

Ethan was grieving about his sister’s attack by vampires and her coma stage , that’s when he sees his vampire mate. The moment he sees her, he hates her but when she told she can help his sister he immediately accepts her as his mate. She saves his sister and she tells him that she is searching Shade Wolf, so that she can lift the engagement spell arranged by her parents with The Demon Prince. The engagement spell is just like mates, the moment she sees the Demon Prince she will feel that demon Prince is her mate and only the true love can break the spell. After meeting Ethan she knows the truth behind her parents and Ethan’s parents death. Will she able to lift the spell before she meets Demon Prince??? Will she be able to make Ethan love her??? Will Ethan be able to defeat The Demon Prince??? Will find her true love???

Ramya_Suresh_7541 · Fantasy
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12 Chs



I can hear your thoughts Amelia and you can't kick our ass.... (he said and I immediately blushed because he can hear my thoughts so I have to be careful when I think dirty things I could do with him in bed... he looked surprised and cleared his throat... shit he again heard me)

Get ready fast... the ceremony is in 1/2 an hour

(With that he left.. i thought about the kiss we shared and I felt one thing... I will soon make you love me Ethan )

Amelia POV

I got ready for my ceremony and finally everyone will know I am Ethan's mate... I am wearing a white party wear because it's a tradition I have to wear white... I went shopping with Mia, she told me I have buy white dress for the ceremony... my thoughts broke by someone knocking my door... I opened the open to see Mia standing with a big smile... she is having a make up kit in her hand... oh please, I hate makeup...

Hey Mia, why are you having that thing in your hand???

That thing is called makeup kit... you have to look special and beautiful so I am going to be your beautician today, just sit still and I will do my magic..

You are not going to take No as an answer...


Ok as you wish just don't make me look like a clown...

It will be the opposite...

She took 1/2an hour to finish her magic... after that she told me to look in the mirror and I gasped is it really me...

I always wear black... so this white looks different and I actually look beautiful for the first time...

Wow!!! I am sure Ethan is going drool over you...

In your dreams Mia... he won't even look at me... he is not interested in me and I don't know how he Is controlling his mate bond...

Amelia give him some time... I know he is hard to crack but you are his mate only you can make him feel the love, care, comfort and now itself I can see some change in him so don't lose hope and keep on trying... I want my brother to be happy and he have to live in peace only you can do that... so please don't give up on him so easily...

Mia I love your brother from the moment I saw him... I won't give up on him easily and I will never leave your brother alone, I will always be with till my lifetime... so don't worry Mia I will take a good care of your brother... shall we go before your brother come and drag me from here....

Sure Amelia... I have to make some arrangements... you wait here I will call you..


(With that Mia went and I am waiting here... suddenly a knock made me come out of my thoughts... I went and opened the door and saw Ethan standing there in Armani suit in black... wow it made drool over him... he looks devilishly handsome and I want to kiss him senselessly and breathlessly... I was looking at him in awe... but he first saw me surprised and then it turned into smirk and I thought shit he again heard my thoughts... I am feelings so embarrassed.... I must control my thoughts and I have to learn how to keep him out of my mind... he laughed)

Amelia you know I can hear your thoughts so please control your thoughts then you can't blame me because I won't be able to control my wolf... you know what he feels for you... the ceremony is going to start shall we go???

Sure Ethan, I am ready...

(We went to the backyard, the whole pack has been assembled there for the ceremony and the barbecue has been set for dinner and drinks were served and everyone else enjoying the ceremony... Ethan went to the stage and grabbed a microphone)

Dear pack members... most of you know I found my mate and she is a vampire... (most people gasped when they heard I am a vampire... Ethan continued)

Not just a vampire... she is the vampire princess and soon to be the queen of vampires... (everyone started to ask questions)

QUIET!!!!! I know what I am doing and you all must know one thing... she is my mate and she was chose by our moon goddess and in our pack we won't reject the moon goddess decision and I won't reject her because she is a vampire.... so accept her and respect her like you all respect me... she is the Luna of this pack and she is going to live among us so we have to welcome them with open minds and open hearts not with fear or hatred... so I introduce you all my mate and the Luna of this pack Amelia Rocksword...

(He raised his hands and told to me to come onto the stage and I took his hand... everyone clapped and I saw Mia standing with a big smile in her and gave me a thumbs up... I smiled at her, after that I took the vow and they did the blood bond... I controlled my thirst when I smell his blood... I want to drink from him... his blood smell is like a addiction to me and I want to taste it and when I saw blood dripping from his hand... oh god I want to lick it thoroughly... I heard someone cleared their throat I saw Ethan is smiling at me with amusement dancing in his eyes and I know again he read my mind... shit shit shit how can I forget this... he laughed lightly and hugged me... we broke the hug when we heard a loud voice)

Princess you made a big mistake by choosing him as your mate... you betrayed our kind and your people and you dog!!! how can you accept a vampire as your mate... (he asked us but I have never seen him before)

Who are you??? How dare you to talk to me like this??? Don't forget that I am your princess and I didn't chose him... the moon goddess chose him for me so who the hell are you to say this??? (I asked... I am furious in the way he talked to me)

Princess you are bound to marry the Demon Prince and you have only 3 weeks to do that then how could you accept this dog as your mate... (he asked making me to think... me marrying the Demon Prince only the kingdom knows and he is not one of them then how did he know)

It's a kingdom secret how did you come to know about this... tell me this instant or else you will be punished treason...

I not your kingdom.... (with that he started running towards the woods and turn to see Ethan running after him in his wolf form... I can see how big his wolf form is... but why??? I have seen many alphas but no one has such a big wolf form... and Ethan's wolf form looks majestic) .

(Everyone started to blame me and they started to blame my parents for Ethan's parents death... I couldn't take these bullshit anymore).

ENOUGH!!!! Not a word about my parents... my parents died the same day, Ethan's parents died.... my parents were killed by your pack members but I never blamed anyone for their death but why you all blame my kind for Ethan's parents death...

(I shouted at everyone and everyone looked stunned and I turned to see Ethan standing in his wolf form and starring at me with anger)
