

Land of Fire, Konohagakure, 5 years after the Second Great Shinobi War, the village has returned to its prosperity, the people are smiling and happy, the economy is booming and the childrenare joyful, yet in this period of happiness bad news spreads in the village, the death of the famous White Fang of the leaf.

The atmosphere of the village was gloomy and the smiles had disappeared, but all this has nothing to do with a 13 year old boy who at that moment was looking at the mirror in front of him with an expression full of surprise.

"A dream? no, my pinch hurts and is too realistic...did I transmigate into Naruto world?" Looking at my face in the mirror I can't help but have mixed feelings about the new face, but I have to admit that I'm better looking now.

I closed my eyes and a myriad of memories appeared in my mind, when I opened my eyes I realized that I was reincarnated as an Uchiha, fortunately I still have time before the genocide.

"It seems like I don't have to worry at the moment, Obito is 8 years old and Itachi hasn't been born, the only worry is the Third Great Shinobi War but I should still have time"

As I remember that I just graduated from ninja school and joined the Uchiha controlled police force, I realize that I only awakened a Sharingan with one tome and am considered only average among the Uchiha Clan.

"Every transmigrator has to have a cheat known as goldfinger..where is my system? grandfather? ancient magical artifact? ancient mysterious Library? Sefirah?"

In that moment I noticed a tattoo in my palm and my eyes showed enormous joy, "could it be that I can summon servants? Arthuria? Medusa? Scathach?" after a dozen of minutes I couldn't summon anyone, the disappointment could be seen on my face and suddenly a voice outside the room calls me.

"Uchiha Kai we are late, hurry up and get out" looked confused for a moment before realization hits me "ahh...I'm late for my shift at the Uchiha police station" after leaving the house I notice the irritated expression on Uchiha Mei's pretty face.

"Mei there's no need to hurry, there's still time" I say with a relaxed expression as I start running towards the Uchiha police station with Mei running after me.

"kai if we get scolded because of you, I won't let you get away with it"

we manage to get on the Uchiha police station on time, the day goes without any problem and I manage to familiarize myself better with this body.

When I get home I take a piece of paper and take stock of what I should do from now on Then I write few points on a list.

1) Better understanding of my ninja skills.

2) Train and improve my taijutsu.

3) Learn medical ninjutsu.

looking at the tattoo on my palm which resembles the Yin and Yang symbol I add

4) Understanding of the use amd significance of the mysterious symbol.


"Danzo!!! If I find out that Sakamoto's death was your fault, don't think you'll get away with it" The Third hokage face was red from anger.

"Sarutobi don't think that I had anything to do with Sakamoto's death, he committed suicide, unfortunately he was a skilled but not resolute ninja"

"Shut up Danzo, don't think that I don't know who spread the word about the failure of Sakamoto's mission, a secret mission and yet all civilians knew the details in just a few days"

The hokage seemed angry enough to attack at any moment but Danzo was confident that all that anger was nothing more than a show, yes he spread the rumor but how could it have such high effectiveness if there wasn't the tacit approval of the hokage.

After all, the reputation of the Konoha White Fang had become too great and the Hokage felt threatened, otherwise how could a Veteran Ninja of the second great Ninja war have such a fragile mentality? obviously he understood the third hokage's attitude and his abandonment, perhaps this can also be considered a protection for his son, Danzo couldn't help but smile full of contempt towards the Third Hokage.

"Sarutobi you have no proof, Homura, koharu don't you think it's unreasonable for the Hokage to accuse a member of the Konoha council without proof?"

"Sarutobi, Danzo is right if you have no proof there is no need to escalate the tension between Konoha council members" Koharu says that as she is trying to calm the two old friends.

"However Sakamoto is no longer here and there is nothing we can do, you have to get ready, the relationship between the ninja villages is not going well perhaps in a few years the third Great Shinobi War could break out" Homura pointed out to the Hokage what he has to give importance now.


"Ahhh..." The sound of a voice full of pain can be heard in the Uchiha training ground, at that moment Uchiha Kai suffered bruises and superficial wounds all over his body as he watched the beautiful girl who ferociously and elegantly beat him.

"Mei, can't you take it easy? I hear all my poor old bones creaking"

"Well didn't you ask to have a duel with me? and you said several times not to go easy on you and that I should be ruthless"

Mei couldn't help but give him a look full of contempt

"I didn't think the difference between us was so wide, it's not for nothing that they call you the genius number two of the Uchiha clan"

Mei couldn't help but purse her lips when she heard this before sighing

Fugaku is terrifying and well deserves the title of Uchiha genius number one, he has already opened the three tome Sharingan and has a reputation among the five Great Hidden Villages.

"Mei you too have opened the complete Sharingan and you are younger, in a short time you will surpass Fugaku"

Even though he said those words Uchiha Kai couldn't help but contemplate how Mei a ninja comparable to Fugaku in talent never appeared in the original works, perhaps something could have happened to her in the third Great Shinobi War.

Later at home Uchiha Kai was nursing his wounds as he sighed thinking that those who want to transmigate in Naruto World don't understand how painful it is to have to train every day in such hellish ways just to be able to keep up with the other Ninja.

As Uchiha Kai was smiling with contempt at the thoughtof those weebs and Otaku suffering his same fate, the Symbol in his palm itched and Uchiha Kai noticed how all the wounds and fatigue in his body were absorbed by the symbol and chakra was filling his body.

Uchiha Kai couldn't help but scream in joy

"My golden finger is finally here hahahahh"

Tears could be seen on his face as the symbol stopped and Uchiha Kai felt full of strength, checking his chakra he noticed that it had increased by 30%, a satisfied smile could be seen on Uchiha Kai's face before an expression of confusion followed by realization appeared on Uchiha Kai's face

more wounds equals more chakra so the secret to becoming strong is in being beaten?

Uchiha Kai had a dark expression as he cursed the creator of the symbol if there is one.


Uchiha police station, a Shinobi has just given the police chief a document with information regarding Uchiha Kai.

"Boss, why did you ask me about Uchiha Kai? He is just a normal member of the clan, the most important thing about him is his friendship with Uchiha Mei"

The Police Chief gave the Uchiha clan member an intimidating look

"It doesn't concern you and don't tell anyone about it otherwise you know your fate"

"I understand boss"

The ninja disappeared in a puff of white fog

The police chief looked at the document with an expression full of interest

"Is this the member Fugaku wants in his team ? He's trash, however this isn't something I care about...let Fugaku have some experience in commanding a group of Shinobi, he's the future Head Clan after all"


"Kakashi, come on let's go eat Barbecue it will make you feel good"

"Obito don't pull Kakashi arms"

Sighing Kakashi nods and follows Obito and Rin, in the last few days these two friends have been very insistent in making him leave the house...Kakashi couldn't help but appreciate their help.

At the barbecue Uchiha Kai is having a conversation with Uchiha Mei

"Mei this BBQ is the most delicious in Konoha hmm~ so good"

"Kai eat slowly or you'll end up choking"

Mei passed him a glass of water and notices a group of 3 approaching their table

"Kai my good Friend is fantastic to see you here, Kakashi, Rin he's Uchiha Kai a good Friend of mine amd he always offers dinner, and she is the Genius number two of the Uchiha Clan, the famous Uchiha Mei.

Hearing this, Kai's face became gloomy while Kakashi and Rin looked at the beautiful Kunoichi whose reputation is known by all in Konoha.