
Shadow Assassin (Dual Attributes)

GIVE ME A REVIEW. RIGHT...NOW. The first few chapters may be bad but after like 10 chapters or somn it'll be good. I think. I'm not one to judge myself. A modern fantasy story with our protagonist being gifted with a good old leveling system! Enjoy (Or suffer) my years old writing skills.

MarKD · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
51 Chs

Level up

[Quest: Defeat the enemy in front of you(optional)]



"A quest! But... what enemy...?" Quinn wondered as he looked around him, "This place looks pretty empty to me... can't see anything except... well, white."

He continued: "I'll have too be careful, if I'm not prepared I could die... after all, I don't know what enemy it could be... ." He chose the option:




In an instant, a short green humanoid creature with a crude and bloodied club in one of its hands appeared in front of him. "A goblin?! Why is a dungeon monster here?" Quinn was flabbergasted, 'The system can just spawn in monsters in this space...? Even if this was virtual reality—even considering today's technology—it just looks and feels too real. It's even breathing!'


Dungeons Portals are similar to the portals that transport us to a different location or planet entirely, but are completely different. These portals connect us to an entirely different area, not other planets but other dimensions completely, closed off to reality; created by something unfathomable; much like an artificial reality. The beasts inside the portals are also different, some have intellect and some are crazed by a sort of desire or urgency to kill.


When these Dungeon Monsters die, they disintegrate and leave a stone behind, this stone is basically magic extract that has materialised and took on a physical appearance. They are used as a source of energy, used daily in the world we live in now. But humans can't utilise magic; the only support they have are abilities.

Magic is still foreign to humans, but every existing thing is a vessel for magic.


'It's really impressive that this system can do something thing like this...' thought Quinn, but no sooner did he think that, the goblin jumped at him. "WOAH! Isn't there some option which I can choose to begin the fight instead of it just jumping straight at me?!" Quinn shouted as he dodged the attack and ran backwards to create some distance. 'Wait, have I... gotten faster than before?! Is it because of that Assassin class boost? Hahah...!'


He saw the goblin rushing at him and thought: 'Damn it, how do I do this without any weapons...? Ah! I know-'. He ran straight towards the goblin and thought: 'Goblins are very barbaric and are, to put it simply, kinda retarted, so I can easily dodge its attack and then...'. When both of them were close enough, the goblin swung it's club but Quinn evaded and threw out a straight right jab, hitting the goblins chest.


As soon as Quinn's fist hit the goblin's chest, it stumbled and fell to the ground, "Huh? That was it...? Wasn't the goblin too weak...? Yeah, a goblin's body is weaker then a human, but... it's this weak?" said Quinn, losing interest and the thrill that was building up.


To Quinn's surprise the goblin got up without him noticing and ran towards him, and swung it's club, but it was too late for Quinn to dodge it or block it.


The club hit Quinn's abdomen and sent him skidding back a meter or so. He fell down on his knees as he lost his balance and got dizzy.

[-120 HP]

[380 HP remaining]

"Kikikiki-!" Quinn could hear the goblin laughing, 'DAMN IT! Even a monster this weak is laughing at me?!' he thought: 'If I hadn't underestimated this fucking goblin cunt, this wouldn't have happened!'


'Right, I have my abilities! It's a perfect time to try them out,' thought Quinn, getting up and backing off. He held up his right hand and activated the skill:


'Black bullet'

[-10 Mana]

All of a sudden, a black ball the size of a ping-pong ball formed infront of his hand and darted really fast towards the goblins head and hit it in the eye.


"Kieeeeeek" the goblin cried, 'Obviously that's not enough to kill you,' thought Quinn as he ran towards the goblin, and activated another skill:


'Darkened hand'

[-80 Mana]


Quinn's right hand was now surrounded by a black substance, both shielding and giving it more power. He could feel the power surging in his right hand. As he ran towards the goblin, he used:


'Black bullet'

[-10 Mana]

[Mana has been completely depleted]


The black ball came out from Quinns fingertip again, and flew towards the goblin faster and stronger than before, it hit the goblins hand which the club was in and a hole was formed.


The club fell from the goblin's hand and it let out a scream: "GRAAAAAAH!!", Quinn was right in front of the goblin by then and stabbed it with his clawed hand in the chest and then cut it's head clean off. Quinn jerked his right hand to clean him of blood.


He then watched the body fall to the ground, it was starting to disintegrate and he could see the magic crystal, he picked it up and thought: 'This is a good opportunity... ,' and used:


[Dimensional storage]

As Quinn placed the crystal on his shadow, he saw the crystal sinking into his shadow till it was completely gone. Even though Quinn expected this, he was still memorized. He heard a familiar ding sound: it was the system notification sound. It said:

[The skill Darkened hand has been used and will be deactivated. Prepare for the backlash...]


"Right... the backlash" Quinn remembered that when he read the information about the skill it said that when it was deactivated there would be a backlash.


'I hope it won't be too painful' thought Quinn.


[The process will now begin]


Right when Quinn heard voice, he could feel sharp pain in his right hand and it was getting worse by the second. Quinn was trying to bear it but it was too much. It was as if his hand was getting minced into small pieces over and over again.


After a few minutes, the pain died down. Quinn stood up said: "I'll be happy to never use that skill again... hahaha."


[You have leveled up]