
Shadow Riders

This is a story about an ordinary rookie cowboy who has a dream of becoming the greatest gunslinger by defeating John Hardin the greatest gunslinger of all time. That boy's reason for becoming the greatest gunslinger is to save innocent people, he thinks if he defeats him there no one dare to approach him or the people he wants to save. But that's not an easy thing, so he starts an adventure and goes to his first town, The old town has gotten there he goes into trouble and got a fight with one of the cowboy gangs who are controlling the entire district by their selves. Has he defeated the whole gang, Has he recruited any team, What is the real reason for his saving people, Start reading chapter one, THE OLD TOWN ARC

Kaleem_ · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 1:Old Town

In the world of cowboys, many of them aim to conquer the world and gain power, trust, and fame. To achieve that, they repeatedly kill, enslave, and steal from others. In this world, power is everything, and they will go to any length to achieve it. That's why I am determined to defeat The Greatest Gunslinger, John Hardin, and become the next greatest gunslinger. This is the way I can save people, put a stop to slavery, and bring peace.

"Hey kid, your speech is nice, but it's not as easy as you think," said the old man.

"I know, old man, it's not easy but not impossible, right?"

"You're a delusional young man. Pay the bill and get out of my bar. I have things to do," the old man bartender responded, moving away slightly.

"Hey, don't underestimate me, you old punk!"

Outside the bar, everyone is screaming and running away from the right side of the town.

"Oh no, that's them," the bartender said, shocked.

"Who, old man?"

"That's them, the Peter brothers."


"There are three brothers in the United Cowboy gang who are here to rob money from the citizens every month."

"Oh, I see. Why haven't the police done anything about them"

"the police didn't care about the people in the town, they just got certain money from the Peter gang so whatever they do the police didn't get involved"

"Hey, old man," the stranger said. The bartender looked at him.

"If I beat that guy, your people will be free, right?"

The bartender was shocked. "What are you saying, kiddo? Do you have a death wish?"

Then he got up from his chair and headed toward the horse.

"Wait, kiddo, you don't know them. They are evil, they won't show you any mercy."

The boy smiled and said, "Either me."

He goes to the side where the Peter brothers are robbing people, causing many to cry and be afraid. Some of them hide their money and gold.

He looks at them and becomes worried about their well-being.

Meanwhile, the Peter gang is robbing money from the people.

"Hey, give me that money, b*tch," a man holding a bag belonging to a woman, she refuses to give it to him.

"Please, sir, this money is the result of my hard work. I beg of you," she pleaded, touching his leg.

"Hey, don't touch me you wh*re," he SHOOTED on her hand.

She screamed in pain, while the onlookers watched helplessly.

"Because of you, my boots are now dirty by your blood," he said as he pressed her wounded hand with his boot.

She screamed very loud she couldn't bear the pain.

"hey, boss" one of the servants.

"Somebody approaching us"

"Who the hell, police?"

"no, he is--"


Everyone was shocked by the shooting.

The Boy rides his black horse while standing on top of it, balancing his body and shooting at the other guys.

He only shooting at there hands.

He was wearing a black coat with a black leather shirt underneath and fancy boots.

Suddenly, he jumped and kicked the gang's boss in the chest and said.

"So you're that Peter guy, ahh?"


here is the cowboy hero's determination to become the greatest gunslinger, what's gonna happen to him is he going become one or not let's read it

Kaleem_creators' thoughts