
Shadow Love

Liu Xinran, a high schooler who swore off love after being betrayed by her former crush, finds herself unexpectedly drawn to Yu Xuan due to unforeseen circumstances. Despite her promise to never love again, Liu Xinran cannot resist the profound connection she shares with Yu Xuan. As their relationship blossoms, Liu Xinran navigates the complexities of her past while embracing the newfound emotions that Yu Xuan has reignited within her. The story explores themes of trust, healing, and the resilience of the heart in the face of unexpected love. [I hope this message finds you well. The image on my novel cover doesn't belong to me. If the true creator wishes to have it removed, I am more than willing to take it down promptly. Please let me know how we can proceed.] Best regards, [ Xia Xia ]

YuLan · Movies
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14 Chs


In the city's embrace, young Liu Xinran stands. A tapestry of dreams woven by new lands. With family by her side, she breathes in hope, a promise in the air.

Streets unknown, yet she strides with grace. Chasing sunsets in the unfamiliar space. A chapter unfolds, a story to write, Liu Xinran steps into the dawn, a brave new light.

Xinran's laughter echoes, a bond so strong, In this bustling city, where they belong. New beginnings, like petals unfurled, Liu Xinran paints her canvas in this vast new world. 

The day's work complete, Liu Xinran steps out into the city's twilight, a sense of accomplishment clinging to her like the fading sunlight. Her destination is clear- a cozy tea shop on the corner that promises a sip of comfort in every cup.

The aroma of freshly brewed milk tea wafts through the air as she enters, the chime of the door signaling her arrival. With a warm smile, the barista greets her, cradling the steaming cup in her hands. Liu Xinran strolls through the evening streets, the city lights beginning to flicker to life. 

The rhythmic hum of city life forms a backdrop to her thoughts, a gentle cadence that matches her contentment.

As she approaches her new apartment building, a notification lights up her phone. It's a message from her mom- a reminder to pick up some vegetables and fruits on her way home. A soft sigh escapes her lips, accompanied by a fond smile.

Undeterred, Liu Xinran diverts her path towards a nearby market, the glow of city life casting a warm hue on the fresh produce. She selects a variety of vibrant fruits and crips vegetables, carefully balancing them with her cherished milk tea.

With a bag filled with wholesome goodness, she resumes her journey home. The city, with its bustling energy, becomes a tapestry of familiar sights. Liu Xinran, navigating the landscapes. 

Liu Xinran lost in the vibrant rhythm of the busy street, walked with purpose, her mind absorbed in the kaleidoscope of city life. Oblivious to her surroundings, she rounded a corner, only to collide with a guy on a speedy cycle. The impact sent both of them sprawling to the ground. 

The once lively scene was now hushed as if time had frozen. Liu Xinran's groceries lay scattered, a colorful array on the pavement, and milk tea splattered everywhere. She looked up, hoping for a moment of shared acknowledgment unfazed, detached himself from the collision, and briskly pedaled away. 

Dusting off her clothes, Liu Xinran gazed at the departing cyclist with a mix of surprise and disappointment. The city's pulse resumed, but she was left amid the remnants of her groceries, a silent witness to an encounter devoid of courtesy.

With a sigh, she gathered what was salvageable and continued on her way, the experience etching a small crack in the otherwise vibrant canvas of her new life. As she navigated the streets, Liu Xinran carried not only groceries but a newfound awareness of the city's contrasts.