
Shadow Beaster

In a world where Beasters, individuals bonded with powerful Spirit Beasts, hold sway, Eldon once a skilled assassin in a world of shadows and deceit, now awakens in the innocent form of a young boy bearing the same name. All Eldon desires now is peace and quiet, a respite from the chaos and bloodshed that defined his former existence.

Simpymous · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Awaken 4

The field was set, and the instructor announced the matchups:

1. Derek vs. Eldon

2. Kane vs. Troy

3. Liam vs. Bryce

4. Jaxon vs. Ryder

Round 1: Derek vs. Eldon

Derek stepped onto the field, his eyes burning with anger. "I'll show everyone you cheated," he snarled at Eldon.

Eldon remained unfazed. With a calm, focused expression, he summoned his Spirit Beast. The rat appeared, a small creature of sinewy muscle and razor-sharp reflexes, pulling a gleaming dagger from its belt. The blade caught the light in a deadly arc. "Ready, brat?" it asked, smirking.

Eldon nodded, focusing his energy. "Adapt," he commanded. His body transformed, muscles rippling, and his senses sharpening.

Derek, undeterred, called upon his Spirit Beast. A massive Ifrit, a fire demon with scales glowing like molten lava, emerged. "Adapt," he called out. His muscular body grew even more formidable, ripping through his garment, and two pairs of black horns sprouted from his forehead.

"I'll crush you!" Derek roared. He raised his arm and thrust it forward. In an instant, fireballs erupted from his palm, hurtling towards the charging Eldon with blistering speed. The air shimmered with heat, and the acrid smell of sulfur filled the field.

But Eldon was quick. He darted to the side, narrowly avoiding the first fireball, and then the next. No longer reckless, he moved with calculated precision, zigzagging across the broken ground. Each fireball missed its mark, exploding against the earth and leaving scorch marks in its wake.

The other students watched in astonishment. Was this the same quiet kid who had been bullied by Derek and the others? Even the instructor watched in awe. "I knew there was something special about that boy," the instructor thought.

With a final, agile leap, Eldon closed the distance. His dagger flashed as he struck. Derek tried to evade, but the blade found its mark, slicing across his palm. A hiss of pain escaped Derek's lips as he recoiled, clutching his injured hand.

Unable to summon more fire, the Ifrit's eyes flickered with a mix of fear and resignation. "Snatch," Eldon whispered. The skill allowed him to steal Spirit Energy from his target. Derek's eyes widened in shock as he felt his power drain away.

The instructor quickly intervened, stopping the match. "The winner is Eldon," he announced.

The other students were stunned. "How did Eldon defeat Derek?" they murmured among themselves.

Derek's expression turned angry. "Why'd you stop the match? I had him," he protested.

The instructor glared at him, furious. "Did you just question my judgment, Derek?" he said angrily.

Derek had no response to that. He simply had to accept his defeat.


Round 2: Kane vs. Troy

Kane stepped forward, his transformation already complete. His snowy wings spread wide, casting a shadow over the field. His presence was commanding, a storm waiting to be unleashed. Troy, a stocky boy with a bear-like Spirit Beast, squared off against him, his demeanor brimming with raw power and determination.

With a deafening roar, Troy's Spirit Beast charged, the ground trembling under its massive weight. Kane's eyes narrowed, and with a powerful thrust of his wings, he soared into the sky, avoiding the brute force of the bear. Lightning crackled around him, illuminating the darkening sky with a menacing glow.

From his vantage point above, Kane looked down at Troy, who was trying to track his movements. With a swift dive, Kane became a blur of motion. He unleashed a barrage of electric strikes, each bolt of lightning finding its mark with pinpoint accuracy. Troy barely had time to react as the electric onslaught overwhelmed him. Sparks flew, and the smell of ozone filled the air as Troy's Spirit Beast staggered, dazed and defeated.

The field fell silent, everyone watching in awe. There were no surprises in this fight; everyone already knew Kane was at Liam's level. The instructor watched Kane with an excited expression, seeing the potential for greatness in him. Kane, however, walked off the field, his expression unreadable. There was no triumph in his eyes, only a hint of disappointment that his fight had ended so quickly. He had hoped for more of a challenge.

As he left the field, the murmurs of the students followed him, but Kane paid them no mind.


Round 3: Liam vs. Bryce

Every student felt a pang of sympathy for the one who had to face Liam. Bryce, one of Eldon's bullies, had always feared that Liam might intervene on his step-brother's behalf, but that day had never come.

Now, Bryce stood on the opposite side of the field, his heart pounding. Liam stepped forward, his long white hair flowing like a banner of inevitability. The tension was palpable. Bryce summoned his Spirit Beast, a large black mamba. "Adapt!" he yelled, merging with the serpent. His lower body transformed into a powerful snake's tail, his muscles bulging grotesquely.

Not giving Liam a chance to transform, Bryce slithered towards him at an alarming speed. But Liam remained calm, his eyes cold and calculating.

"Summon," Liam commanded. In an instant, a massive Chimera materialized before him, its presence intimidating and protective. Bryce, undeterred, aimed to bypass the beast and strike at Liam. However, the Chimera moved with a speed and ferocity that belied its size.

"Attack," Liam said, his voice steady. The Chimera's snake head struck with blinding speed, sinking its fangs into Bryce's neck. Bryce's body convulsed, paralyzed by the venom. He collapsed, unable to continue.

"Return," Liam ordered, and the Chimera vanished as quickly as it had appeared.

The instructor rushed to Bryce's side. "Bryce is paralyzed and unable to fight. Liam is the winner," he announced. The match had ended so swiftly that the students were left in stunned silence. Was Liam really this powerful?

The instructor couldn't believe his eyes. A child, no older than seven, had defeated a merged Beaster without even using Adapt. He watched Liam with a mixture of awe and apprehension, hoping that the boy's immense power would not lead him down a dark path. The kingdom would soon need warriors of his caliber to face the looming threats.


Round 4: Jaxon vs. Ryder

Ryder, another one of Derek's cronies and one of Eldon's bullies, was confident as he faced off against Jaxon, one of their frequent victims. Ryder was certain this would be an easy victory. He couldn't have been more wrong.

As the match began, Ryder transformed into a massive, wolf-like creature, muscles rippling beneath his fur. His eyes glinted with malicious anticipation. Across the field, Jaxon summoned his Spirit Beast. The ground trembled as a figure rose—a full-figured woman clothed in green leaves, the embodiment of Gaia, the ancient goddess of Earth. She was a Grade-4 Spirit Beast, an Ancient Beast of formidable power.

Ryder charged at Jaxon with astonishing speed, aiming to end the match swiftly. But Jaxon remained calm, his gaze steady. "Attack," he commanded, his voice unwavering. Gaia responded immediately, her serene face betraying no emotion. Vines erupted from the ground, thick and strong, wrapping around Ryder's limbs and immobilizing him. He struggled, growling in frustration, but the vines held firm.

Jaxon stood tall as the realization dawned on everyone—he had won. The students watched in disbelief. This was the second time someone they considered weak had emerged victorious. Whispers spread through the crowd, eyes wide with shock and admiration.

The instructor stepped forward, a look of amazement on his face. He had been expecting a certain level of skill, but what he had witnessed far exceeded his expectations. "I knew these children had potential, but this...this is extraordinary," he thought.

As the dust settled, the instructor's voice rang out, filled with pride. "Congratulations to our top four: Derek, Kane, Liam, and Jaxon. You will accompany me to the competition."

If you're wondering why I didn't mention Eldon's name among the students going to the competition, it's because he already earned his spot by getting the highest score in class. There are five students going, including Eldon.

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