
Shadow Monarch: DxD

[High School DxD x Solo Leveling Fanfic] A world wrapped in war and conflict. Beings are so powerful that they come from the myths themselves. Dangers at every turn. In front of this, a young man remains perennial before difficulties. "... Arise."

ChaosOfDeity · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Chapter 5: Fountain (1).

The scene that occurred in the morning was repeated once again.

No, in fact, it was different.

In addition to the girls from the Kendo club, other clubs joined in: dance, music and languages.

Now, not that I knew anything about that.

I only had to look at the items in their hands with which they beat the trio of perverts.

Nothing more, nothing less.

"Still, guys. You sure tried hard."

In that short span of time that he had been separated from them, they had managed to harass so many girls.

Could they have some talent at this sort of thing?

I mean pissing people off; stalking was a complete no-no.

Of course, I was apart from everything.

I had to be.

Hearing the screams of that trio of perverts, no doubt they would not suffer alone.

The flames of vengeance burned in their swollen faces.

I wonder how they would react if they knew that I was taunting them right now.

Surely, it would not be pleasant.

I couldn't take it anymore.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha," I laughed uncontrollably.

The people in the hallway turned away in fright and looked at me quizzically.

In any case, I didn't care.

This laughter was not born not only from the jocularity of the situation, but as an outlet for all the frustration I had felt since my transmigration.

I wiped away the tears brought on by the laughter.

"Is it funny?"

"Of course it is, just look at them."

I proceeded to point out to the person next to me the chaos going on in the pasture.


A beautiful, large-busted girl looked at me with a smile that wasn't a smile.

"What's wrong, Yuki, did the cat bite your tongue?"

That sounded familiar.

Karma, it does come in mysterious ways, I thought.

In any case:

"Ah, what a pleasant day it is."

Suddenly, as if I had remembered something, I said. "It's true! The math teacher needed me in the teacher's lounge!"

I started to walk away.

'Hmm, yeah, I made it.'

My performance was beyond perfect.

"Is that so, you're going for my notebook?"

I walked faster.

"Not so fast!"


How strange. Why aren't my legs touching the ground?

Then, a loud thump on my back.

I momentarily lost my breath.

The violent girl's face looked down at me from above, with a curl on her small lips denoting her happiness.

"Why have you been running away? Just give me back my notebook."

The girl said with one hand on her hip and another in a sign that seemed to say: hand it over.

In my daze, I replied. "..... I didn't bring it."

The girl snorted. "I know, why didn't you tell me?"

I kept silent.

The image of the violent girl was superimposed with that of a bloodied girl.

My pupils constricted.

Tears began to form at the side of my eyes.

"¿... Are you okay?"

The girl questioned me worriedly.

I came to my senses.

I rubbed my sleeve over my eyes, quickly.

'She sure has a lot of questions.'

In parallel, I looked at her blankly.

"Did I hurt you? I'm sorry! Come, let's go to the infirmary."

She approached.

Apparently, she considered that I was unwell somehow.

Well, my back hurt.


"Ha, ha, ha, ha," I laughed out of sheer effort and stepped back. "Nothing's wrong. I'll bring it to you tomorrow. The notebook."

Without further delay, I walked away.

I glimpsed a complex look on his face, for a brief moment.

"Have I become more emotional over the years?" I muttered when the distance became great enough.

At least, I should no longer worry about useless issues.

Also, what kind of pitch was that?

For a brief moment I saw his face.

A memory from the past that I had wanted to forget came to me in an abrupt way that I could not hope to ever remember.

It was very painful.

Perhaps it was from that event that I hate, even suffer from, panic at the thought of disappointing even the slightest bit anyone.

"I'm sorry."

To whom was my apology directed? Only I knew.

* * *

The final bell.

With that, the violent girl tried to speak to me, but finally desisted.

She was more considerate than her previous actions could ever show.

Anyway, fortuitous conclusion for me.

I did not want to redirect my attention to anyone.

At the same time, I felt something in my chest, and I didn't know what it was.

Since when did my life become some kind of drama?

I shook my head.

However, I still have this on my mind, but isn't the way some particular people behave, strange? As if, they came from an Anime.

It was even more so, if you think how totally opposite Japanese people normally are with their creations such as: Anime, manga, among others.

They were pretty square people, if I could say so.

Although I had managed to hear at some point that they tend to be very childish due to the fear they have of adulthood and work life….

Could it be because of that?

It certainly made things more interesting, but I couldn't help but feel a sense of dissonance between what I knew and what was happening.

"Well, enough rambling."

I walked out of the Kuoh academy.

As I looked up at the sun that was already beginning to set, causing the sky to turn an orange color with slight hints of yellow, I said to myself. "What a long day."

For some reason, I felt melancholy and reflective.

So much had happened. Both funny and not.

Feelings that I kept for a long time bottled up inside me, today came to light for reasons that I could well classify as mundane, to a certain extent, stupid.

Or at least, I thought so.

Perhaps there is more at first glance than I might have considered at first.

"In any case, I must get to work."

After all, the bills and my study would not pay for themselves.