
Chapter 16: The Wielder of Light

Seoul basked in the glow of a new dawn, but amidst the city's bustling streets lurked a shadowy figure, masquerading as a hero among the people. Chen Heo Jeong, known to the public as the Wielder of Light, had captured the hearts of Seoul's citizens with his charm and supposed acts of heroism.

However, behind the facade of righteousness lay a dark truth – Chen Heo Jeong was a demon worshiper, using his powers for nefarious purposes and orchestrating illegal activities that threatened to plunge Seoul into chaos once more.

Taehyun, Joon-ho, and Soo-jin had been hot on his trail, following the trail of corruption and deceit that he left in his wake. But Chen Heo Jeong was cunning and elusive, always managing to evade capture with his clever manipulations and powerful connections.

As they delved deeper into his web of lies, they uncovered a conspiracy that shook them to their core. Chen Heo Jeong had infiltrated every level of society, using his influence to bend others to his will and sow discord among the people.

"We have to stop him," Taehyun declared, his voice filled with determination. "No matter what it takes."

Joon-ho nodded in agreement, his fists clenched with anger. "He's been getting away with his crimes for too long. It's time to put an end to it."

Soo-jin's eyes flashed with resolve. "We'll need to be careful. Chen Heo Jeong is not to be underestimated."

With a silent agreement, they set off once more, their hearts heavy with the weight of their mission. For they knew that the road ahead would be fraught with danger and uncertainty, but they also knew that they had each other, and together, they would face whatever challenges awaited them.

As the sun set over Seoul, casting long shadows across the city, Taehyun, Joon-ho, and Soo-jin prepared themselves for the battle that lay ahead. For the true test of their strength and courage was yet to come, and only by confronting the darkness within themselves could they hope to emerge victorious.