
Shade by dragonpaw

She’s the first dark fae to be allowed to attend the prestigious school of luminous. Until now dark faes have been banned from entering because of a war with their opposite clan the light faes. However a recent truce has allowed her to embark on a new life. She wants nothing more then to live her life but her clan has other plans. He’s the heir to the light fae throne, rich and powerful hes arrogant and confident in his abilities. What will happen when he can’t figure out the new dark faes intentions? ———————sneak peek ————————— "Get out of the way." I crossed my hands over my chest in an attempt to seem intimidating and unfazed by his defined abs that called to to be touched as I ran my tongue- NO! Down girl stop it! He stepped closer his eyes turning to a raging inferno almost like he could hear my betraying thoughts. The flames in his eyes growing in intensity as his body closed the distance between us. I continued to step back trying in vein to avoid him only to be backed up into the nearest tree. His hand snaked up to rest on the tree beside my head trapping me in between him and the tree. I was frozen in his stare unable to move or even breath as his head dipped down to stop inches from my neck. He inhaled my scent his mouth going to my ear. "You smell like sunlight."

dragonpaw · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

3. Let the games begin

The rest of the weekend I stayed in my room nursing my sore ribs and swollen face. My meals were delivered via magic cupboard. Very chronicles of narnia all one had to do was say what you wanted then close the cupboard and when you opened it, it was just there.

By Monday morning I looked like hell. Fae didn't wear make up such a human concept that was beneath us not to mention it was rare to find a fae that needed it. Well that's what I'd thought anyway however as I made my way through the throngs of magical creatures I passed many fae who wore make up even though they clearly didn't need it. How vain these light fae were and much to my absolute horror uniforms were to be worn during all classes. Even worse the uniforms consisted of a cream colour pleated thigh length skirts white button down short sleeved tops complete with red checkered ties.

I almost gagged when I saw myself in the mirror this morning. So as my own personal rebellion to this stupid uniform I wore black stockings topped off with my normal knee high heels that I'd worn first day here tossing their school shoes in the bin on my way out. As I walked through the crowds heading in the same direction just like my first day here the crowd parted as I walked murmurs of demon spawn continued to follow me. It wasn't until just outside the academy that I ran into the goon squad once more. Blondie and her sidekicks blocking my path to the academy.

"I thought we told you to leave."

They too wore their uniforms only the girls skirts were so short you could practically see their arses, among other things. The male uniforms were same colours cream slacks with white button down shirts only earth boy wore the red blazer jackets that went with the uniform. The girls had them aswell only they framed their smaller size. My own jacket remained back in my room yet another small rebellion I refused to wear. Red no doubt to symbolise the founder of the school the previous king of the light fae. Their clan colour red like the flames their linage produced.

"Do we need to add more bruises to that demon face of yours before you'll get the point?"

I chuckled finding their mean girl attitude amusing. They would never realise that there was nothing they could do to me to make me leave this place. I was ordered by bitch queen to be here and there was no getting out of it. If bitch queen told you to do something you did it no questions asked.

"What's so funny demon spawn?"

I smiled my sweetest smile that I could muster despite my aching jaw.

"Just the fact that you think you actually have a say in what I do."

Blondies jaw tightened in anger, stepping forward she grabbed my collar her face so close to mine I could see every stormy grey detailed in them.

"I have a say in everything that happens in this school. My family are close friends with the light fae king and queen and one day I'll be queen ruling along side Blaze and when I'm queen all dark fae will be thrown back into the dark hole they came from so you might as well leave now before I make your life here a living hell."

"miss storm is everything alright here?"

The second principal spark spoke It distracted blondie enough that I was able to shadow jump to the nearest students shadow. The student in question bulking at my appearance and hurrying away as fast as they could fear in their eyes. Storm and her goons disappeared with scowls aimed my way as they entered the academy leaving me standing near Spark the crowds now almost completely gone.

"Miss Shade may I have a word with you in my office please?"

I let my eyes take in the empty courtyard as the final bell chimed to signal start of first class.

"Can it wait? I'm going to be late for class."

"It won't take long I've already let your teacher know."

I sighed clearly he was not letting this go. I inclined my head to indicate I'd follow. Not that I had a choice, why couldn't these guys just leave me alone. All I wanted was to do my time here then get on with my life but of course like everything in my life it would never be that simple.

Once back in principle Sparks office I took the seat across from his desk while he sat behind it. I watched him curiously expecting to see the same pity I'd seen in his eyes yesterday however surprisingly there was no pity. Steepling his hands before him he took a deep breath before starting.

"First of all I'd like to apologise for yesterday if I had of known....."

His eyes darken like he was remembering something from his past that had left mental scars. He shook his head sighing as his features returned to normal whatever ghosts that were in his past gone once more.

"I'm sorry miss Shade while it is policy to inform a students guardian on every incident that occurs in your case from now on ill reframe from doing so unless in emergencies."

I know he was only trying to help but somehow that just pissed me off more. It made me feel weak, like I had to be wrapped up in bubble wrap or I'll break. If there was one thing I was not and that was weak. I did not need protecting, not from the students and definitely not from bitch queen.

"Don't bother dark fae do not need protecting nor do I want to be protected. I'm quite capable of handling my own affairs."

On an after thought my eyes narrowed at him daring him to deny my next words.

"Let's face it shadow may be dark fae but she is still queen and there's nothing you or anyone else below her station can do to stop her from doing whatever she wants with her own property."

His eyes watched me letting my words sink in. They were true enough, bitch queen never thought of me as her daughter. I was her property, hers to control, hers to use in whatever way she wanted. All dark fae were her chess pieces and the game was her personal vendetta against the light fae. She was the reason the war lasted for as long as it did. She was the one that never backed down, refusing peace when offered. She was using all of us and we were powerless to stop her.

"May I go to class now?"

He dismissed me with a nod. Shouldering my bag I headed for the door.

"Miss Shade!"

I turned just as he tossed something my way. I caught it looking at my hand. My eyes widened at it then I met his eyes once more.

"Where did you get this?"

His smile was back as he got to his feet to stand before me.

"A token I found years ago on one of the first battle fields between light and dark fae."

My eyes went to the rock in my hands it was the size of my palm and attached to a silver chain. Inside the rock was a dark swirl of movement. I shook my head pushing it back.

"I can't except this its far too valuable."

Principal sparks closed my fingers around the necklace.

"You can and you will. It's useless to me. as a shadow fae it belongs with you."

I pulled my hand back grasping the shadow stone to my chest. Not believing that he had actually found one. They were so rare the only one I knew in existence was the one bitch queen always wore around her neck. Shadow stones were used by shadow fae. The darkness inside the stone allowed a shadow fae to be unhindered during the day. It would mean I would no longer be weakened by the sun. Once all shadow fae had one of these stones but ever since the war started light fae destroyed every stone they found.

"I know things seem hard now the war has only just ended but I know there are many of us out there that believe dark fae are not the enemy. Most have been brought up to fear your clan some even lost loved ones. It's up to those few that can put aside their differences to carve a new path of peace between light and dark."

I scoffed at his words not believing a word of it. Even in my short time here I have seen the looks of fear and hatred on everyone of the faces here. The murmurs of demon spawn whispered in harsh tones. Every single being here would like nothing more then to rip my heart out and feed it to the dragon born. Thinking about the dragon born Blazes burning eyes flashed in my mind. His eyes in the one flash of hatred id seen in him. He was no different, his rescue was merely for show and meant nothing.

My first class was half way through by the time I'd got there. Not that it mattered considering it was history most of it I'd already had drilled into my brain all my life. Not to mention with the whispers and harsh comments the teacher failed completely to settle the class back down to get any real work done. The class rooms themselves were a typical classroom numerous desks facing one large teachers desk at the front. By the time the bell rang for next class the teacher had all but given up. Only good thing was the goon squad weren't in this class.

I waited til the room was almost empty before I headed out. My next class was outside in the training grounds. Dark fae defence and counter measures.....fucking hilarious. Apparently this class was mandatory for all sups. I couldn't believe they had actually created a class that was dedicated to how to fight my clan. I didn't know whether to be insulted or flattered. Were we really that much of a threat that they needed this class? Well that would be a yes because even with the war ending the parents refused to let it be dropped from the curriculum. Suits me fine I'd like to see just what they thought was good against my clan. Bitch queen always said to beat your enemy you must first know your enemy. Not that I classed any of them as my enemy per si more like I want to be prepared for anything.

I stood to the back of the group of about thirty students as they piled into the arena slash training grounds not even bothering to try see the teacher over the heads of those in front of me. What was the point he was probably some light fae war hero that had killed hundreds of my clan and now called himself an expert on dark faes. Ha even someone who's fought us countless times wouldn't know all our secrets. It wasn't til I heard his voice that my whole world stopped.

"Good morning class and welcome to dark fae defence and counter measures."

Whatever else he said was lost to me as I slowly made my way around the group of students ignoring me completely as they hung on to every word that I was missing. It wasn't til he came into view that I truly believed my own ears. The teacher was no light fae at all. Not only was he dark fae but he was the last person I expected to see in my life. His red hair long and tied back in Viking style similar to my own. Both sides of his head shaved and showed his tattoo that snaked down the bare skin of his head down his neck to disappear beneath his clothes. But even without looking I knew what the rest of that tattoo looked like having seen it every day my entire childhood.

His green eyes I hadn't noticed til now having been so young when I thought he'd died looked so much like the bitch queens there was no way they weren't related. What he did have now that wasn't there before was a raised jagged scar that started at his cheek and run down the length of his neck to disappear beneath his shirt just like his tattoos.

It was in that moment that all the pain of the past fifteen years boiled to the surface. Five years old was when I was told both my parents were dead. Five years old when they had been branded as shaki, a dark fae word for traitors. Five years old when i was taken in by two tyrants with no heart. It was in that moment that all my anger rose up and exploded in a sea of my own fury.

Before anyone even saw it coming I pulled my swords out and lept towards the male I once called father.


He blocked my blades with his own shadow staff the students looked on in horror as I attacked their teacher oblivious to what was happening. My eyes stared daggers at him my fangs bared in anger.


I Knocked his staff aside jumping back to attack again. He blocked my attack once more bending his knees he spin to the side. Those green eyes that still looked at me with the love of a father. I didn't stop my attacks even though he blocked every one. Not once did he retaliate but nor did he try to stop my onslaught. Our moves were so similar as I attacked with all the anger I was feeling inside. He was faster stronger and far more experienced but I didn't care I just wanted to land one blow. To hurt him like I was hurting, to make him pay for the pain he had caused.

"Someone get the principal the demon bitch has gone mad!"

My father shadow jumped away from my next attack to stop the student who'd spoken.

"There's no need to get the principal class is dismissed for now."

I stood blades still in hand my fury bubbling even more. The students listened to him, they obeyed him. They respected him and his position as a teacher. Had he been here all this time? Teaching our enemy all our secrets? Was this the reason they bested us? All this time I had defended him. I had believed that they were stupid yes but not wrong in what they tried to achieve. Yet now, now I felt the hatred so many had shown to me since I'd been here. Felt the hatred that my adopted parents had proven they had plenty off as they raised me.

In that moment I hated him with every fibre of my being. My hands shook with it, my body screamed with it. When every student had disappeared he turned to face me once more dropping his staff back into his shadow. His eyes were suddenly sad as he took in all of me. My blades held at the ready my stance seconds from attacking once more.

"Shade let me-"

I cut through his words like my voice was another weapon in my arsenal.

"LET YOU WHAT? Let you spin your lies about how you had no choice. Let you explain why you abandoned your only child leaving me in the hands of monsters so that you could come here?! HERE! In this class that teaches the enemy how to kill your own clan?!"

"No please Shade you don't have the whole story."

I cut my blade through the air silencing him. My voice becoming louder with each word I spoke.

"How could you? You've been here the whole time. For fifteen years I thought you dead. Did you even care that one day one of your students would use what they learnt from you to kill me. Even with the current truce they still might! Didn't you care that I I've been living in hell for the past fifteen years?!"

He stood a few metres in front of me looking like he was ageing right before my eyes. His shoulders slumping in despair with my words. He was weaponless which only angered me more. If I was going to kill him for being a Shaki I'd be dammed if I was going to attack him when he had no weapon. We may be dark fae but we weren't cowards.

"Summon your weapon Shaki so that I can kill you for this treason."

He shook his head.

"I won't fight you Shade."


My voice spoken through gritted teeth. His refusal only fuelling my anger.


I bared my fangs.

"Fine then you leave me no choice."

Throwing one of my blades down I used the other to slice open my hand. Raising my arm above my own shadow I starting reciting the dark fae ritual for a blood feud. In my clan if you have a grievance with another and they refuse to fight there's only one way to force their hand. By using the blood ritual it ties my blood to his so that he either fights or we both die.

However before I could finish the words of my clan my father wide eyed used his shadow smoke to constrict my throat so that I couldn't get any words out. Shadow smoke was a rare trait in my clan only a few had the ability my father being one of them.

I was choking on his power as it burned down my throat bringing me to my knees. I watched him approach slowly like he had all the time in the world. Meanwhile I was dying from his power. My eyes bore into his as he lifted my hand muttering a few dark fae words as the cut began to heal. Once it was completely closed he released me from his hold.

I fell forward coughing as my lungs filled with smoke free air once more. I felt his hand come down on my shoulder and I slapped it away.


I managed to get it out in between gasps of air.

"I can't let you risk your life so recklessly Shade your far to important."

I forced myself back to my feet scowling at him my voice raspy from his smoke.

"Important to who because it sure as hell isn't you."

I turned from him intending to never come back to his stupid class mandatory or not I refuse to ever lay eyes upon him again. As far as I'm concerned he's still dead to me. He said nothing as I left the training grounds nor did he try to stop me. He probably realised I wouldn't believe a word he said at this point so he wasn't even trying. Well good fucking ridden. I was doing fine before I knew he was dead and the fact that's he's alive won't chance that one bit.

Not much feeling like eating lunch especially since lunch was held in the courtyard of the academy building where every other student would be. After what had happened I had even less desire to see the angry stares and taunting jeers then I normally did. Fuck this school and fuck the students. They can all go to hell for all I cared I just wanted away from it, away from all of them.

I never thought I'd wish for the war to be back but in that moment I wanted it more then anything because then at least I wouldn't have to be here any more.

Silently I made my way out of school grounds into the trees that surrounded it. There was a well worn path through them that caught my eyes. Needing the distraction I followed it, anything to get my mind off my father and that stupid school. I didn't even care if I missed the rest of today's classes or that bitch queen would reprimand me for it. Let her punish me, let her flog me til my back was bare to the bone I didn't care. What did it matter if my own father didn't care enough to want me. I'd been here three days even if there was some reason he had to stay here, had to betray his clan it still didn't explain why he hadn't sort me out before I was blind sided on my third day here.

It wasn't til a strong breeze brought in the smell of salt water that I realised I'd come to a dead end. So lost in my thoughts that I hadn't even realised that I'd come to a break in the trees where a clearing had opened up overlooking the ocean at the bottom of a steep cliff. The water stretched as far as the horizon the view from the top calming my warring emotions.

Stepping closer to the edge I leaned forward to see over the side, but I was too close to the edge. Before I could even look the rock beneath my feet crumbled. I felt myself lurch forward and just as I was about to fall over the edge a huge red scaled dragon flew up from below the wind from its wings enough to force me to fall back on my arse safely on the cliff top.

Stunned, my heart pounding from almost falling off a cliff I couldn't move from the shock. It wasn't til the ground shook beneath me as the dragon landed in the clearing behind me. Scrambling to my feet I moved further away from the edge carful to avoid the huge mother fucking dragon. It's long neck arched as it's red eyes of fire stared down at me. It was in those eyes that I realised who that dragon was. My fists clenched my composure back full force. The hits just keep coming!

Scowling at him I turned and started back the way I'd came. If he thought I was going to thank him he had another thing coming. He should have just saved me the hassle of suffering this cursed place and let me fall.

I only just made it to the path through the trees before a hand snaked out to grab my wrist.

"Shade wait!"

I ripped my wrist out of his grasp and kept going. He was in front of me in seconds. Now that I got the full view of him bare chested with only a pair of dark jeans that hung low to reveal the extremely sexy v that drove any female crazy I couldn't help the heat from rising between my legs. I hadn't even realised I'd stopped til the very knowing smile formed on his lips telling me he knew very well what seeing him like this did to my hormones. I mean come on I had eyes even I could admit the fae was fucking hot.

The trees were think around here and the only path out was the one he effectively blocked which he clearly knew. Stepping back I put some distance between us in an attempt to calm my arousal. Not that it worked but a girl can try.

"Get out of the way."

I crossed my hands over my chest in an attempt to seem intimidating and unfazed by his defined abs that called to to be touched as I ran my tongue- NO! Down girl stop it!

He stepped closer his eyes turning into a raging inferno almost like he could hear my betraying thoughts. The flames in his eyes growing in intensity as his body closed the distance between us. I continued to step back trying in vein to avoid him only to be backed up into the nearest tree. His hand snaked up to rest on the tree beside my head trapping me in between him and the tree. I was frozen in his stare unable to move or even breath as his head dipped down to stop inches from my neck. He inhaled my scent his mouth going to my ear.

"You smell like sunlight."

He was so close I could feel his shadow of chin hair against my skin. My eyes took in his bare chest I wanted so badly to touch him and feel his perfect sunkisst skin, to trace the fiery tribal designs that snaked across his perfectly sculptured body. To run my hand through his golden locks as I pulled him down to met my lips as our tongues met in a wild dance for dominance. To feel what it was like to have him inside me while I came to the highest ecstasy known. To ride out that feeling as his cock pulsed inside me. I wanted it so bad in that moment I almost pushed of the tree and had my wicked way with him.

Only I had more control then that, unfortunately, so I did none of those things. My hands gripping the tree behind me to the point the bark was biting into my skin the pain a welcome distraction from the moisture building in between my thighs.

There was no way he didn't know what was going on with my body even if he didn't say anything the smile on his lips said more then enough. He knew what he was doing to me he'd probably done the same to countless others. There's no way a guy like him didn't relish in the fact that he could bring any female he wanted to their knees. One look and he'd have them begging for more.

Well I wouldn't let myself be one of those females. I refused to let myself be sucked into his list of conquests. If he wanted to try dipping his wick in the likes of a dark fae he'd have to start somewhere else because I will never let it be me. Mustering all the strength I had from the stone that now sat at my neck I put all the power I had into the shadow at our feet. As it sprang up it hit him hard in the chest forcing him back to hit the tree on the opposite side of the small pathway with enough force to make a resounding crack as it started to lean over onto the next tree.

Then I ran. I ran as fast as my feet would carry me. It wasn't til I was safely back in my dorm room the door shut that I finally took a breath. I had no idea if I'd hurt him or if he was alright all I knew was that I had to get out of there before I did something even more stupid.

FUCK! What the hell is wrong with me? Was it because he was dragon born? Was that why my body betrayed me? Why do I feel so unbelievably attracted to him? He's the last person I should want yet every time I look at him I feel this uncontrollable pull towards him. His heat calls to me. The flames in his eyes stare into my very soul. It has to be some kind of trick. He must have done something to me to make me want him. Whatever this was it was not normal.

I decided then and there I would avoid him at all costs. Never again would I allow him to get that close to me, be alone with me. not until I got control of myself will I be that vulnerable around him again. No matter what happens Blaze of the dragon born is my enemy and I will not let him get to me I will not give in to this. Not ever!

The story’s definitely coming along hope yous are enjoying it so far if you have any comments please don’t be afraid to leave them I always answer any questions you might have

dragonpawcreators' thoughts