
Shadow Earth (original)

On an Earth, consumed in Shadows. Can the world survive the deadly yet mysteries creatures known as Shadows. Read more to discover the great stories of Andre, Chris, and Sarah.

MichaelNelson · Horror
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6 Chs

The Truth


Adam: Get up

Andre: huh? what? wait... Your not gonna kill m... OH GOD!

*Andre looks behind him to see the original Stranger dead on the floor*

Andre: Why? Why did you shoot him and not me?

Adam: Because my daughter cares about you. I'd shoot you where you stand if it weren't for her. Now GO! Before I change my mind!

Andre: Okay Okay.

Adam: And hey, If you tell her about this then your gonna wish I just shot you.

*Andre runs off to find Sarah*

Andre: Sarah? *heavy breathing*

Sarah: FINALLY! I thought you had died or something.

Andre: Nope, still in one piece.

Sarah: Hey I know you just got back from stalking that guy but you seem a bit off, you okay?

Andre: Huh? Yeah, no I'm fine...

Sarah: Oh no. You didn't kill him did you? I mean he deserved to be punished but killing? That's a bit much. Especially for you.

Andre: No Sarah. I didn't kill him, but he is dead...

Sarah: Oh, one of the Shadows get em?

Andre: yeah... Alright, let's head back. We'll have to tell Chris that the City is no longer safe.

*Andre and Sarah start walking back to base*

I can't do this. I can't keep this from Her, it's not right. She needs to know about her Dad. If I tell her, She'll go off on him. I'm gonna drive myself insane if I don't tell her. Oh! I know, if she says anything I'll just lie. Who am I kidding, I've never been good at lying, let alone keeping the truth from people. Fuck! I have to at least try...

Sarah: Hey.

Andre: what? yeah, what's up?

Sarah: You can be honest with me you know, I'm not a snitch haha.

Andre: What do you mean?

Sarah: Dude, I heard the gunshot. That Stranger didn't die from a Shadow.

Andre: OKAY FINE! I shot him. Is that what you wanna hear?!

Sarah: jeez sorry...

Andre: No your fine. I'm just trying not to think about it... What the hell?

*Andre and Sarah see Chris running towards them in the distance*

Chris: Shit man! The hoard! It's closing in!

Andre: WHAT! I thought we had at least a couple days?!

Chris: Exactly. We thought, but we were wrong.

Sarah: Shit, I still got supplies and stuff back at the base!

Chris: It's ok, They'll probably close in around 5 in the afternoon tomorrow. But still, we leave tonight.

Andre: Alright here, this is the plan. I'll go in, get the supplies, and then get out.

Sarah: No, I can do it.

Andre: It's not up for debate. If they see you two get there and immediately leave afterwards then they'll suspect somethings up.

Sarah: And they won't suspect you?

Andre: No, I'm quiet. They'll just think I'm fooling around.

Chris: Sarah he's got a point.

Sarah: Ok fine, let's just get this over with...