
Shadow god emperor

universal_player · Horror
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2 Chs


Simon walked down the street with a bottle of bear in his hand, he looked quite drunk, he was a tall guy and had a very good body structures, but if one looked closely they would notice that all his face was brusied.

["Flashback"] today was the day Simon was clebrating his 18 years birthday, his parent separated when he was 16 tough they where very rich, but this brake up made Simon to join a group called brother hood. 

This group was very popular in America I held high powers, even the grovernors where afraid to provoke them. but this group was famous for different evil act, like group raping, killing blackmailing frud and selling of people organs for money. "as we all know it that a kidney cost a lot of money, but when I say group raping it was a crime of punishment, which ever one was scared of, no one they every did group raping for came out to tell the tales.

Like more that 50 men's can make love to a woman till she eventually dies. even when she dies they would still continue till they are satisfied, and if the woman have maybe a boyfriend or a husband, they would kidnap them both tie the man or guy towards a chair, so he could watch how they violate his woman.

So jack was doing well in this group he got everything he ever wanted, when I meant everything he got everything, not on till he fell in love with a lady which name was mial, mial was a full time banker with good house good car she also was doing well, but a fact happened she didn't know that Simon was part of the brother hood. on till a day came when the members in brother hood heard that jack got a girlfriend, and was planning to get married to her.

So they planned to pay her a visit, they brought her gifts, mention it all it is, car money houses, jet, planes mention it all. the reason why they brought her all this was because they consider jack a very valuable member of the brother hood, mial was shocked to see all the gift they brought her she knew how many trillion of $ all this costed.

So she was curious to know which type of job they where in, cause she had ask Simon for the job he was doing but he kept telling her that he is a full time business man, when she asked the question they all looked at her. considering she was Simon girl they tough Simon could have told her what he was doing, so they all told her that they where part of the bother hood.

Even telling her what she wanted and the once she didn't want to hear, like how Simon holds a big position in the brother hood, mial was shocked to hear about this she knew from that start that she have gotten her self into a deep trouble. so she decided not to act supprise but to maintain her cool even joking with them, after a while they all left as she want straight to Simon apartment.

Knock* Knock*

Simon haven heard the knock went to open the door, but what welcomed him was a sound refreshing slap. he was at first supprised as to why his future wife would give him a slap, Simon you monster why did you have to lie to me? as tears rolled down her cheek, I would ask you one more time which business are you into and if you dear lie to me again then we are done.

Immediately Simon knew that some of the ground had gone to pay her a visit, baby come inside let talk first as he tired to hold her hand. get you hand off me Simon why did you have to lie to me at first, do you realize what deep shit you gotten me into fuck my life is screwed. babe listen to me first let me explain thing are not what it seems to be like, please am begging you come inside first let sort this out like mature adult. 

As mial camled down a little as she entered simon apartment, as Simon closed the door as she sat down on a sofa, believe me I didn't want to tell you at first thinking that you are going to brake up with me. believe me if I could tell you I would have but I couldn't bring my self to tell you, due to fear of loosing you. have joined this brother hood since I was 16 when my parent first broke up, at that point there was no one to advice me or who I could seek counsel from. 

I was intimidated into joining the group to get back at my uncle, he was the reason why my parents separated, my dad caugh him having an affair with my mom at that point my dad was really mad. that he ordered a devouic my mom tried to explain thing to him, that if she didn't had sex with my uncle he trentined to run my dad business down. he showed my mom a business contract my dad sign a very long time. 

But my dad didn't read the business proposal due to happiness, since he heard the huge money my uncle was offering and he signed it. but my bad have unknowingly willed all his property to my uncle, and with that my uncle used this to have an affair with my mother not on till my father caughed them red handed in the act. even tough he didn't take all my father access all he took was my mother since that was what he wanted.

Which was what he pritty wanted, but to that my dad and mom separated, that why I joined the brother hood to seek protection and strength to get back on my uncle. babe believe me I didn't have a choice at that time as jack put his hand on mial leg, but when I fell in love with you I was scared on telling you, due to the fact I tough you will leave me just like my parent did. 

Mial haven heard simon story felt touched as she patted his head with her soft like hand, Simon you know I don't want to also leave you but, if you want us to be together you must leave brother hood, Simon haven heard this was taken aback to leave to leave simon stammed. not because he used to but the shock, leaving it's easy like entrying, there was a lot of complications involved including risk. 

Simon looked at mial as he got up and sat beside her.