
Shadow Monarch: Multiverse Ascendance

Short Synopsis: New Sung Jin-Woo, the Shadow Monarch, finds himself bestowed with the power to traverse the multiverse with his enigmatic System. As he explores various dimensions, he forms new connections, acquires countless Shadows, and relentlessly seeks to unlock the true potential of his abilities. As he journeys through countless worlds, he gathers new lovers, forms unbreakable bonds with them .... Long Synopsis: After dying, he opend his eyes in one of his most favourite functional worlds the world of Solo Leveling. Join him as he becomes the strongest hunter in existence! Multiverse.... I still didn't decided if it's a harem or not we will see how it's process... it will have many dark elements as I would explore the side the world that was rarely see in the book. ..................... I don't own anything all rights goes to their respective writers....

GodOfGreedAs · Anime & Comics
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239 Chs

CHAPTER 118 Chaos

If you truly love something you should.. set it free,

and if it doesn't comeback

then they were never yours to start.


The collision between the Hellfire and Esdeath's attack created a spectacle that left everyone in awe. The two forces clashed, each vying for dominance, and for a moment, it seemed as though the world itself might shatter under their power.

As the two attacks met head-on, an extremely bright light appeared in the sky covering the dazzling everyone below, Even hunters were no exception as they closed their eyes to avoid a temporary blindness. Once the bright light subsided they looked up and their faces became pale. As the black and red flames subsided, there was no trace of their impending doom. 

But Jin's Hellfire proved to be stronger, and with a powerful surge, the black flames consumed the massive sphere, completely obliterating it. 

It had been completely annihilated, leaving only a lingering trail of black smoke in the air. The crowd watched in stunned silence as the attack disappeared into nothingness, leaving only faint traces of residual energy in the air.

As a new wave of shock waves came in the form of air that tries to fill the empty space felt by collagen between two world ending events.  

The crowd erupted into cheers and applause, as the whole city jumped high trying to celebrate their survival.  While on the other hand people in the building looked at Jin.  And trying to praise Jin for his incredible display of power. 

"See you in five days" Esdeath spoke as she just jumped off the building.  "You heard the lady see you in five days." Jin said as he also Jumped off the building people were too shocked to even say something. And it's not like they even got the opportunity to even say something. 

Esdeath slowed down her fall by the freezing air below her landing elegantly on the other hand Jin landed on the ground with full speed and power breaking the ground below his feet. The superhero landing.   

It's not like Esdeath legs won't be able to take the fall, quite the contrary the heels she was wearing won't be able to take the fall.  And she didn't want to break something she just bought yesterday so she slowed herself down.  

"Don't you think that was too much?" Said jin as he dusted off his clothes.  

"No it wasn't, I think it was a bit too small but at least this will teach them not to talk to me like that" Esdeath replied with disgust in her voice as she didn't like how they were eyeing her body and how they talked to her.  Until now she was controlling her anger.  


"Yes, the only man that is allowed to look at me with those eyes are yours and you're the only one who talks me down. It was a miracle that I just didn't gouged out their eyeballs right there and feed them their own eyeballs" Again Esdeath shared her thoughts with visible disgust and somehow controlled her anger and her tone was so cold that even Jin felt the chill.  

She was truly a yandere ready to kill anyone if they even tried to eye her in the wrong way.  And it's Jin didn't love it.  

"Sigh…  Then it was a good idea that I didn't let go alone" Jin said with a sigh, thanking his thoughts of never letting her go alone.  "At least you didn't do it, ment you are changing." 

Jin said as both entered the car.  In that moment, Esdeath realized that confidence and self-belief could carry her through any challenge. She was ready to take on the world of hunters, armed with her determination and a heart full of servitude. As she walked away from the bustling building, she embraced her new identity, ready to carve her path as a hunter, leaving a lasting impression on those who dared to doubt her.


News of the event spread like wildfire, with media outlets reporting on the near- catastrophic incident that was averted by the combined efforts of Jin.

The Hunter Association released an officele post as soon as things quiet down a little. They revealed who did that it was during a test of 11th S-rank hunter about revealing who was she they gave her the title of Ice Empress and when people asked who was 10th S-Rank hunter they refused to release any official name behind the incident and only give the Ice Empress. 

The news of Esdeath's incredible power had spread like wildfire throughout Korea, Asia and the whole world, and the curiosity surrounding her abilities only grew with each passing minute as the Koreans were in fear. As rumors and speculations circulated, many wondered just how powerful the Ice Empress truly was. 

On social media, hashtags like #IceEmpress'sMight and #Unknon'sHellfire,  #Koria's11th S-rankhunter #Whois10th #CalamityinKorea # tags like these were trading all over social media.  And in matter minutes just after the doom they avoided.  

These were trending so fast that they became the fastest trading topics of the world, and people from all over the world were talking about the incredible display of power they had witnessed. Foreign countries were in awe of Koria's new S-ranker and her enigmatic ally, the one who wiped the attack with black and red flems.

Now In the days that followed, news channels and social media platforms were abuzz with discussions and analyses of the event. Experts and pundits speculated on the true extent of the Ice Empiress and the one that canceled her power, and the city of Koria became a focal point of international attention.

As news of the extraordinary event spread, it became the talk of the nation and beyond. The images of Esdeath's attack and Jin's Hellfire were plastered across every news channel, discussed in every household, and shared on social media platforms worldwide.

Foreign countries marveled and fear at the power and abilities of these two extraordinary hunters, and their names became known even in places far beyond the borders of Korea.

But amidst the awe and admiration, there was also a sense of caution and respect. Esdeath and Jin had shown that they were forces to be reckoned with, capable of wielding power that could change the course of history.

For Esdeath, it was a moment of triumph and recognition. She had not only proven her strength to the Hunter's Association but also to the entire world. And with Jin by her side, she knew that there were no challenges they couldn't overcome.

As the sun set on that eventful day, Esdeath and Jin were heading into a new place,  


The visiting hours of the Seoul's Ilshin hospital ended at eight in the evening. 

"Are you the guardian of the patient Park Kyoung-Hye?"

"That's correct."

"You can go and see her. Are you aware of the visiting hours cut-off time?"

"Yes, I'm aware."

Finishing his chat by the nursing station, Jin and Esdeath quickly walked to the patient ward his new mother was in. Thanks to their hurried steps, they arrived there not too long afterwards.


Jin opened the door and entered the ward, and quietly sat down on the chair next to the bed his mother was lying in on while Esdeath stood behind him placing her hand on his shoulder. His mother seemed to be in a deep slumber.

'With her like this, it's like she'd wake up at any moment now….'

A slumber that no one could wake up from; it was a new type of illness that appeared with the advent of the Gates.

'I heard from someone that this hospital alone has over ten patients suffering the same illness….'

Jin gently held new mother's hand.


Thankfully, the life support machines using the magic crystals as fuel managed to stop mom and her hand from wasting away, even though she had been in a coma for many years now.

However, magic crystals were expensive. The magic crystals to fuel the life-support machines for a month cost over five million Won.

A youth in his early twenties would never have been able to afford such a fee, if it weren't for og Jin working for the Hunters Association and was qualified to receive their medical aid scheme.

Because he'd been working his a*s off until now, he was able to hold his mom's hand like this. However, everything would change soon.

He would no longer simply be satisfied with her still breathing like this, and actually be able to cure her with words he had some healing spells that could rejuvenate a person from near death, regrow limbs and cure any disease and even reverse the ageing to their prime form.

"Light Heal" "X-Healing" "Shine Healing" "Cure Wounds" "Cure Illness" "Heavenly Light"  

"Greater Healing" "Divine Light" "Cure Poison" "Shine Healing" "Cure Condition" "Cure Extreme Condition" "Cure Extreme Illness" "Cure Extreme Poison" "Cure Status Effects" "Cure Extreme Status Effects"

These all the healing spells he added into his Arsenal and could cast them at any moment.  And only spells he had add now are "Revival" spells. 

Now to mention The Divine Water of Life – the cure-all the System had gifted him with.

Even if there was a very slight chance that his spells wouldn't work, he was sure that it would definitely work.  Right now, crafting it was his first priority.

"Even though I'm not what you want, I promise I'll save you."

This woman did her best to stabilise the family when his father went missing, even though she never enjoyed robust health. Not too long from now, he'd get to see her up on her two feet again.

'Please, just wait a little while longer.'

"Do you love her?" Asked Esdeath in a very quiet voice but with his sense he clearly heard it.  

"I am not sure, but I think I don't at least" Jin stopped as his voice was dry he glanced at the face of the woman as he continues "What I am sure of that I want to give them all the happiness they deserve even more than that, and a peaceful world to live in" 

Esdeath tightened her grip on his shoulders without saying much; she understood how important this woman was to her man.  Even though he wasn't sure if he loved her, but she knew he did at least on some level just like Jinha.  

Love was a mysterious thing hard to explain and even harder to grasp upon.  

I love you and that's the beginning and the end of everything there is no because needed.


How long did he sit there by her side?

Jin finally pushed himself up after a lengthy vigil. So did Esadeth just like a good wife she was standing behind him without muttering a single word.  

Letting him have his peace.  

Ending his definitely-not short visit, Jin wordlessly walked out of the ward and Esdeath carefully closed the door behind him. And when they turned around to leave, Jin got to spot a familiar face standing in the corridor.

"On that day… it was you who killed the monsters in the dual dungeon, wasn't it?"

A low and thick, manly voice.

Sharp, scary eyebrows.

He was none other than Woo Jin-Cheol from the Monitoring Division. He doesn't seem too shocked by the presence of Esdeath who didn't even bother to glance at him.  They must have seen them together though the camera as they both came from the same car and exited with the same car.  

As Hunter Association is security tight so them having cameras everywhere is a normal thing and Esdeath and Jin being recorded together also be normal as they didn't try to hide it either.  So they must have clearly seen how close both seems to be. 

Jin didn't reply. There was no reason to, nor did he particularly feel like it, either. Instead, there was something else he wanted to ask.

"How did you find out that I was here?"

"I tried to guess the places you might head off to. I called the hospital and they informed me of your presence here."

The Association was paying for mom's hospital fees, after all.

'Well, that had changed a few weeks ago.'

It was possible that Woo Jin-Cheol checked the hospital first, before anywhere else. Should he chalk that up to the swift nature befitting the Monitoring Division?

Jin let a smirk form on his face.

"Did you seek me out just to ask me about that day's events? And you don't seems be shocked by lady behind me"

"No, I did not. Yes I am in Monitoring Division the whole country is filled with cameras and various technology that let us know about gates,  and they do sometimes record people" Man replied without saying that they could track anyone in this country. 

"Well, then. How can I help you?"

"There is someone who'd like to speak to you and if possible Ms. Esdeath also. Would you two mind accompanying me for a little while?"

The infamous Monitoring Division of the Hunters Association.

The main role the Monitoring Division performed was to watch and manage those high-risk Hunters, as well to punish those who broke the law. From a Hunter's perspective, they weren't really a welcoming presence.

Of course, Jin-Woo's gaze wasn't too friendly, either but there were some who was ready to kill.

"Is that an order?" Said Esdeath with clear killing intent in her words.  


Woo Jin-Cheol took his sunglasses off. He then deeply bowed his head, his voice sounding much more serious than before. As he was sweating bullets as he never had a killing intent like that he can't imagine how many you had to kill to gain a killing intent like her.  

"I'd like to ask you for this favour."


Esdeath didn't expect Woo Jin-Cheol, with his fearsome countenance and all, to assume that kind of attitude.

As she thought of like those fatass Nobel who don't know their place.  

Jin pondered a little, before deciding to be done with this and to meet the chairman first.

"Who wants to talk to me?" Jin asked even though he knew.  

Woo Jin-Cheol raised his head only then.

"It's the President of the Hunters Association, Go Gunhee."

Woo Jin-Cheol then pointed towards the corner behind him and spoke.

"The Association President is currently here."

The office of the President of the Hunters Association.

The facial expression of the doctor examining Go Gunhee wasn't so good. He removed the stethoscope from Go Gunhee's chest.


"No need to say it. I can already tell from the look on your face."

Go Gunhee chuckled gently as he buttoned up his shirt.

The doctor couldn't bring himself to say anything.

'President Go Gunhee…. What with the state of your health, you, walking around like this is a miracle in itself already…..'

Even then, the President of the Association did not show any signs of slowing down. He actually didn't even have the time to stop by at the hospital, and had his personal doctor come to see him at the office, instead!


President Go Gunhee slid his arm in the sleeve of the jacket and spoke.

"Back when the Healers began appearing here and there, and healing magic was discovered, I thought that for sure I'd be able to regain my youth, and that I would be saying bye bye to this terribly inconvenient old and decrepit body of mine."

Go Gunhee then chuckled again.

"However, the truth didn't work out that way."

"There was no improvement from the treatment, sir?"

"It seems that this thing called 'age' is beyond the capability of the high-ranking Hunters and their magic."

If the Healer-type Hunters could heal any and all types of sickness with magic, then without a doubt, every single hospital in the land would've closed up, and doctors would've ended up on the street, begging for food.

But fortunately, or perhaps, unfortunately, such an event didn't occur.