
Chapter 22: Descent into Darkness

As the world spiraled into chaos and despair, tragedy struck Taehyun and his companions with devastating force. In the midst of battle, Joon-ho fell, sacrificing himself to protect his friends from the relentless onslaught of demons.

Taehyun's world shattered in that moment, his grief consuming him like a wildfire. Blinded by rage and sorrow, he lashed out indiscriminately, his once noble intentions twisted by the darkness that threatened to consume him.

Soo-jin watched in horror as Taehyun's descent into madness unfolded before her eyes. With tears streaming down her face, she pleaded with him to stop, to remember who he was and what they had fought for.

But Taehyun's grief knew no bounds, his mind clouded by pain and despair. He saw only enemies around him, his fury driving him to lash out at anyone who dared to cross his path.

"Soo-jin, I can't do this anymore," Taehyun muttered, his voice hoarse with anguish. "I've lost everything – my friend, my purpose. There's nothing left for me in this world."

Soo-jin wrapped her arms around him, holding him close as she whispered words of comfort and solace. "You're not alone, Taehyun. I'm here for you, no matter what. We'll get through this together."

With a heavy heart, Soo-jin guided Taehyun away from the chaos that surrounded them, their footsteps echoing in the silence of the night. Together, they fled into the darkness, seeking refuge from the storm that raged within Taehyun's soul.

But their respite was short-lived, for word of Taehyun's rampage had spread far and wide. The Chinese government, believing them to be agents of a demon-worshiping cult, issued a staggering 10 billion bounty on his head, dead or alive.

As they traversed the treacherous terrain, hunted by both demons and humans alike, Taehyun and Soo-jin knew that their journey was far from over. For they were fugitives now, outcasts in a world that had turned against them.

But as long as they had each other, they would never lose hope. For love, they knew, was the strongest force in the universe, capable of triumphing over even the darkest of times.