
Shades Of Love

"Why does the universe seem to be against their love?" she cried as she watched the nurses pull him into the ER. He was barely breathing when she was pulled away. Tears stream down her red eyes. her heart ached, the feeling of something sharp clawing against her chest non-stop. "He would live, Anna" her best friend Kate assured. She admired her faith. She was the one who should have been shot, not him. how could Allen do this to her? if he really loved her as he claimed, why did he have to go to all these lengths to take away the only person who gave her real joy? love comes in different shades. "Where is Ray, I heard what happened!" Eunice screamed down the hall as she ran up to where Anna stood. “Excuse me, I’d go get us some cup of coffee, it’s going to be a long night.” Kate walked away. Anna turned with disgust written all over her. She was surprise as to how much of an actor Eunice is. “I know that you had a hand in this and you come here crying?” Anna claps; “Bravo, you should have been an actress, Eunice.” She added. Eunice turns, she looked around and when she was sure the hall was clear she spoke. “Oh Anna, I didn’t do anything. It has been you. I warned you to go back to whatever slumps you crawled out of but you decided to play Cinderella.” “Why? You are old enough to be Raymond's mother?” Eunice chuckles; “Leave while you still have feet. That bullet was meant for you.” Eunice added before walking away. Did she make the wrong choice to fall in love? How did it all start and why did it get to this? What are the shades of love? Find out as you trail with us in this Amazing, thrilling, drama filled, romance novel.

lifeofadarkhuman · Urban
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54 Chs

Chapter Nine: Here I was worrying for nothing

Anna's heart pounded in her chest. Leonard's words had cut her to the marrow, and she just wanted to be anywhere but there. The fact that she was trapped in an elevator only made the situation worse.

When the elevator finally arrived on the first floor, she practically ran out. But in her haste, she stumbled and caught herself just before she hit the ground. Her hands were shaking, and her mind was racing. She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down and regain her composure.

Anna couldn't make sense of it. Why had Leonard been so cruel? Why had he brought up their past encounter just to hurt her? She'd never been so affected by a man's words, and she couldn't understand why he had this power over her. Was it his handsome features, his confident demeanor, or the fact that he was so successful? Or was it something else?

She took a deep breath to calm herself and gathered her thoughts. Her father had always taught her not to let anyone belittle her, and she refused to let Leonard get the better of her.

She was better than that.

All the way home, Anna replayed the interview in her mind, turning over every moment and wondering what had gone wrong. Was it something she had said or done? Had she been too nervous or fidgety? Was it because her clothes were not up to the standard of the other employees? Or was it the coffee incident that had upset him? She just couldn't figure it out.

She felt humiliated, and yet, there was still a part of her that wanted Leonard to remember her, to recognize her from that day at the coffee shop.

She felt silly for feeling this way.

Never mind that. He is too arrogant and a jerk and I pray that today be the last time we cross paths – she voiced out loudly as she drove, flooring the pedal to the medal.

But why won't he be arrogant? He achieved so much at such a young age. Her subconsciousness adds.

That still doesn't give him the right.


Kate was seated on the couch with her eyes fixed on her phone when Anna walked in.

"Anna, you are back." She jumps up and pulls her in for a hug while taking a deep sigh of relief.

"I was beginning to worry. I expected you home sooner. I thought that maybe that jerk might have shown his face to you again."

Anna sighed as she took a seat.

"What happened? You didn't get to be interviewed?"

"I did."

"Then why do you look angry?"

"The CEO of Snow Corp is a jerk!" Anna half yelled as she threw her documents in the air.

"You remember that man I told you I bumped into that day I met Allen?"


"He turned out to be the CEO of Snow Corp."

"What! Anna!" Kate called out loudly, her brows raised in shock.

"You bumped into Leonard Snow and you weren't even aware?"

"I wasn't looking…"

"Oh, that's bad. What are you going to do now?"

"I already have a job I'm going to take, the one at the hotel," Anna mutters and rises to her feet.

"What? Anna, you've got to be kidding me. Don't tell me you are going to give up just because of these little setbacks?"

"I'm not quitting!" Anna exclaimed, only to be cut off by the sound of the doorbell ringing.

"I'll get it!" Kate said, already on her feet and heading for the door. When she opened it, her mouth dropped open in surprise. "Antonio!" she exclaimed. "When did you get back?"

"Just yesterday, but I had to go see my mom right away," Antonio replied, a warm smile on his face

Antonio walked into the room and took a seat, crossing one leg over the other. "I'm sorry I didn't drop by sooner, but I'm here now! Let's go out, and have some fun. I'll pay for everything, and I promise, this time I won't get so drunk!" He looked at Anna and raised his hands in surrender. "No repeat of last time, I promise."

"You better not," Anna replied, trying not to smile. Antonio always had a way of lightening the mood, and right now she needed it. "We'll hold you to that."

Antonio had been a good friend to both Anna and Kate since they moved into the apartment complex. He was always charming and fun but also had a reputation for flirting with every girl he met. Anna wasn't interested in dating him, but she appreciated his friendship. He just wasn't the type of guy she fantasized about. She liked men who were more mysterious, more brooding, more serious. Antonio was fun, but not her type.

But is Leonard? Her subconsciousness questions.

Kate let out a giggle, and the three of them sat and chatted for a while, catching up on each other's lives. Soon, though, it was time to head out. Antonio had arranged for a limo to take them to the club, and as they climbed inside, Anna let herself relax. Maybe a night of fun was just what she needed.

But as they pulled up to the club, her worries came rushing back. What if she ran into Leonard again? What would she say to him? How could she explain what had happened?


The moment she had left his office, Leo felt a heavy weight of sadness crush against his heart. He could hear the sound of his racing heartbeat echoing in his grave silent office. Why did he act in such a way?

It was clear that he had bruised her.

Being a man who always thought of his actions before carrying them out, he had just acted thoughtlessly.

So, in the spur of the moment, Leo called his driver and asked him to bring the car around. He knew it was a long shot, but he had to at least try to find her and apologize. He glanced down at her address and memorized it, then set off in search of her.

As he drove through the unfamiliar streets, he found himself rehearsing what he would say to her. He would tell her he was sorry for his behavior, and that he'd like to take her out for dinner, just to make amends. He knew it was a long shot, but he had to try. Maybe she would forgive him.

Why was he this intrigued by a woman he barely knew?

He was about to step out of the car when he saw her walk out of the door. Laughing widely, her hand curled around his arm. Another girl walked beside them smiling too.

And here he was worried, disappointed in himself and his choices.

Saying to himself 'How could he do this to her?' meanwhile, she wasn't even bothering. Maybe he was right after all.

"Drive!" he ordered the driver.

"Ok, sir!"