1 Shikahana Nara

It was a windy September evening. September 22nd to be exact. In konoha, you would find Yoshino Nara, laying in a hospital bed, giving birth to her twins.

"Come on Mrs.Nara one more!" a doctor yelled. In the background, Nurses were cleaning off a baby boy. "one last push!" A different doctor yelled.

And just like that, a baby girl was born. The nurses and doctor quickly cleaned off the baby, already in the process of handing the baby boy to the mother.

Not long after, she was holding both babies with her husband, Shikaku Nara, beside her smiling softly. "What will be their names Mr and Mrs Nara?" A nurse asked. "The boy will be named Shikamaru" Yoshino stated, smiling at the wrapped up baby who was now sleeping.

"And the girl?" the parents thought for a moment. Looking at the girl who was as well sleeping. "what about Shikahana?" Shikaku asked. Yoshino smiled. "Yes, yes that's a beautiful name..."

And thus begins the adventure of Shikahana Nara
