selection meant little opportunity and much peril. Without support or training, he faced an uncertain fate, his survival hanging by a thread in this new, perilous world.  However, armed with knowledge of this world's future he has something he can take advantage of.


A few minutes later, Dorian found himself yawning as several policemen busied themselves with securing him in restraints. Soon, he was firmly strapped into a bulky chair that resembled a bizarre matchup between a hospital bed and a torture device. The room they occupied was nestled in the depths of the police station's basement, its fortified walls and imposing vault door exuding an aura of impenetrability. Nearby officers stood vigilantly, clutching automatic rifles with grim determination etched upon their faces.

However, Dorian paid little heed to their presence. All he could focus on was his overwhelming desire to sleep. At last, the vault door creaked open, admitting a gray-haired policeman into the room. With a weathered visage and steely gaze, he bore the countenance of someone who had witnessed his fair share of horrors. After ensuring the restraints were secure, the policeman consulted his wristwatch before turning his attention to Dorian.

"What's your name, kid?" he inquired, his tone firm yet probing.

Dorian struggled to collect his thoughts, as he nervously tapped his fingers.


"Do you want us to contact your family, Dorian?"

Dorian just shook his head.

"no need, it's just me."

The officer's cold stare flickers for an instant, before he begins:

"How much longer can you stay awake?"

"I'm barely staying awake right now."

The officer sighed.

"Guess you'll have to make do with a crash course of the nightmare spell."

Dorian just nodded.

"Listen up, Dorian. When you doze off, you'll enter your First Nightmare. These nightmares are like challenges made by the Spell. Inside, you'll face monsters, but also people. Remember, they're not real. They're just fake illusions meant to test you."

"How do you know that?"

The cop just looked at him. "I mean, nobody knows the Spell, right? So, how can you be sure they're not real?"

"You might have to fight them, kid. So, just think of them as fakes."


The old cop paused for a moment, then nodded and kept going.

"A lot of what happens in the First Nightmare is luck. It shouldn't be crazy hard. The stuff you face, the tools you get, and the monsters you fight should be doable for you, at least. 'Cause the Spell sets up challenges, not punishments.  The Spell is always fair at least.  You're kinda in a tough spot 'cause, well, your situation. But kids from the outskirts are resilient. Don't count yourself out yet."

"Got it."

Dorian was fighting to stay awake at this point.

"Listen closely, Dorian.  You'll get amazing powers if you make it through the Nightmare. What you end up with depends on what you're good at and how you handle the trial. But some of it will kick in right from the start…"

The old cop's voice faded as Dorian struggled to keep his eyes open; they felt like lead.

"Don't forget: as soon as you're in the Nightmare, check your Attributes and Aspect first. If you luck out and get something like Swordsman or Archer, it'll make things easier. And if it's boosted by a physical Attribute, even better. Combat Aspects are pretty common, so odds are you'll get one."

The room dimmed, and Dorian could barely see.

"If you're not so lucky and get an Aspect that's not about fighting, don't sweat it. Sorcery and utility Aspects have their uses too; you just gotta get creative. There aren't any useless Aspects. Well, almost. So, just do whatever it takes to stay alive."

"If you survive, you're halfway to becoming an Awakened. But if you bite it, you'll let a Nightmare Creature loose in the real world. And then my buddies and I have to deal with it. So… try your best not to kick the bucket, okay?"

Half-asleep, Dorian was moved by the cop's words.

"Or, at least, don't die too quickly. It'll take a few hours for the nearest Awakened to arrive, so we'd appreciate not having to handle that thing ourselves…" 'Huh?' With that last thought, Dorian drifted off into a deep sleep. Everything went dark.

Then, in the blackness, a vaguely familiar voice intoned:

[Aspirant! Welcome to the Nightmare Spell. Get ready for your First Trial…]