
Shadow Plague

An average 19 year old boy finds a mysterious artifact in a temple that kills him. But them brings him back to life no longer human with an insatiable need to conquer. But first he will need an army to march across the land and subjugate the week.

MellyK9 · Urban
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5 Chs

Demon Lord Prophecy

After beginning my transformation, I could feel a definitive change in my body. I felt as though I had instantly become much stronger and faster than before. Not only that but I had some changes to my body as well, the tattoos on my chest started growing until it covered all my skin turning me completely black. Two short horns grew out of my forehead, growing to about 2 inches and my nails slightly elongated and sharpened themselves.

"Yeah that definitely passes my test, but I have to ask what are you" asked the old man shakily as he witnessed Mal's monsterous transformation. " I am just a shadow, looking for a weapon" replied Mal as he began turning back to his humanoid form. The old man nodded as he pointed shakily to the back saying that Mal could go look at whatever he wanted before hurrying to a room off to the side behind the counter. He face paled as he entered the back room, and as he did his skin started shimmering until his body changed. What was revealed was a 16 year old girl who was terrified, the master is away on business and this guys is clearly very powerful she thought to herself what should I do. She had blonde hair that came down to her shoulders and eyes that were pure white, she was a sun-human species called shimmer who were able to use illusions to decieve thier enemies, they had relatively low combat ability but they were good at infiltration.

She was panicking as she paced around the room. She had only read about them in books her master told her were forbidden to read but the descriptions matched and it's unholy presence seemed to match only the depictions of a demon. What is a demon doing in the middle of the city, not only that but his power had not been restricted or contained like the rest of us non-human. I should call for help she thought to herself, as she ran behind the desk and pulled out a piece of parchment from the drawer. She quickly activated the scroll and stared at it intently before a voice could be heard over it. "Jessie, what do you want. I have a school to run and I don't have much free time" responded the voice through the scroll scolding her for calling him at work. "Uncle, I need help. There is a demon in the store and I don't know what to do, the master is still away on business and I didn't know who else to call" replied the girl as she began imagining the terrible things the demon would do to her. The man on the scroll could clearly hear that his niece was in distress and freaking out. "Don't worry, I'll be there soon. Look in the same drawer where you found this scroll and look for a teleportion scroll then tell the the transfer code on it so I can make a conduit and teleport to you" ordered the voice as he stood up and began searching for his own scroll. The man's head flooded with questions, what does she mean by there is a demon in the store. How does she know about demons, they have been sent to hell and completely wiped from the history books. If not a demon then what did she see that was impersonating a demon. What should I do if it is a demon. Should I alert the coumcil maybe we will need help from celeatials. The man's mind began spiraling after remembering his last encounter with a demon and the wounds which were inflicted by it had began to hurt him again. But then he caught himself, he was over thinking things. This doesn't make sense, demons move in hordes and seeing one would mean there are many nearby but if that were the case then surely beings more powerful than himself would take notice and irradicate the demons like they had done before. After the man quelled the thoughts in his head he decided that he would go check it out before making any false alarms because even mentioning demons was punishable by death if deemed serious enough because you would be seen as going against the gods that ruled.

After Mal entered the room and looked around for a few minutes with his inspect skill he got a notification. [+1 Legion (must be in close proximity to alter)] . Took him long enough, it has been like 3 hours Mal thought to himself as he continued browsing. The strongest weapon in the room was a katana that was inside a display case, the weapon looked truly beautiful and pure. I couldn't wait to get my hands on it and try corrupting it. The sword had a silverish white hilt with a circular hand guard. The sheath was a pure white color. The swords was a Shinogi Zukuri style katana, it had a pure white ito wrapped around a gold samegwa covering the tsuka(hilt) creating a diamond shaped pattern. The outer white edge of the blade glistened as light shone on it. The blade has a slight curve towards the end, it was clear that it was crafted with great detail and skill by a master forger. The katana was a B grade katana with the potential for an ability.

Mal opened the display case and reached inside grabbing the katana. As he held the sword he channeled his dark energy towards into sword and then a notification appeared [corrupting sword:completed]. All the white features of the sword had been turned completely black leaving just the gold samegwa. The initial purity of the sword and been wiped away and was replaced with a sinister gleam, if before they sword was for an angel now it was fit for darkness and chaos. After corrupting the sword, Mal inspected it again to see what had changed.

Style: Zukuri Katana

Grade: B++

Ability: []

The sword had gotten two pluses, which indicated it was stronger than before but not enough to cause a grade increase, the same thing happened after corrupting the wolves in the forest. As Mal was admiring the sword he felt the sudden intrusion of a new and powerful presence, and it was very close, inside the store possibly. As Mal noticed the presence so did Vimh and she told him to leave the shop now, Vimh could also sense presences and she knew that this person was way out of the league of Mal. She was not ready for Mal to fight someone this powerful and she was sure he would lose this battle.

"Leave here now" ordered Vimh, Mal was confused about her sudden change in attitude and he had rarely had her activate without him first talking to her or requesting something. But before Mal had a chance to ask why she wanted him to run he got a notification, but it was different from the other notification because this time it was actually scolding him. [You are the God darkness, you will not run from a deities much less a mortal. Fight the superior presence (reward: +15 levels) : Flee and you will be punished]. After see the rewards it was clear that the being out there was strong but according to Vimh if he fought the person, he would lose and be killed and go down in history as the weakest God in existence. As much as he wanted the 15 levels he knew better than to fight something when he had absolutely no chance of winning. Vimh had told him to take the punishment, get stronger then return and return if I really felt like I had a vendetta. The shadow beneath Mal grew before consuming him and leaving the room empty. After Mal had left for a minute the man entered the room followed by Jessie who slowly approached from behind. They both entered the room and were confused as to why the place was empty, when the man arrived he could indeed sense a dark presence here but it had disappeared moments before he entered the room. Jessie was also confused at the sight of the empty room, "Uncle, I swear I didn't lie. There was a demon here. I can prove it" she said as she ran back to the office and began typing away on the computer before pulling up what looked like security footage of the store from a few minutes before. "Look" she said as she beckoned over her uncle and showed him the footage. After looking at the footage the man came to 3 very troubling conclusions. The first was that Jessie was not wrong it was indeed a demon who had made it's way into the store. It was a low-mid ranking shadow demon that was in the store. A demon of this caliber would not be a problem for him but it would give him a good workout. The second problem was that he knew the boy that came in here and transformed into the demon he had only met him a few times but he was a student at the university he was the dean of and not only that but a demon of this caliber was right under his nose this whole time and he was completely clueless. And the last and most trouble some if humans began turning into demons outside of hell, then that mean a new demon god had been born on earth and if that was the case then the second catalyst for the great holy war that would reset all of existence would soon be fulfilled. But that was a pretty big leap based on seeing just one demon, the dean had decide to do his own preliminary research before alerting the council unnecessarily but first he needed to get a hold of this student of his.


{The great holy war prophecy}

-First would come the death of Hela.

-Second the birth of the 3rd demon lord would spread darkness across the skies swallowing the sun, moon and stars.

-Third the three demon lords would come together would come together and create a demonic creature of unrivaled power that will wreak havoc through heaven.

And Finally an army of demons will march through the gates of hell and bring chaos and destruction to all known dimensions.

This was foretold eons ago by the goddess of fate and out of fear, the other gods rallied together to kill the God of darkness each time he appeared as well as chain the two other demon gods in the lowest pits of hell. While they were at it they also irradicated all the demons who were present on earth or hell. A few strong demons managed to escape and are patiently waiting for the time of Ragnarok to come so they could have their vengeance against the gods who slaughter them out of fear but in an attempt to stop the destruction, they guaranteed it through thier actions.