
Shades of Imperfection

(IGNORE- READ ORIGINAL VERSION, CHECK MY PROFILE.) In a world filled with uncertainty, one girl finds herself consistently at the heart of chaos. Meet Fayth Desirae Martins , a 17-year-old with a penchant for landing in trouble. She escapes her past, hoping to reinvent herself in a new school. But just as she settles, a horrifying secret uncovered in a laboratory puts her right back where she started. Amidst the chaos, she fights against growing feelings for the misunderstood Izaak D'angelis. Enter the enigmatic world of Izaak Da'vion D'angelis, an 18-year-old masked in arrogance. Perceived as a quintessential bad boy with a hidden private life, Izaak guards his haunting secrets closely. But everything changes with her arrival. Battling inner demons, Izaak fights a war within that tests his sanity. However, Izaak and Fayth are not alone. As the sands of time slip through the fingers, the lives of those around them unveil their own hidden struggles. Every face wears a mask. Every heart holds a secret. Every soul fights a battle. Witness their journey, in this intense saga of revelation and redemption.

NikksWrites · Teen
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9 Chs


Title: Shades of Imperfection.

Third and Final Draft. Edited and Rewritten version.

Author: Nikki Stone

Source: based on the novel

Copyright: 2024. Nikki Stone.

Warning: Use of mature language, underage drinking, assault, violence and bullying. Not suitable for readers under the age of Seventeen (17).



Zari Hampson threw the most killer parties.

Now, I didn't like the girl one bit. Oh no, on a normal day I couldn't stand her narcissist and negative ass, but I couldn't deny the fact that her parties made sense. Basically everyone in our set were going and then her boytoy from Ss3 and some of his friends were also going to be there. Usually it was a very strict invite, consisting of only we SS2. Zari was popular, but she was also picky. She didn't talk or socialize with just anyone.

Zari's father was a politician, an equally narcissistic and arrogant man. They were wealthy ofcourse, maybe that's why they felt they were better than everyone else. Because they had the money, so much money that it looked and felt like blood money.

Getting ready for Zari's parties was a thrill. Picking the right outfit was more crucial than ever because at her party, your appearance wasn't just noticed - it was studied, critiqued and gossiped about. That particular night, I decked up in a little black dress and the classic smoky-eye look, topping it with a sleek high ponytail. Meeting my best friend at Berger, we eagerly jumped onto a keke Napep that took us straight to Magodo phase 1, where the Narcissistic queen lived.

As we arrived at the party, I took note of how everything looked lavish. Zari was showing off. It was an exquisite party, in an exquisite location. The sight of the elaborate chandeliers, with diamonds shimmering, literally took my breath away. For a moment I was left dazed and stood still by the doorway to take in all the glitz and glamour. My best friend pinched me and told me to quit being a spectator,

"Act like you've seen it before, girl," she warned, snapping me back to reality.

« How could I act like I'd seen it all before when I hadn't? »

Zari Hampson had it all and I at times envied her for it. I envied her lifestyle, not her or her smelly attitude. I always fantasized about living in houses that looked like castles, surrounded by workers and big cars, just like Zari Hampson. But unfortunately my life wasn't at all like my fantasies. It was simple and plain.

It was my first time actually stepping into Zari's home. I always tried avoiding her parties and Zari didn't seem to care if I came or not, but today I didn't really have much of a choice.

I was here for two reasons but Aarin, my best friend, was only aware of my first. I'd like to keep it that way.

"There she is." Aarin tapped my arm, nodding her head towards a direction. I followed her gaze and watched as Zari Hampson came down the S shaped stairs wearing a dress so short and heels so tall, braids that passed her bum and almost swept the floor and her light skinned face caked with make up and glitter.

Zari Hampson. Even her name held an air of contemptible appeal that perfectly matched her personality, oozing in confidence and arrogance. And yet, we all sought her out when the lights went low and the beat pumped through the veins of the night.

During daylight hours, she was someone I'd gladly pass by without acknowledging, much to her probable disdain. Every step Zari took seemed a spectacle, like she believed she was walking on a catwalk. Her infectious laugh filled any room she entered, her very presence attracting the undivided attention of those around. Yet it was an attention I felt she never fully deserved.

I narrowed my eyes at her as she chatted and giggled with a group of boys across the room. I walked away without waiting to ask if Aarin was coming with me. I didn't need to turn around to know she was following me.

"I'm only here because you insisted, you know I don't like that girl one bit." I grumbled as a took a huge gulp from the drink I was handed by the bartender. It burnt my throat as it went down and my face was only scrunched up In discomfort for a few seconds before I went for another gulp.

"I really don't get why you hate the girl."

"Hate....is a strong word." I cut her short, asking for a refill. Aarin scoffed as she took a seat next to me and took small sips from her cup, suddenly she was choking on her drink. I rubbed her back with a frown.

"He's here," She whisper yelled. I seized rubbing her back and watched her bury her face into her cup. My frown deepened.


"Fayth," I hated how fast my heart ran just by hearing that voice alone. It felt like it was about to run straight out of my chest. I slowly turned to find the voice and I tried to put on a perfect smile, to hide how nervous I was feeling inside.

"Hi," I sighed out, dazed as he flashed his beautiful smile at me.

Xavier Gabriel. The most beautiful guy I have ever laid my eyes on, and also my long time crush. There was something about his eyes , about his smile, about his style and drip. He was a full ten in everything!

As Xavier and his best friend, Khalil moved closer to Aarin and I, something in me told me tonight was gonna be a wonderful one.

But in all honesty, If anyone could predict the outcomes of that night, I certainly wasn't among them.

~A year after~


In the past, it irked me whenever he mispronounced my name, but I stopped caring. I hummed, fixing the collar of his forest green T-shirt.

"Mommy said- Mommy said I'm going to have plenty new toys."

"Wow. Plenty new toys?" I played along.

"Yes," He kicked his legs again. " And new car, and bawl, and new sing." I furrowed my eyebrows. Four years living with him and I still had no idea half the things he said.

"Ball and swing." Mom supplied, seeing my look of confusion. My lips formed an 'O' and then I nodded at the information.

"That's so cool! How many cars do you have now?" He stared off into space for a while, then pulled out five fingers. "Five!"

He giggled. " Yes! I have plenty cars. Mommy, where is my cars?" Mom looked up from her phone and informed him it was in the second car following us. Lase pouted, his lips quivering.

"But- but I want to show Fayii my cars!" He whined, nearly kicking off the iPad. I was quick to catch it before it hit the floor,same time mom sat up to catch it as well. Lase had already started crying, and I sighed.

"It's okay, Lase. I'll see them when we get to our new home, alright?" I placed the tablet on my lap and used my palm to dry his tears, rubbing his back at the same time.

"But-but," Dad sighed from the front seat, speaking for the first time since our drive.

"You'll show her when we get home, buddy. "

"Okay," He said quietly, dropping his head on my arms with droopy eyes. I chuckled, picking him up and setting him on my lap. He rested his head on my chest,and I ran my fingers through his curls, soothing him to sleep.

The ride to Ikoyi lasted thirty minutes, and soon enough we were driving into our new resident. The estate was beautiful, quiet and heavenly like. The houses were big and modern. The cars that drove past were posh and expensive looking. And the people that walked past were fascinating. I stared out the window throughout, till we were pulling into our new humble abode.

"Let's go in," Dad said, breaking the momentum silence. I shifted Lase in my arms again, placing him in a position where his whole body leaned on me and his chin rested on my shoulder. I pocketed my cellphone, then picked up a luggage by the handle and rode it by the tyres with me. I followed closely behind Dad, glancing around the compound until we were finally inside.

The sweet scent of fresh paint filled the air and I gazed around in awe, taking in the luxurious living room, dining room, and kitchen. The house was immaculate, every detail perfect and pristine. My phone buzzed in my pocket, but I couldn't be bothered to check it. There was so much to take in, so much to explore in my new home on the Island.

We were living the high life now, in a stunning home with ACs in every corner and white tiles so clean they shone like mirrors.

I followed Dad through the house, a suitcase rolling behind me, my little brother Lase,whom demanded I let him walk on his own, following behind. He was still clutching his iPad, singing to himself as we explored the rooms and furniture. The couches were gray and the walls were white, giving everything a modern, minimalist feel. The stairway curved elegantly and formed an S, leading up to the bedrooms on the second floor.

I paused in the living room, my eyes drifting over the pristine surroundings. The furniture, the floors, the walls, the decor - it was all perfect, like something out of a magazine. I couldn't help but feel a bit intimidated by it all, like I wasn't quite worthy of such luxury. But then I caught Lase's eye and he gave me a big smile, reminding me that this was all for us, that we deserved this.

My only prayer was that things continued to be this way. May our lives remain this beautiful, peaceful and filled with pleasant surprises.
