
Shadow Love

Liu Xinran, a high schooler who swore off love after being betrayed by her former crush, finds herself unexpectedly drawn to Yu Xuan due to unforeseen circumstances. Despite her promise to never love again, Liu Xinran cannot resist the profound connection she shares with Yu Xuan. As their relationship blossoms, Liu Xinran navigates the complexities of her past while embracing the newfound emotions that Yu Xuan has reignited within her. The story explores themes of trust, healing, and the resilience of the heart in the face of unexpected love. [I hope this message finds you well. The image on my novel cover doesn't belong to me. If the true creator wishes to have it removed, I am more than willing to take it down promptly. Please let me know how we can proceed.] Best regards, [ Xia Xia ]

YuLan · Movies
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14 Chs


In halls where learning's treasures gleam, let no gold tarnish the shared dream. Wealth adorns, but hearts should see, kindness reigning, empathy free.

No riches shield the pain endured when cruelty's flame is unassured. Beneath opulence, a soul may bleed, a plea for kindness, we all need.

In textbooks of compassion, we enroll, where every student finds a role. No privilege exempts the duty, to treat each peer with grace and beauty.

For in shared school days, let not the affluent lead astray. Wealth or want, let hearts be kind, in unity, true friendships bind.



As the morning sunlight streamed into the classroom, Liu Xinran briskly prepared for her class, the excitement of a new day evident in her demeanor. Chenxi, the popular and friendly guy, approached with a warm smile, "Hey Ran Ran! Ready for today's class?"

Together, the trio found their seats, creating an unexpected but harmonious camaraderie. Liu Xinran, usually reserved, felt a sense of belonging with her new friends. Just as they settled, the classroom buzzed with anticipation as their math teacher, William Chang, entered.

Mr. Chang, known for his engaging teaching style, began the lecture. Liu Xinran and Chenxi exchanged occasional glances, sharing subtle smiles during moments of understanding. The class progressed smoothly until the bell rang, signaling the end of the lesson.

In the dimming light of the school day, Jing Jing discreetly summoned her underlings with a hushed urgency. "After school, make sure you capture that bit%h. I have some business to settle with her."

As the school bell rang, her underlings, with a mix of nervousness and determination, discreetly combed through the school grounds, expecting to apprehend Liu Xinran.

However, to their surprise, Liu Xinran was nowhere to be found. The usual ease with which they executed tasks seemed to evade them this time.

Whispers among the underlings heightened their anxiety. "This has never happened before. What if Jing Jing finds out we couldn't capture Liu Xinran?"

With determined steps, they navigated the school's corridors, but Liu Xinran proved elusive as if she had vanished into thin air. Lan Xu felt a growing unease, knowing the consequences of failure under Jing Jing's orders.

They reached the library, where a hushed silence enveloped rows of bookshelves. Suddenly, a faint sound echoed through the quiet space. Lan Xu motioned to her friends, and they cautiously advanced, expecting to find Liu Xinran concealed among the shelves.

The tension heightened as they combed through the library, their footsteps echoing in the space. However, despite their thorough search, Liu Xinran remained elusive. Confusion clouded their expressions as the realization dawned that Liu Xinran had cleverly evaded capture.

In the eerie silence of the library, Lan Xu and her friends exchanged puzzled glances, unsure of how Liu Xinran managed to elude them. The whispers of books seemed to mock their futile search.

An air of uncertainty lingered as they contemplated reporting back to Jing Jing with the news of their unsuccessful mission, wondering how their formidable leader would react to this unexpected turn of events.