
Shadow fighter: The World full of chaos

"Oh, come on! Who in their right mind would make such foolish choices, like going back to a Earth after being reborn into a world of magic and monsters?" Adrian grumbled, his jaw clenched tightly. Still I can't get enough of these isekai mangas, they're so addictive! Even though I have an exam coming up in a few days, I can't resist reading more. he whispered to himself, realizing he should probably be more serious. Our main character appears to have a fondness for isekai mangas, where individuals are transported to different worlds. However, our protagonist, Andrian, was leading a content life alongside his sister Miyuki until a devastating event occurred. In a selfless act to save his sister's life, Andrian tragically lost his own. Yet, fate had other plans for him as he found himself reincarnated into the body of a deceased boy. The world he now inhabited was divided into three distinct continents: 1) The Elemental Continent, home to humans, elves, orcs, and dwarfs. 2) The Darkness Continent, home to unknowing Species called shadows 3) The Hellfire Continent, ruled by powerful demon lords. It seems Andrian's new life is about to embark on an extraordinary journey across these fascinating lands.

rupbhai · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Adorable Miyuki


"Oh, come on! Who in their right mind would make such foolish choices, like going back to a Earth after being reborn into a world of magic and monsters?" Adrian grumbled, his jaw clenched tightly.

Still I can't get enough of these isekai mangas, they're so addictive! Even though I have an exam coming up in a few days, I can't resist reading more. Andrian whispered to himself, realizing he should probably be more serious.


Author POV

The wind was making a sound as it blew through the open window, casting a shadow from the sunlight onto the books that were placed on the table. On the bed, there were several comic books and mangas scattered around. Andrian was peacefully sleeping while also reading, his face showing various expressions. The wall was adorned with pictures of different anime characters.

With 18 years old body, he has smooth, jet-black hair and dark, piercing eyes. His body is athletic, resembling that of an athlete, but his face is average in appearance. He possesses the qualities of being observant, logical in his actions, and having a kind heart.

At the tender age of 10, he experienced the heartbreaking loss of his dear mother, Rie. She had been set to work as a secretary for the esteemed businessman, Hiroshi Tanaka. From that moment on, Hiroshi took on the responsibility of caring for her son, Andrian, and ensured that he had everything he needed. Today, Andrian is enrolled in the renowned "Hanabira High School" in Japan, where he is thriving. Not only that, he has also become a celebrated martial arts champion, earning two gold medals for his exceptional skills at the "Dragon Lotus Martial Arts Academy". Andrian used to be a cheerful and sociable person, always radiating positivity and bringing joy to those around them. However, after the unfortunate accident, he have locked himself into his room, immersing himself in comics, mangas, and academic books. He spend most of time reading alone and only go out for school and training at 4 o'clock.


Background Scene --> 1

*sound of car approaching

Andrian fell into a deep slumber after studying his comic and academic books for his upcoming exam. Suddenly, he was awakened by the sound of a car approaching his room. His dad (former father since when he started taking care of Andrian) Hiroshi had generously provided him with his own room, and every Sunday he would visit with his 6-year-old daughter Miyuki, who also attended the same school.

POV (Andrian)

Miyuki is a kind and happy girl who always speaks her mind. She has a gentle charm, with beautiful hazel eyes that shine with warmth. She constantly admires me and loves to talk about my accomplishments in martial arts. It feels like we have a close bond, like that of a brother and sister.

POV (Author)

**Sound of a car door opening

**Andrian was asleep

** Inside the car

"Father, did you take the cookies I made for brother Andrian?" she asked, her voice filled with curiosity.

"Yes, sweetheart, I did," Hiroshi replied, gently petting his daughter's head, a warm smile on his face.

**Hiroshi looking his watch

Hiroshi's voice was filled with urgency as he exclaimed, "Oh dear Miyuki, we're running late! It's nearly 4 o'clock!" Miyuki, however, responded with a gentle smile and reassured her father, "Father, don't worry. Today, I have planned to spend some quality time with my brother and accompany him to his training session.

**1.There is a buzz circulating about a series of murders happening in the city, and Hiroshi is determined to ensure his daughter's safety.

So with deep taught..

" Hiroshi's tone turned stern as he firmly stated, "No, Miyuki, you cannot do that.

Her father was always quick to grant her every request, and she would often spend her time with Andrian, accompanying him during his training sessions. She would eagerly watch him as he honed his skills, and afterwards, they would go shopping for clothes and other items. To ensure their safety, there was always a guard assigned to Hiroshi, who would keep a watchful eye on them from a slight distance.


**A little bit of flashback

*Miyuki is ready for school then....

Miyuki questioned her father with a mix of anger and cuteness, saying, "Father, you can't do that!"

However, Hiroshi calmly explained to his daughter, "But my dear sweetheart, it's important for you to ensure your safety first. If someone were to attack you at school, I wouldn't be there to protect you. That's why you need a bodyguard to take care of my precious daughter."

Miyuki responded in a funny and adorable manner, saying, "But father, who on earth would attack me at school? I have my brother to look after me!"

Hiroshi replied, "Nevertheless, my sweetheart, your father wants to ensure your safety."

*her father with sad and disappointed face.


More flashback......

**since Hiroshi is a business

**Hiroshi, being a prominent business tycoon, is constantly under the watchful eye of his competitors, who are always plotting against him.

**Sadly, he had to endure the loss of one of his guards during a gangster attack last year. Police had arrested the guilty but still Hiroshi feared more of his daughter's safety. Then from then onwards the guards ensure her safety around the clock, never leaving her side for a moment.


Hiroshi gazed at her father, a sweet smile gracing her face as she spoke, "Father, I understand that you only want to ensure my safety. I will agree to having a bodyguard, but on the condition that they keep a slight distance from me while I'm at school."

Her father's response was filled with deep contemplation and a hint of unease, "Alright, I suppose I can accept that. Just promise me you'll stay safe".

"I promise, father," Miyuki reassured him.

**end of flashback (present)


POV (Hiroshi)

It's difficult to admit, but I can't help but feel a tinge of selfishness and arrogance when it comes to prioritizing my daughter's safety above all else. While I have taken on the responsibility of caring for Andrian and have assured Rie that he will be well looked after, there's a part of me that can't help but feel a bit less concerned for him since he's not my biological child. I've done what I can for him, and I believe that maintaining less interaction with him is actually beneficial. The more I involve myself in his life, the more potential risks and dangers may arise towards him. I've never revealed the truth about Andrian to Rie, but ultimately, my only desire is for both of them to be healthy and safe.

BACKGROUND SCENE (ongoing) -- (1)

"Father, I am aware of the ongoing attack in the city, but please trust me when I say that I will be safe with my brother Andrian for today," Miyuki pleaded, her eyes sparkling with innocence as she made a cute face.

Hiroshi couldn't help but think, "Wow, that's absolutely adorable!" Aghm >>

"Alright, I'll make an exception just for today, but keep in mind that my guard will be keeping a close eye on you," Hiroshi replied, emphasizing the importance of his watchful eye.

Miyuki beamed at her father, her face lighting up with gratitude. "Oh, thank you so much, father! You're always so amazing," she exclaimed, unable to contain her admiration for him. Her smile was infectious, radiating warmth and affection towards her beloved father.

**then they walked towards Andrian room

**When visiting Andrian, they do not take any guards to avoid any potential issues or suspensions. They just hide there face to look completely look like some ordinary person.

**Andrian still sleeping

*Miyuki ran towards door.. knock..knock

"Open the door, Andrian!" Miyuki yelled loudly.

"Your little sister brought cookies for you.. Andrian ! "

Hiroshi inquired, "Has he asleep?"

**Hiroshi rang the doorbell

"Oops, it completely slipped my mind!" Miyuki exclaimed, realizing she had forgotten about it.

*Andrian opened his eyes In a sleepy mood...

POV ( Andrian )

Andrian mumbled in a drowsy state, wondering if someone had called him.

*Andrian heard the doorbell

**after 1 sec....alarm clock rang

"Oh no, it's nearly 4 o'clock already, but I really wish I could get some more sleep," Andrian murmured under his breath.

**Andrian heard Miyuki voice

"Come on, Andrian! Open the door, you goof! I've got some delicious cookies just for you!"

**Andrian realized

Andrian whispered to himself, "Oh no, Miyuki is here! I haven't even cleaned my room. Okay, if I don't open the door, she'll get even angrier. Fine, I'll let her in."

**Andrian hurriedly went to open the door. However, he suddenly slipped and fell forward, accidentally hitting the mirror with his outstretched hand. The sound of a loud crack filled the room as the glass broke into pieces, causing a sharp pain to shoot through his palm. Blood started to flow from the deep cuts caused by the shattered glass, staining the broken pieces and reflecting the surprise in his eyes.

"Oh, Fuck.. Shit.. this mirror! Ouch, it really hurts! I'll quickly grab these clothes to help stop the bleeding for now."

**Miyuki and her heard the crackling sound of mirror...

"Brother are you alright"

"Are you OK son"

**As soon as Andrian opened the door..

Miyuki anxiously inquired,

"Are you alright, brother? What was that noise we heard earlier?"

**Andrian trying to injured right hand..

"Hey brother, what secrets are you keeping? You know, you can't keep anything hidden from your little sister!"

"Andrian what's that"

"It's nothing father"

"Let me see" Then Miyuki grasp Andrian's hand and...

"Oo your hands are quite injured! Take your time, Come over here and let me take care of them. I'll bandage them up for you," Hiroshi gently reassured.

**Miyuki looks tense looking at deep wound.

"Brother, let's not be too hasty, alright? I understand you were in a rush to open the door for me, but please don't put yourself in harm's way like that. It truly worries me when you hurt yourself. Just be a little more cautious next time. Come over here, and I'll take care of your wound with a gentle touch." Miyuki's expression was a blend of concern and adorable charm, as she offered to bandage me up.

"I'm fine, but Miyuki, where is your cookies ?"

"Right here, but seriously, Andrian, be careful not to hurt yourself again, you klutz!"

**Andrian eating the cookies while she is bandaging.

**After bandaging...

"Father, could you and sis hang on for a moment? My room is a bit messy at the moment, but I'll tidy it up in a jiffy. Just stay put, alright?" I said them in a real hurry.

**Miyuki holded my left hand and petted my shoulder saying..

"Oh brother, you never fail to be reckless! Look at you, your right hand is injured. Don't fret, I'll take charge of tidying up your room. Leave it all to me," Miyuki playfully remarked, her face displaying a charming combination of anger and cuteness.

**then Miyuki ran towards my room in playful way.

Hiroshi's voice resonated with deep affection as he expressed,

"Andrian , she genuinely cares for you and loves you like a true brother. Back when you were just a 10-year-old, when we first crossed paths, I had hoped to see you married to my daughter. However, fate had other plans. Nevertheless, you have become my son, and time, oh! how it swiftly passes by!"...cough...!

"Dad, are you alright?" --- concerned facial expression

"You don't have to worry about anything, I will always be your loving son. I will always be there for her, like a caring brother. Rest assured, I will always protect her, no matter what happens."

**Hiroshi smile and said...

"It's amazing to see how much you've matured, Adrian."

**Miyuki came outside the room....

Miyuki's voice echoed with warmth as she called out,

"You two, step inside! I've just finished tidying up the room."

