
Shade by dragonpaw

She’s the first dark fae to be allowed to attend the prestigious school of luminous. Until now dark faes have been banned from entering because of a war with their opposite clan the light faes. However a recent truce has allowed her to embark on a new life. She wants nothing more then to live her life but her clan has other plans. He’s the heir to the light fae throne, rich and powerful hes arrogant and confident in his abilities. What will happen when he can’t figure out the new dark faes intentions? ———————sneak peek ————————— "Get out of the way." I crossed my hands over my chest in an attempt to seem intimidating and unfazed by his defined abs that called to to be touched as I ran my tongue- NO! Down girl stop it! He stepped closer his eyes turning to a raging inferno almost like he could hear my betraying thoughts. The flames in his eyes growing in intensity as his body closed the distance between us. I continued to step back trying in vein to avoid him only to be backed up into the nearest tree. His hand snaked up to rest on the tree beside my head trapping me in between him and the tree. I was frozen in his stare unable to move or even breath as his head dipped down to stop inches from my neck. He inhaled my scent his mouth going to my ear. "You smell like sunlight."

dragonpaw · Fantasy
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11 Chs

1. Shade

Of all the dark faes in our clan why did it have to be me? Sure I was technically the heir to the dark fae throne, Sure I was the right age but hell it's not like any of that matters since all fae lived for thousands of years. We weren't immortal or anything and we could be killed but I doubt queen shadow plans on dying any time soon so it's not like I don't have plenty of time. Anyone could have started at this dam school it's not like they have an age limit or anything. I knew it was my punishment for being different. All my life my clan treated me differently. Why? Just because my parents challenged the king and queen because they thought the war was pointless? I mean come on I bet they don't even know why they had been fighting. Oh wait it's because the light fae accused us of killing one of them thousands of years ago or something stupid like that blah blah blah moan moan moan. Fuck me am I right?

So here I am the unlucky pick to be the first dark fae to ever go to the Luminous academy for magical creatures. Pfft what the fuck was I supposed to even learn here? Dark faes were taught how to fight from birth and how to use our powers so what was the point of this god dam school? Like they could teach me what I didn't already know. Not to mention I doubt any of the students here would be happy about me attending.

It had always been dark faes against everyone else.

Shifters, vampires, magic users all of them took the light faes side. Didn't matter that we might be innocent, didn't matter that maybe they had it wrong. Ok so maybe I was a bit pro dark fae but can you blame me? Sure the war was pointless but it didn't mean I wouldnt back my clan. My parents were traitors not for their beliefs but because they should have never challenged the king and queen. They didn't give two shits that I would miss them when they failed and were sentenced to death. Didn't give a shit that I would be taken in by the king and queen. You might think that was a blessing but I can tell you it wasn't. Dark faes are not raised like light faes and the king and queen were the worse kind of parents. They expected perfection, they expected obedience and when you didn't give it to them there was always a price.

they had no heir, a retaliation from the light fae in one of their many battles. Our queen was made baron from a fire blast by the light fae king himself. A dragon shifter the king was. a triat passed down their royal blood line. Their red eyes of fire a sure sign of that trait.

It wasn't until our king was captured that a truce finally broke out. Now prisoner our queen had no choice but to sign the treaty. Bound by magic she has to abide by it. So because the king was stupid enough to be captured I now have to pay the price by coming to this ridiculous school so that my clan can start to be integrated into the rest of the magical society. For fuck sales what does that even mean? Am I supposed be friends with these supernaturals? Shakes their hands and say well thanks for letting me be apart of your pathetic club? Thanks for turning your back on us all because none of you could leave your egos behind and just get over your shit.


I stood up from my seat in the main office of the academy. a room full of whites and yellows the brightness of it making me nauseous. Dark faes did not do well in the light much preferring darkness. We were shadow uses and when there wasn't darkness we were weakened by it. Probably their plan all along. Send the heir to the brightest place in the world so that she may forever be weak.

Even the light fae office lady standing before me all in white made me want to wrap her in shadow and turn that disgusting bright to dark. Her pointed ears so much like my own, even though her skin was alabaster making her even brighter. Agh I think I just threw up in my mouth.

Dark faes skin was darker not like purple or anything more like very tanned. Our clothes always blacks, dark blues and purples. Like I said we were dark faes who hated everything light.


I bared my teeth at her pulled from my thoughts once again.


My outburst didn't even faze her that stupid smile still permanently stuck on her lips. God these guys piss me off.

"The principal will see you now."

I grabbed my bag slinging it over my shoulder as I silently followed her down yet another white corridor to a door that was...yep you guessed it white as well. When she opened it i was actually surprised at what was inside. I had expected to see yet more fucking white but turns out the principal actually had some taste. Don't get me wrong it was still light colours but more greens and blues. The desk made from mahogany adding brown. There were even wooden bookshelves that added a more homey feel to the room. Clean to be sure but light sups usually were clean freaks. The principal himself was a magic user with long brown hair that was tied back as it cascaded down his back. Any girl would be jealous of that hair it looked so soft and healthy. I smiled to myself at the thought of him taking care of his hair like it was his pride and joy.

His eyes brown with what looked like small sparks of electricity flashing through them. Appropriate considering his name was Spark as was written on his name plague that sat on his desk. So he was a lighting user that much was clear. My first task find out his real name. You see every magical creature has a real name. The first lesson every creature was taught is tell no one. If you learn someone's true name you have power over them. Which is why everyone had second names like mine which was Shade. The king and queen of each race of course knew everyone of their clans true name. It was the best way of ensuring loyalty. It was also the reason my parents plan to challenge the king and queen was so futile they had no chance of winning. Fucking morons.

"ah miss Shade please sit."

Moving forward I sat down eyeing his grey suit that hugged his muscled body making him appear very refined. His lips spread in the same infuriating smile the office fae had. He held out his hand for me to shake but I ignored it of course crossing my arms over my chest a scowl aimed at him showing him I was in no uncertain terms happy to be here. Unperturbed he sat back down while office fae bitch strolled out her heels clicking down the hall.

"Im happy to be the one to welcome you to Luminous academy. I'm sure your well aware how lucky you are to be here-"

I scoffed at those words. Happy? Like fuck. Not even pausing at my reaction he kept talking.

"luminous academy school of magical creatures will provide for all your education all the way to college. We provide your housing and all your meals. Your mother-"

"she's not my mother."

His smile faltered for only a second before he continued.

"forgive me. Your queen has provided an allowance for anything else you may need. Your room has already been taken care of and all your belongings have been unpacked. Here you will find your class schedule and a map of the school and dorms. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. Classes start Monday morning at 7am sharp."

It was now Saturday so that meant I had two days to kill before this bullshit got even more annoying. Eager to get out of this hell I grabbed the papers from him and stood.

"Is that all?"

he blinked a couple times clearly trying to figure me out. Yeah good luck with that buddy even I couldn't figure me out.

"Yes I have another student coming to take you to your rooms they sh-"

"Dont bother I'll find my own way."

Again he blinked rapidly rattled by my abruptness.

"Miss Shade I really must insist-"

I bared my teeth at him.

"Is there a reason I can't go alone? Am I some sort of prisoner that needs to be under guard?"

Brisled those sparks in his eyes got brighter for just a minute before they returned to normal.

"Of course your not, but the academy is quite large easy for a new comer to get lost-"

"I'll be fine."

Not letting him say anything else I quickly left his office and headed back down the hall towards the exit. If I had to stay here there was no way in hell I was letting some harbinger of light make me even more pissed then I already was. This place was already going to be a nightmare even without a personal tour guide. More then Likely they were forced into it anyway. I mean honestly the war had only just ended to all of them I was still the enemy. They forced her hand if they really thought this war was ended they clearly didn't know the queen like I did. she was a fucking psychopath with delusions of grandeur.

Pfft whatever only good thing to come out of this was I didn't have to live in the same house as the bitch. Well when I say house I mean palace not that the big rooms and endless supply of money made up for the hell they put me through. What can I say being a dark fae sucked arse but I was dark fae and they were my clan so I was bound to serve.

I made it all the way out to the courtyard that separated the main office with that of the dorms and the academy itself without running into anyone. The sun blaring down at me making me shield my eyes from its glare. Fucking light Why was it so dam bright. My shoulders slumped at the weight of fatigue it brought down on me. Sighing I stared down at the paperwork ole Sparky had given me. My dorm was level 3 door number 23.

the court yard was about a football field in size and with the suns light making me weak I couldn't use my advanced speed so I resigned myself to walking to the ten story building that sort of resembled apartment buildings only white like everything else in this place.

Seriously what the fuck is their obsession with white? It was wide with a curve to the front of it making it look modern human world. Which was funny cause we couldn't be further from the human world if we tried. The humans lived in an entirely different dimension to ours. Our magic didn't work in their dimension so supernaturals only went there if they had no where else to go. Light fae used it as a prison when their kind went rogue. It was a punishment for the worse of the worst. Those that couldn't be killed so they just sent them there that way they at least couldn't use their magic. I was surprised the light fae hadn't sent all of us there when they stole our king. hell I wouldn't be surprised if that was where our king was now.

"need help?"

I jumped at the voice pissed with myself for not having heard them approach. This dam light was dulling all my senses. Not even looking at them I pushed passed his large muscled arm as heat radiated off his skin my own colder temperature body counteracted the heat immediately. I hurried past not wanting to get involved with any pissing match while I was weakened.


I could hear whispers start up from more sups that I hadn't even noticed around the court yard cursing the light yet again for making me weak. I didn't hear them follow me thank god otherwise I definitely would have kicked the living shit out of them. I was grouchy I know but not like I could help it. The whispers continued as I made my way to the dorms those whispers only fueling my anger. You would think they'd never seen a dark fae before. Well I suppose some of them probably haven't. They were entitled arseholes the whole fucking lot.

it didn't take long to navigate the dorms finding my room in no time as I put my hand to the door it sprang open programmed to my magic. That's how most things worked in our world electricity didn't power things our own power did.

the room was larger then I thought complete with its own ensuite and everything. For which I was glad because it meant I wouldn't have to share a bathroom with the others here. It even had a walk in wardrobe and to my delight it had a darker colour scheme. Seems they accounted for my lifestyle. Not even bothering to turn the lights on perfectly capable of seeing in the dark, I sighed in delight as my strength started to come back. Thank fuck for that. If I'd had to sleep surrounded by white I would have killed myself. I threw my bag into the corner and fell forward onto the bed.

I had to admit they hadn't been cheap on the sheets. Spyder silk the most expensive material in our world and soft as well as impenetrable. All of my clothes were made of the same stuff. Not that anyone could get close enough to hurt me. Of course except the guy from just before. I threw my arm over my face in annoyance. I'm going to have to be more careful if I'm going to survive this. I wouldn't put it past them to be planning my early arrival to my grave. What better way to completely cripple my clan then to take out its heir. Not that it would matter if I died bitch queen would just adopt another heir. I was expendable in her eyes, easily replaced. Ha jokes on her I didn't want to be the dam heir.

It was still early in the day and since I didn't have to go to classes til Monday I figured I might as well go to sleep. Better to explore during the night when no ones around and when I was at my strongest. I smiled just thinking about it. I couldn't wait to feel the full effect of the shadows fuelling me. Filling me with the energy I would need to survive this hell I was being forced into. Not even bothering to change I just closed my eyes and let the darkness take me welcoming it's warm embrace.

So this is a new book that I’m working on I have no idea how well it’s going to go but hopefully it turns out alright

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