
Shadow Assassin (Dual Attributes)

GIVE ME A REVIEW. RIGHT...NOW. The first few chapters may be bad but after like 10 chapters or somn it'll be good. I think. I'm not one to judge myself. A modern fantasy story with our protagonist being gifted with a good old leveling system! Enjoy (Or suffer) my years old writing skills.

MarKD · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
51 Chs

The Berman

"...I swear I've never wanted to kill someone this bad," Quinn rubbed his forehead with his fingers, trying to calm himself down, "Stop with the stupid ass jokes, they aren't even funny. I felt my facial muscles twitch; not because of how funny it was, but because of the rage that overcame me and urged my body to crush your head like a fucking tomato. I swear if you don't get to th-"

"Okay, okay!" Sen took a step back as he stressed the fact that he wouldn't waste anymore time and get straight to the point. "During our time on Butani, when Zayne attacked me and Luna, he did so with the intentions of luring you over to him, so that he could try and kill you as well. I don't know why, but he was saying stuff about gods or some shit, and how they entertained themselves by roping humans and other races into some kind of contract. I don't know, but he was always weird when we were together. He did this strange ritual before going into battle and after killing beasts.

"I figured that you were somehow related to him, but after thinking about the interaction between you two before going throught the teleporter, I thought otherwise. However... seeing how you're not too fazed by any of this, what I'm telling you, you might know something too. Haa... I'm going to be honest right now, and I might be putting myself and you in danger at the same time by saying this, but I couldn't care less about my family doing something to me about this; especially now that my best of friends is involved in this somehow!"

Hearing this somewhat calmed Quinn. During the first few days after meeting Sen, he had not really considered him to be much to him, but rather, just an annoyance. However, that came to change shortly after; although he never showed it, he did, in fact, now consider Sen one of his—if not his closest friend.

Quinn looked around the both of them, clearly seeing a lot of students and other people still outside; although not near to the front gate of the academy. "Tell me then. What exactly is it that you want to tell me? Is it about your family? Do you know anything?"

"Now, I would tell you, but... I can't risk information being spread," Sen stressed, "You already should know of the tight security and the moles in the military school. I don't feel safe just saying it out loud to you; here and now that is..."

Quinn thought that it was only natural that Sen would feel this way, so he would have had to compromise—if not for that fact that he now controlled Arcane Energy. Without using any gestures, he activated his Energy and surrounded Sen and himself with Arcane Energy, forming a sort of link between their minds, so that they could communicate telepathically.

[-200 Energy]

'Can you hear me?' Quinn's voice rang in Sen's head, to which, the later jolted. "Uhh, Quinn? Did I just hear your voice inside of my head without you moving your lips...?" he asked for confirmation to which Quinn simply nodded and informed him that he could do that same and talk via telepathy.

'This is amazing...' Sen was flabbergasted at the fact that Quinn appeared to have a multitude of abilities, 'How are you doing this? I thought that similar to Zayne, you would also be a subject of some sort of experiment to wield multiple abilities, but.... how? Is this actually the case? Have they... succeeded?' he thought, unable to control which thoughts were being transmitted to Quinn's mind as well.

'This is just something you can do with a higher level of control of Ki. I thought you being a rich kid from an Original family would know of this,' Quinn shrugged as he lied to his friend's face quite masterfully.

'Stop with the pointless lies, Quinn. Are you really so untrusting of me? I know, even if you are able to control your heartbeat, that you don't know how to use Ki, and are void of it too. I don't know how anyone could possibly survive with not as much as a speck of Ki in their body, but here you are: the anomaly, as always. Too bad that I'm quite the genius in that department that I was able to figure it out,' Sen looked almost disappointed.

'Alright, fine! I am lying, but I can't tell you anything about this,' Quinn declared, 'Just trust me when I say it's better for you this way. I wouldn't wanna expose you to any kind of danger either. Enough with this pointless chatter too. Tell me what you wanted to.'

Sen couldn't help but let out a sigh as he started to explain to Quinn: 'My family... as I said before: are a group mainly made up of the Darkness ability users. Remember when I told you the different types of the said ability? That one type that I didn't mention? Well, my family specialises in that type of Darkness: rituals, sacrifices and... some pretty inhuman stuff. I won't tell you what my family actually does with the ability; not that I know all of it myself. But, I've seen wild stuff in there... in that blasted cellar.

'One of those things were—and I remember it clearly to this very day—a goddman human-like beast. Or, should I say, a fucking blood-sucking Vampire? When Zayne and I were doing battle, he told me about so called other races; he told me of their existence, but that was it. At that time, I did not know what to think of it, but shortly after that whole incident was over, I finally managed to link a few things that I've seen in my family. But, I could only differentiate a few Vampires in the underground cellars.

'Hah, I bet you think I'm crazy, but I swear that they're not human... . I know they're not human, but—it's not like they were beasts as well. It felt wrong seeing them chained up in that cellar, with that hollow and hopeless look in their eyes... . No one deserves to go through that!' he clenched his fists and grit his teeth as he looked away.

Finally, after a minute of silence and calming down, he continued: 'You know, when they interrogated the two vampires, I was there; my father brought me along with him, thinking I had the similar, disgusting interest in them as himself. I don't know what my family did to make them so cooperative, but they gave the answer to nearly every question. I'll tell you what I know about them, since I know we're both equally involved in this; even if I don't know how you are so. Let's walk towards the training grounds then. It feels awkward just standing here and looking at each other. The others might think we're having a stand-off.

'Those Vampires... they're not from Earth; they were never born on the Earth. So that rules out the possiblity of them being a sort of mutation or an infection in humans even with the near picture-perfect appearance of a normal human. But, what's really weird is that they're from a Planet that is either: too far away from us, in another Universe entirely, or it's in another dimension. It sounds too far-fetched, trust me, I know, but it's still a possibility...'

Taking a slight pause, thinking if he should say the next few words or not, Sen finally decided to just go with it and tell Quinn everything: 'After all, on their Planet, they have both humans and Vampires co-existing in a symbiotic relationship.'