
Shadow Monarch (Solo Leveling x HsDxD)

Enter Kazuki Tanaka, your regular high school student. Life has always been the same, eat, sleep, school, etc and repeat. That was until a fallen angel attacked him while he was taking a stroll. He was about to die until... ---- Notes: I will change some aspects when it comes to Solo Leveling, you are going to see things such as dungeon creation, observe, etc. - This is not a "Betrayed" book - Rias will not be a pain in the ass - There will be a lot of violence -There will not be a harem -Constructive criticism is accepted You may also see some appearances of characters from other anime and Manhwa. This was originally published on Wattpad and Yes, this is MY story.

Laurentiino · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

XIX - Soultaker


ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-


Name: Kazuki Tanaka Level: 67

Job: The Monarch of Shadows Fatigue: 32

Title: Wolf Slayer Age: 17

HP: 21,500 MP: 8000


Strength: 315 Vitality: 203

Agility: 258 Intelligence: 202

Remaining Points: 0


"This mutt seems strong, I'll take care of this," Balak states. "No, this is the strongest being I've seen so far. You're going to need help," Kazuki says. "If Cerberus is this strong I don't want to find out how strong Hades is. Everyone, we need to work together to kill this thing."

"You're joking right?" Issei says. "I am very serious, now let's do this!" Kazuki threw a light spear at Cerberus, the attack did absolutely nothing. "Shit! Balak, command the shadows and try to take down this thing." He looks around at the countless hellhounds surrounding them.

He equips Rasaka's Fang and the Kreeton Cutter, and Kazuki charges at the hellhounds. The monarch was given help from Koneko and Akeno. Koneko used her impressive strength to dispatch the hounds while Akeno formed ice-shaped spears with her elemental magic to kill the hounds. The sadist flew up into the air, thunderclouds started to appear, and soon after lightning bolts were raining down on the hounds. The attack killed dozens upon dozens of them.

The rest of Rias' peerage was aiding the shadows in helping kill Cerberus. "I didn't expect a cerebus to be so strong. Although this one seems to be different from the ones in the underworld."

Rias formed a ball of destruction and threw it at Cerberus. Usually, whenever her destruction energy touches a living being they disintegrate. And when an opponent is too strong, it does not work. Cerberus attempted to claw at the devil but was stopped by Balak.

The demonkin slashed at Cerberus, damaging the hellhound. Igris does the same thing, and Viser attacks with her mace. All of them did little damage, Balak was the only one to put up a fight. But even he was too weak against Cerberus, In retaliation, the main head of Cerberus fired hellfire from its mouth. The devils moved out of the way in time but the shadows were not so lucky. They were all destroyed by the fire.

They all regenerated their bodies and continued to fight. The mass regeneration caused Kazuki's mana to decrease dramatically. The devils, fallen angels, and hellhounds that we're turned into shadows were also getting in on the action.

[MP: 6829/8000]

Freed fired shot after shot at Cerberus, the bullets actually did some good amounts of damage because of their holy nature. Kazuki was still fighting off the hellhounds with Koneko and Asia when he saw that Cerberus was slowly taking damage.

[Cerberus HP: 121,458/125,000]

"Good job, keep going!" He yells. Kazuki flies into the air and lifts his hands. He created over 200 light spears and flung them at Cerberus. His fatigue shot up dramatically because of this.

[Fatigue: 73]

Kazuki flies down and sees that the attack was sort of effective.

[Cerberus HP: 104,960/125,000]

"Shit! This is going to take too long. We have put an end to this now!" He yells. "What do you think we have been doing?! We're trying here!" Issei yells. "Dragon Shot!" The energy ball that he Issei created did absolutely nothing.

Kiba was fighting alongside Balak, Igris, Viser, and the shadow infantry. The swordsman was very worn out. "Keep going! The fight isn't over!" Balak yells. Kiba nodded and used his sword birth skill to hurt the hellhound.

Some pierced through while the majority of them were broken on impact. "This is not working!" Kiba yells in frustration. "We cannot lose hope, this vile creature will fall to our hands!" Balak says.

Rias, Freed, and the shadow mages were attacking from a distance. Cerberus was getting angrier and angrier, it claws at Kiba and sends him out of the fight. The shadow soldiers were all being taken out one by one.

[MP: 6732/8000]

[MP: 6517/8000]

[MP: 6340/8000]

Suddenly music started to play, and they all looked to see a shadow mage playing Niberius' Flute.

[A random effect has been activated. +500% attack potency for 5 minutes]

Suddenly everyone in Kazuki's party was given a boost in strength. "Alright, this is the chance we all needed. Don't waste it!" He yells at the devils. "You heard him, we can't let this opportunity go to waste!"

Issei began to boost his sacred gear and the rest of the peerage began to attack the three-headed hellhound. Kazuki summons light spears and uses 'Quicksilver' to blitz over to Cerberus.

Kazuki stabs the eye of one of the heads, he continued this over and over until the left head of Cerberus was completely blind. The hellhound roared out in pain. "Stop whining," Koneko says. She punches Cerberus once and it was super effective. The hellhound's health dropped significantly.

[Cerberus HP: 84,210/125,000]

"Hell Fire Festival!" Balak yells, this was his special skill. He summoned hundreds upon hundreds of fireballs around him. The demonkin sends all of them down, they rained on Cerberus. The hellhound roared in agony.

"You used a fire-based attack on a literal dog from hell...and it looks like it was effective," Kazuki says. "Yes, if we did not have that 500% attack potency this would not be all that effective," Balak answers.

[Cerberus HP: 52,338/125,000]


"Alright, it's ready!" Issei yells. A red blast shoots out of his sacred gear, aimed straight at Cerberus. The attack engulfed the hellhound, and the surrounding area was covered in debris.

[Cerberus HP: 39,980/125,000]

From the debris, they see a red fiery glow. It began to get bigger and bigger. "Everyone, move out of the way!" Kazuki yells. The devils and Asia did as told and moved as fast as they could. Issei was not able to because his energy was severely decreased from performing the attack.

"Shit!" Kazuki says to himself. He uses 'Quicksilver' to quickly get to Issei. He covers Issei using his body. Cerberus let out a deafening roar and hellfire were released from its three heads.

[HP: 6,786/21,500]

The clothes were seared revealing his now scarred back. Kazuki powers through the pain and brings Issei to safety.

He looks back at Cerberus, he is now getting serious.

[Skill: 'Bloodlust' is Active]

Cerberus now showed an expression of fear. "Shadows attack now!" Kazuki commanded. Balak, Igris, and Viser used their weapons to deal damage to the hound. Kazuki slits the throat of the main head of Cerberus.

[Effect 'Paralyze' is Active]

[Effect 'Bleed' is Active]

The daggers' effects allowed for Kazuki's shadows to finish the hellhound off.

[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]

He walked over to the corpse. "It would be a waste if I didn't have you as one of my shadows. Kazuki retired the devils, fallen angels, and hellhounds. And then retired a knight, leaving 19 shadow soldiers left.

"Now, Arise!"

The devils and Asia look on as Kazuki resurrected Cerberus.

"Cerberus will do just fine."

Name: Cerberus

LVL: 70

STR: 4900

INT: 128

AGL: 637

Rank: Marshall

"Kazuki, look, something was left behind," Asia says. Kazuki checks to see what Asia was referring to. His eyes land on an axe, Kazuki picks it up and inspects it.

[Item: Soultaker]

[Item Class: SS]

[Type: Axe]

[Power: 500]

[Desc; Skill: 'Soul Eat' Allows the user to absorb the stats of any enemy. Drawbacks; The user loses a piece of themselves, becoming more emotionless. This is an optional skill, 'Shadow Extraction' will not work if 'Soul Eat' is used.]

"Return," Kazuki says. His shadows were now gone. "This axe is badass." Kazuki puts the axe into his inventory.

He then checked his stats.

ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-


Name: Kazuki Tanaka Level: 70

Job: The Monarch of Shadows Fatigue: 84

Title: Wolf Slayer Age: 17

HP: 6,786/23,000 MP: 8150


Strength: 318 Vitality: 206

Agility: 261 Intelligence: 205

Remaining Points: 30

Kazuki decided to put 10 points in strength, agility and vitality.

[Strength: 328]

[Agility: 271]

[Vitality: 216]

[Remaining points: 0]

"Alright, I think that's enough. ID escape."

They were all back at the training camp. "Hope this experience helps you guys win in the rating game."

[You have survived; Hell]

[Shadows: 20/50]

[Bonus: Status Recovery]

Everyone including Kazuki was back to full health. "Delete party."

[Everyone in your party will be removed; Do you wish to proceed? {Yes/No}]

"Remove everyone except for Asia," he says.

[The following people have been removed from your party:]

[Rias Gremory]

[Yuuto Kiba]

[Akeno Himejima]

[Koneko Tojo]

[Issei Hyoudou]