
Shadow of Midnight

He was a lone wolf She was an assassin He was a Caelestian She was a Human He was intrigued by the mundanes She despised the supernatural She was his calm and he was her storm Yet she was his life and he was her soul Both of them had targets on their backs yet both targeted each other •°•°• In an era where the caelestian's roam the realm of Terrae. The humans and the caelestian's created a pact: No harm to one another. If whoever should break this treaty, blood will be shed and the realms will once again rage war on humanity. Willow Reinhart, protects the humans at night from the caelestian's. By day, a college student. By night, an assassin. On the summer of her third year at college, both humans and caelestian's have been disappearing from the dorms of where she resided. And later found brutally slaughtered. It's up to Reinhart to find out who is behind this massacre before the treaty is disbanded. While trying to evade the wolf that's trying to find out her identity. Can she catch a killer that doesn't leave a clue? Can she save everyone else before the end?

_Serah1510_ · Fantasy
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19 Chs

See you soon

"Well too bad miss Willow, we're alone here in the wilderness surrounded by a shadow storm. Just two lonely souls alone in a cave. So how about me and you have some fun?"

It was a simple choice of question and yet those three sentences made a sensation rise within me. A familiar memory of a familiar day. And that little sensation bubbled to anger and stormed to the entrance.

Vanitas snickered and crossed his hands over his chest. And once my hand reached outside of the cave. It became covered with the shadow storm. An infinite darkness that wanted to swallow me whole. I stepped into it and was engulfed by a powerful wind as the black sand-like shards hit my skin and scraped my body as it flew by.

"You're a dumb human," a voice whispered in my ear and I was carried back into the cave.

"If it means getting away from caelestians, then so be it,"

I jumped away from him and went to the darkest part of the cave so he wouldn't see any more wounds. Not that I cared for his thoughts. But he was right about one thing. My human form couldn't go through this storm but the Shadow of Midnight could do it.

"Just get out of here Vanitas, I'll leave when the storm passes," I replied and closed my eyes, my back facing him. This storm would last throughout the night. With a sigh, I heard him walk closer towards me.

The poison mist still affected me, it made me feel weak. I felt his fingers graze my arms. A shiver runs through me.

I grumbled and hit his hand away, "Leave me alone,"

He tickled my arm again.

I groaned and moved through the dirt away from him. He then stroked my arm, each stroke sending me reeling.

"I swear if you do that again, I'm gonna-"

I yelled only for him to stoke my arm again. I huffed and turned to him. And yet his eyes brought me back to those nights with Abbadon.

"You're gonna what? Hit me?" He taunted touching my cheeks.

"Leave me alone Vanitas!" I huffed and got up to walk to the entrance again but no this idiot only wants to annoy me.

He grabs me again but this time I hit his hand away and in turn, he uses his free hand to grab me. And thereafter it became a battle for him to hold me while I defended and attacked. A twirling dance of dominance and not in the sex kind.

But if I continued my dance of death, then my rage will appear and once that appears, my true form will appear and that will give away everything.

If I continue being my normal self then everyone would know it and I didn't want to hurt Emiko... even Strider...

Shit Strider... I forgot I left him in the apartment alone and my stuff... shit my knives...

I had to falter in my footwork and immediately Vanitas pinned me against the wall. I was breathless at our little dance and yet it didn't phase him at all.

"Why do you put up a fight at first and when you get the upper hand, you allow yourself to lose, or is it only for me that you like getting yourself pinned by men?"

Well in a way... you know what... I wasn't going to answer that...

Vanitas came closer to my face, "You're intriguing. Always trying to be strong when in fact you're just a weak human. But that's okay, I like my prey weak and docile." He whispered and that's when I noticed his eyes begin to change. The purple in his iris changed to a deep dark blue, like the depths of the darkest part of the ocean.

At that instant, I knew that he was using his siren whisper on me. A siren's whisper is a power that mermaids use to enchant humans to do their bidding.

Vanitas had his guard down while he used that power. I snickered silently, cause Abaddon always used that trick on me but every time he tried, it never worked because of the caelestian blood that runs in my veins.

I pushed his hands away and punched him in his stomach. He gasps and jumps a few feet away from me. His blue eyes change back to purple with hints of blue and red. I glanced at the entrance of the cave and noticed the shadow storm had begun to pass.

"As much as I'd love to get to know you Vanitas." I sarcastically exclaim, "I just won't stay here any longer with a caelestian, that much a merman."

Vanitas chuckled, "That's too bad but it seems we'll have to spend more time together due to Emiko's happiness."

"Unfortunately I'm a busy person so the last time you'll see me is at the festival." I stepped out of the cave and climbed the wall.

With a voice so low and dangerous he replied which sent me on high alert, "Nah I doubt that. We'll be seeing each other sooner than you'll expect,"

In the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of me. Before I could even react his hands reached my face and he covered my eyes. I protested against it and felt light-headed.

"I couldn't just leave you stranded in that forest now could I, Willow?" He whispered in my ear.

And when he released his hand from my eyes. My surroundings changed to the alleyway behind my dormitory.

"Consider this a little favor that I had done for you, after all, I healed your wounds and also brought you back to your home." He sneered.

I groaned, "What the bloody hell! I never ask you to do this! Who gave you the right to decide for me?!" I yelled and raised my hand to hit him.

He grabbed my wrist and with a smirk he taunted, "I'd like to see how pathetic you are. You, humans, are surely so interesting in your forsaken ways. I do look forward to seeing how you'll perform at the festival little Willow."

He released my wrist and I could only stand there watching him leave. My chest began to heave as I felt a panic attack on the rise within me.

I had to leave this place...

One way or the other...

I couldn't stay here...

They were here... but they're dead and nothing comes back from that...

Nothing can come back from my fire...

So why through all of this am I hallucinating that Vanitas is Abbadon?