
Shadow Monarch: Multiverse Ascendance

Short Synopsis: New Sung Jin-Woo, the Shadow Monarch, finds himself bestowed with the power to traverse the multiverse with his enigmatic System. As he explores various dimensions, he forms new connections, acquires countless Shadows, and relentlessly seeks to unlock the true potential of his abilities. As he journeys through countless worlds, he gathers new lovers, forms unbreakable bonds with them .... Long Synopsis: After dying, he opend his eyes in one of his most favourite functional worlds the world of Solo Leveling. Join him as he becomes the strongest hunter in existence! Multiverse.... I still didn't decided if it's a harem or not we will see how it's process... it will have many dark elements as I would explore the side the world that was rarely see in the book. ..................... I don't own anything all rights goes to their respective writers....

GodOfGreedAs · Anime & Comics
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240 Chs

CHAPTER 90 Free Gold

"I don't wanna conquer anything. It's just that the person with the most freedom on the sea is the pirate king."

Monkey D Luffy


So is this chapter short?

Yes, it is but do you know what is even fewer? Well let me tell you it's comments and even worse it's power stones they didn't even pass 150 on the third day.

Now that is just evil, So I did the same by reducing the chapter by half


Reaching the wall, I supported myself against it, with my hand covering my mouth. At this moment, I almost threw up.

'Don't kill me!' 'Kill me, but please spare my child!'... Those thoughts appeared in my head instantly upon arriving in this capital. These were the thoughts of the people who died in this place. However, that wasn't the reason I almost threw up. The real reason was that all these thoughts were from today, which meant that many people had died in this place in a very inhumane way.

Even my extraordinary senses, along with different sense skills, didn't do wonders for me. I could smell the disgusting odor and hear cries for mercy, help, and pleas for an end to the suffering. And much, much more.

I shut down my connection with mana and tried to tone down the effectiveness of my super sense. They were working against me. Then, with a calm face, I walked towards the exit of the alleyway, though my eyes lacked anger or sadness as I sheathed the Katana and put it in my inventory.

"It seems I have to take this matter seriously..." Even though I appeared normal, I was angry at this moment. As someone who feels mana and can comprehend the feelings behind it, I felt the despair in this capital very well, as well as the cause behind it.

Honestly, even if the story was about destroying the Empire, I hadn't taken it seriously before. It wasn't something related to me as far as I could see. But now, I was serious about the destruction that my mind was considering, dropping something from the Lovecraft myth if I had the power to do so.

I shook my head to clear it from these thoughts before walking through the streets of the Empire.

The Empire appeared normal on the surface, with crowds of people and guards checking on them. But the truth behind this façade was very dark.

Behind the people's smiles were clear signs of fear shown in their eyes, and the guards were taking bribes here and there. If someone didn't pay, they would have a talk with him, and there were even red stains on the ground, indicating someone had been beaten or killed.

I stared at these things for a moment before walking towards a place where a few fancy wagons were heading.

"It's time to become vigilant..." I looked towards where the nobles lived before following the wagons in that direction.

In this ancient world, the currency is gold and all the fantasy stuff shit.  So I should be collecting gold and gems as they can be used in both modern or fantasy or medieval worlds, unlike collecting dollars which can only be used in modern settings. Collecting gold and gems is the best form of currency that can work in most worlds.

My first thought was about stealing directly from the stores with some speed, but after seeing this, I decided to take a longer route and remove some pests from the picture.

I walked slowly and spotted some large mansions at the front. I walked into an alleyway and checked if anyone was around, even though it didn't matter to me.

Soon, my clothes changed into a long black trench coat, and a hood covered my head.

I didn't speak as I picked the mansion with the most negative mana in the whole sea of negative mana. I pulled out the Katana, using my full speed, and disappeared from the place.

(Time skip 2 minutes)

Tosy is a normal noble from the Empire, and he's proud of that. Like most nobles in the Empire, he usually attends parties and meetings with different nobles, where they talk about their plans but mostly their hobbies.

Tosy's hobby is drugging people with different types of chemicals and watching their reactions. Most of them die in the process, but there are a few who survive, which makes him increase the dose. Lately, he's been into using poisons that lead to slow death after hearing about it from another noble with the same hobby. He has to admit that the reaction of those people when they know they'll die is priceless.

In his free time, he likes to play around with women and girls, and after engaging with them, he likes to watch them engage with his pets, just like most young nobles.

Tosy was walking in his mansion corridor as usual, carrying his notebook in which he records the reactions. He was thinking about what he should try today, whether he should buy new and powerful pets and see girls tear open. But he felt that something was wrong. The corridor was quiet, too quiet.

The guards and maids who usually worked in the house had suddenly disappeared, but he didn't notice because he was too focused on his thoughts for his own fun.

"Guards!" Tosy called, but nobody showed up. The silence began to become scarier, making Tosy nervous.

"Guards! You useless bunch of waste!" Tosy was angry, thinking about how these commoners dared not to respond to him. Should he just pick up their wives and daughters and show them their place by having his pets have fun with them in front of him?

As he rushed down the corridor, thinking about how to punish them, Tosy felt that something wasn't normal. There was almost no one in the mansion. Even when Tosy entered some rooms, he didn't see anyone, which made him more nervous because even though he liked to torture people, he never actually had the courage to face anything directly.

"Where did they g--" Tosy stopped because he saw a long trail of blood and a headless corpse of one of his guards at the end of the corridor.

"W-What!" Tosy got terrified by this scene, feeling his legs shaking from fear. But before he could run, he heard a sound from behind him.

A man with a long black coat stood there, with a hood covering his face. Tosy was terrified because there was another corpse behind the man, indicating that he had done all of this. But even in his terrified state, Tosy mustered some courage and said, "Y-You are Night Raid! How dare you attack nobles!"

Tosy continued talking about how this was unforgivable and how the Empire would catch all of them. But the man just shook his head before saying, "You are wrong..."

"Eh?" Tosy didn't understand what was going on before his vision changed, and he saw a headless body—it was his body.

"This isn't Night..." Jinwoo walked slowly towards Tosy and picked up the notebook before saying, "This is Day Raid."


*Jin-Woo POV*

I had already cleared this house in an assassin's way, killing most of the guards and knocking out those whose mana thoughts were clean enough.

All in all, I finished this mansion and killed the boss in little time without getting noticed or even using stealth.

I even took this guy's treasury with all the gold, gems, and anything precious that held value before killing him. However, the amount was much less than what I got from the last one. But now I was looking at this notebook, which wasn't pleasant.

I closed the notebook and walked towards a place in the mansion. After walking for a while, I found the entrance to the basement. I opened the door and descended the stairs.

A nauseating smell rushed from the basement as I looked with an expressionless face at all the people on the operation tables or in cells, screaming in agony and begging to be released from the pain.

I felt that all these people's mana and vitality were very weak, indicating that they would die very soon, as their mana itself cried out. But they were suffering until their last breath.

Suddenly, one of the people in the basement saw me. He stretched his hand towards me and moved his mouth, but he couldn't speak.

I understood the man's words even though he didn't say them—"Kill me... Please kill me."

"... Tch." I stood silently in that place for a while before clicking my tongue and chanting 'Air Slash'. A bright light flashed, and all the people there were instantly killed with fatal attacks on their necks, hearts, or heads.

I watched the man who asked for death now die, but before his eyes lost focus, he had a grateful look.

I put the Katana back in its scabbard and looked at the hellhole that existed in this basement. I raised my hand, and a bright light appeared before a huge fireball, black in color, formed in my hand.

"Let it burn..." I pushed my hand forward, and the fireball rushed into the basement, jumping and igniting the whole place in flames.

The fireball was an elemental flame with a shadow element added to it, with touches of explosive flames and the ability to burn indefinitely. However, after 10 minutes, it would absorb all the fire and explode.

I looked at the raging flames before using my speed and disappearing from the location, Stopping at an empty alleyway, I took a deep breath and fixed my appearance, returning to my normal clothes.

"The money isn't a problem, which means I need to look for the target now..." I cleared my head from all that I saw inside that place before I started working on my plan.


So is this chapter short?

Yes, it is but do you know what is even fewer? Well let me tell you it's comments and even worse it's power stones they didn't even pass 150 on the third day.

Now that is just evil, So I did the same by reducing the chapter by half.

So is this chapter short?

Yes, it is but do you know what is even fewer? Well let me tell you it's comments and even worse it's power stones they didn't even pass 150 on the third day.

Now that is just evil, So I did the same by reducing the chapter by half

GodOfGreedAscreators' thoughts