
Shadow Of The Truth: Shu promised destiny

When a girl meets a mysterious end, her soul enters the body of another. But she refuses to accept the comfortable life granted to her, knowing that there is no rest coming Yet, who finds herself trapped between the darkness of her past and the light of her future. After being forced to make a tragic choice, she must make sense of a mysterious series of events and a forbidden love that seems to draw her further down into the shadows. Along her journey, she discovers the secret to her own identity, the meaning of forgiveness, and the true nature of the darkness that surrounds her. her search for the truth behind her death leads her on a journey through strange and unfamiliar lands, where she meets new faces who expose her to the meaning of love, life, sacrifice, hope, hate, and separation. As she crosses kingdoms and countries with her friend. she begins to unravel the secrets and mystique surrounding these mysterious lands, their inhabitants, and their deepest desires. With each step she takes, she takes us deeper into a mystical and captivating world, where mystery, magic, and passion mingle in perfect harmony. She faces challenges, trials, and heartbreak, yet her courage and determination never falter, as she is pulled along by an irresistible force that leads her to her destiny.

Tianmeng_ · Fantasy
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85 Chs

You are the dearest in my heart

Shushin said to Minghao before she left: "Little kid, someone told me before, if I really want to grow up, I have to let go of the past, but I can't seem to do it anyway, so I'm telling you, you can be better than me, you can't Revenge, that was their story, love and not love, this is our destiny. is not it?"

Shushin walked out of the room alone, leaving Minghao inside, while the rest of them sat waiting for them

Jianguo said while standing And laughing: "It was him who was stabbed, not the other way around. Look, I told you, don't forget to pay."

Shushin said without interest: "Unfortunately, I haven't stabbed anyone for a long time. Would you like to be the first?"

He indicated with his hands denying his desire for this as he walked away. Shushin asked: "Did you find anything useful?"

"Nothing important."

"What about you?"

Shushin smiled, : "Yes! Now it turns out, the criminal and we are all related to the king, so we keep getting into trouble.

Let's go to the Royal palace"

But perhaps it would have been better not to go, many people were gathered crying and screaming, as the place caught fire and many died

They all stood in shock, Zenzen asked: "How did this happen? It hasn't been 6 hours! How did the palace burn?"

" I stopped magic from the beginning, what happened to the palace is not because of a curse or magic, but because of a human being, from the beginning they did this trick to kidnap us and waste our time, they just wanted to keep us away."

Mimi came out of the palace holding Li Xin and Eugenie while Nano helped them

Shushin and the others went to help them, Shushin approached Eugene while smiling, and suddenly he was thrown into her while shedding tears: "I am grateful that you are fine."

Shushin hugged him back, smiling: "Me too, I'm glad you're okay."

then they moved away from each other and smiled.

Although the friends gathered together again, the city was filled with grief. The king was severely injured. ZenZen and Eugene father died, Aunt Mu and her husband died, many soldiers who guarded the palace, servants.

The people dressed in white, the houses locked the doors, the homeland lost its soldiers and people, everyone walked around the city carrying the shrouds of their families, the screams and collapses rose and the children fell silent, they called the names of the dead and pray for them to rest, who among us did not find a last chance to call his loved ones? Who among us did not lose his homeland, his family and his joy? Who hasn't drowned? Who among us did not suffer? Who among us.. Who among us..

Several weeks passed while the state was in mourning for their dead, many important office holders died, and the king ended up dying too. Those who remained tried to work so that the homeland, for which the victims of the unknown fire fought, would not be lost. They worked, but in silence, so as not to lose the country and not to hurt the feelings of those who lost their families and loved ones. They restored the palace, and the workers took vacations in solidarity with the blacksmith. The city looked as if it was black on white, or close to a pale gray color. Is it because the streets are empty? Or because everyone's hearts are in pain? Or was it always like this and no one noticed due to their busy lives?

In the midst of the gloomy atmosphere, the people were shocked by soldiers dressed in black moving around the place carrying their swords on their way to the palace. Everyone thought that the homeland would be occupied, but perhaps the occupation would be easier for their hearts. Advertising paper was placed and decorations were placed everywhere, and a large banner was placed at the gate of the capital, "Orchid". Drums were beaten, dancers danced around, and songs were loud. Yesterday, only the sound of tears was heard as they fell on the ground.

Everyone was at Shushin's house that day. Shushin went out to look and found a piece of paper in front of her house that said, "An invitation to the ceremony of appointing the new king."

Shushin entered holding the paper and threw it on the table in front of them and said: "This lunatic is dead now and many more have died, no such calamity has ever happened here, but a new king will be appointed so quickly?"

"I feel responsible," Jian Guo said, looking sad. "I am a useless prince."

Minghao put his hands on Jianguo's shoulder:" Shushin said to us before, we can't predict the future, so shall we only blame ourselves? We should only catch the criminal if we feel responsible, although this is not our fault at all "

Shushin smiled and, " You have matured, my friend"

He laughed shyly and said:" I am older than you, I will definitely be mature. But I noticed that the king changed the name of the country, "Orchid". It's your favorite flower, right? Is she famous or what? Or do you have similar tastes?"

Shushin seemed annoyed and laughed strangely as she changed the subject: "Yes, yes, perhaps we have similar tastes. I will go to Zen Zen, since her father died She looked sad and tired "

"I'll go with you", Lingjie said as he stood up

While Shushin was going to the door, she put her hands on his shoulder for him to sit : "You can't say anything to her, right? It's useless, I'll go and try to talk to her, sit here as you wish, we'll meet at this king's appointment."


Shushin entered ZenZen house, ZenZen was sitting in the family grave room, in front of her father and mother's grave, Shushin placed a white orchid rose in front of the grave of ZenZen parents and returned to sit next to her

"I did everything I could for my father to love me and praise me, I did everything but he only cared about churan..even my mother..now he just went."

Shushin said while sitting comfortably:" You tried to do everything for him to love you, but you forgot yourself with the days.. right? I still don't understand why we throw ourselves in the trash hundreds of times for people who don't know the meaning of love. He loves you, he loves you for sure, but despite that he exaggerates his pride and hurts your heart. "

Zen Zen lost her balance and collapsed into tears, while she tried to speak with difficulty: "I.. I.. I want to learn the meaning of love, I do not want to have children and abandon them and hurt them, why? Why did she give birth to me? If she was going to leave, and if he was going to go get married and ignore me? What did I do?"

"It is true, why did they approach us from the beginning, make us love them, and then leave with all their cruelty.. Do you know? When the last thing that a person cherished is burned, then he completely disappears from memory. This has always been said, but no one ever disappeared from our memory when we burned their things. Is this because the dearest thing in their lives was people, not things? I thought of this.."

Zenzen said while wiping her tears: "Have you tried?"

"Tried? Why don't you try yourself?"

Then Zenzen got up and took out her hairpin from its place, then her hair flowed down her face like waterfall, and she approached the flames placed above the grave and threw it away, then she returned and sat down in her place, while Shushin looked at her

"So did you forget?"

Zenzen said while smiling and nodding her head: "No.. I don't think so."

"Maybe what they said was true then," Shushin said..and looked at ZenZen. "I think the dearest to his heart are people, not things, so he didn't die in your memory."

Putting her head on the ground, Zenzen cried louder than before, Shushin came close to her and hugged her.

While outside the door, Eugene was sitting while crying so hard he put his hands over his mouth so that no one would hear...

"I think the thing dearest to his heart are people, not things, so he didn't die in your memory."

Tianmeng_creators' thoughts