
Shadow Love

Liu Xinran, a high schooler who swore off love after being betrayed by her former crush, finds herself unexpectedly drawn to Yu Xuan due to unforeseen circumstances. Despite her promise to never love again, Liu Xinran cannot resist the profound connection she shares with Yu Xuan. As their relationship blossoms, Liu Xinran navigates the complexities of her past while embracing the newfound emotions that Yu Xuan has reignited within her. The story explores themes of trust, healing, and the resilience of the heart in the face of unexpected love. [I hope this message finds you well. The image on my novel cover doesn't belong to me. If the true creator wishes to have it removed, I am more than willing to take it down promptly. Please let me know how we can proceed.] Best regards, [ Xia Xia ]

YuLan · Movies
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14 Chs


The night wrapped around Liu Xinran as she prepared to call it a day. Before drifting into a peaceful slumber, she reached for her phone, setting the alarm for an early morning. With a final glance at the clock, she nestled into her bed, ready to embrace the restful night.

As dawn painted the sky with hues of soft light, Liu Xinran's alarm gently nudged her awake. With a stretch and a yawn, she rose from her bed, the promise of a new day awaiting her. A fresh shower invigorated her senses, the water washing away the remnants of sleep.

In the kitchen, the aroma of brewing coffee wafted through the air as Liu Xinran, ever the early riser, prepared breakfast. Her mother, having gone to the grocery store, would return to the comforting embrace of a home-cooked meal.

Liu Xinran, a culinary artist in the making, crafted a simple yet delicious breakfast before heading off to school. The rhythm of her morning routine painted a picture of warmth and familial care, a gentle symphony that set the tone for the day ahead.

As Liu Xinran stepped out of the elevator, the early morning sunlight spilled into the lobby, casting a warm glow. To her surprise, she noticed Yu Xuan emerging from the opposite apartment complex, his bike by his side.

Their eyes met, and a spontaneous smile formed on Liu Xinran's face. "Good morning!"

Yu Xuan, adjusting his backpack, returned the greeting with a nod. "Morning,"

With a casual greeting, Yu Xuan mounted his bike, and Liu Xinran began her brisk walk. The contrast in their morning commutes, one on wheels and the other on foot seemed to encapsulate the diversity of their paths.

As Yu Xuan pedaled away, Liu Xinran continued her walk with a lightness in her step. The shared greeting marked a simple yet pleasant connection, a momentary intersection of their journeys in the unfolding tapestry of high school life.

 As Liu Xinran arrived at school, an unshakable feeling crept over her – the sensation of being watched. Though she couldn't pinpoint the source, an inexplicable gaze seemed to linger on her every move.

Brushing off the odd feeling, Liu Xinran carried on, determined not to let an unknown gaze unsettle her. She walked confidently towards her classroom, weaving through the bustling corridors with the casual ease of routine.

The phantom stare continued, unseen by Liu Xinran, as she focused on the rhythm of her steps, oblivious to the mysterious gaze that lingered in the shadows.

The school day unfolded, and the unexplained scrutiny remained a fleeting presence, leaving Liu Xinran to navigate the day, unaware of the invisible observer in her midst.

Liu Xinran entered the classroom, and the familiar hum of students filled the air. However, her attention was drawn to a group of popular girls approaching her. They came to a deliberate stop in front of her, their gazes fixed, and a hush rippled through the room.

Confused but unfazed, Liu Xinran decided to carry on with her morning routine, walking past them with purpose. Ignoring their attempts to engage, she focused on finding her seat and preparing for the day ahead.

The popular girls, momentarily taken aback by Liu Xinran's nonchalant demeanor, exchanged glances before dispersing. However, just as she settled in, the leader of the group, Jing Jing, slammed her hand onto Xiao's desk, a piercing glare fixed upon her.

The sudden intrusion drew the attention of nearby classmates, and an uneasy hush fell over the room. Liu Xinran, keeping her composure, looked up at Jing Jing, a silent challenge in her gaze.

Before any confrontation could escalate further, the school bell rang, signaling the arrival of the teacher. The group of girls, including Jing Jing, begrudgingly retreated, dispersing to their respective seats as the teacher entered the classroom.

The timely interruption of the bell spared Liu Xinran from further confrontation, allowing her to focus on the upcoming lesson.

Yu Xuan and Chenxi, arriving a bit later than usual, entered the classroom to find a group of girls exiting from their previous class. Among them, Liu Xinran stood out and focused on organizing her books.