
Shade -Shop of the night (On Hiatus)

Akirai had been "Unique" ever since she was a child- Orphan, unwanted, stubborn- a street rat. But Akirai became "Unique" in another way after she died in an unfortunate hiking accident, a landslide- there was nothing to be done. But of course Akirai´s stubborn self didn´t let it end there.

Lumina_Wraith · Urban
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

The Shop

Akirai appeared like she had dissapeared, out of fucking nowhere.

Although, she wasn´t in the nursery, but her bathroom instead, not that she complained, she was filthy, or at least her clothes were, she hadn´t brought spares afterall, too caught up in the spur of the moment, a beginners mistake that she wouldn´t repeat.

She set her partner down and told her to wait as she went to get the... they couldn´t even be called clothes anymore, they were scraps of fabric hanging on by a literall thread, and directly dumped them in the trash can, Akirai knew how to make due with a lot, but those former clothes of hers were unsalvagable, even by her standards.

Akirai took a long shower, letting all the filth wash off with the help of soap, a few clumps of dried blood and mud falling out of the birds nest that was her hair, she cleaned regularly, but without soap you could only do so much.

When she stepped out of the shower, clothes were ready for her, they were on the toilett seat, crumpled not orderly, thrown together in a pile by someone who tried, but failed to fold them, Akirai snorted gracefully, which was more like letting out an amused sigh or breath than a snort and marveled at how smart the little thing had gotten.

There really wasn´t much to compare her too, Beasts were afterall smart in their own way, but if Akirai had to compare, then she´s compare Lynna to a young child, maybe 3 at most, knowing what to do to the bare minimum, but not knowing how to do them correctly, and Lynnas presence in her mind felt more... alive, more stable, not like a candle about to die out, but a small campfire, it was warm and comforting in a strange way she couldn´t discribe.

She picked the clothes up, and cracked up a bit, there were two pairs of trousers but no shirt in sight, just as there were three pairs of socks but not a single item of underwear.

She laughed a bit as she got a towel and walked out, finding Lynna sitting on a window sill in the hallway, she looked a bit betrayed as she saw her walk out in a towel instead of the clothes she´d brough for her, she thought- the tall creatures wore that, or at least hers did, right? Then why was she not wearing those she´d brought?

Well, maybe Lynna was more of a genius three year old, but still!

"Lynna, come here." She waved her little plushy over and headed to her bedroom.

She rolled her eyes fondly at the mess that awaited her and cleaned it with her super,duper, dandy, handy Domain abillity.

Her closet had been thrown open and clothes were everywhere, Akirai picked a few she liked and clothed herself, though she mourned for her poor combat boots, and directly went to bed, hugging Lynna, who didn´t seem to mind it.

...She would ignore the fact that the sun was rising out her window.


She and Lynna were eating breakfast as she switched on the small Tv in the kitchen to watch whatever was on, coincidentally, the local news were on and Akirai nearly spat her tea out as she focused her gaze at the date, doing a spit take.

It was three days after she had left to visit the Realm.

"Sylvie? What the FUCK?!" She shrieked, she was used to seeing wierd shit, but that was like the cream on top, and she´d seen the bloodfalls in the antarctic as well as bleeding trees, and trees that could kill you just by standing under them, no just being close to them, so that was saying something.

"The Realm has a different time passage, inside for a day would equall to an hour outside." She just blinked for a while...

"Well at least I won´t have to worry about the time then..." She said, feeling as if a rug had been pulled from under her, not a nice feeling, not at all.

She swore she could hear something laugh, other than Lynna who was chittering in laughter at her reaction, was she imagining things now? Really?

Ah, yes, another thing about Lynna was that she was a moth that could actually make noise, those existed on earth too though, so nothing too suprising there.

Well, at the time, nothing could top fucking time travel, or at least the time bullshit Sylvie had dumped on her.

Akirai let the news play, it was mostly about new Beasts or other such things, but as she was almost done eating, did something come up that was related to her.

Well, Beast shops in generall, the goverment would send Beastshops Beasts to train and sell as help and to promote bussiness, and the shipment for her area was supposed to come today.

Akirai felt a headache coming her way.

"Oh god! Human interaction! Just what I needed!" She groaned as she began to wash up, she felt her eye twitch a bit, she hated nothing more than interacting with other people, especially if they were stupid, she could tolarate smart people, but god did her head hurt if she had to interact with morons, she hoped the people coming to bring her..gift, weren´t stupid.

It was 4pm right now, meaning Akirai had slept for a long damn time, and that she better hurry up as they would come here soon, if the news were anything to go by.

She walked downstairs with Lynna in her arms and looked at the empty reception area, she couldn´t wait to decorate the place with plants, the garden too, if she had enough of them, but she would wait until they came by for two reasons- 1. She was still tired, she only got up due to her being hungry and had planned to go back to sleep, and 2. She wanted to get them to leave first, lest she get seen by them, pulling plants out of nowhere, sure, some Beast-Masters had treasure that could store stuff, or even Beasts, but she was a little nobody, and a gem in the hands of a poor man became a crime, she didn´t want ot attract trouble.

Killing people was a hassle and messy as hell, she´d done it before, a rapist getting... lost... in the amazon forest, or an abuser dissapearing after a trip with his abused wife- their old group thought he was eaten by a lion, africa was ruthless.

Only she and the wife knew better, she helped hide the body afterall, but she didn´t like it, didn´t hate it either, she was neutral in that regard.

Akirai was all kinds of fucked up, and her lack of regard towards human live was just the top of that list, it was quite long to... too many instincts from living in the wild staying with her even in the citys and villages she passed through or stayed at.

She hated loud people, hated glaring colours and couldn´t stand the damn sight of of pretty, skimpy clothed girls, like a venus fly trap, luring their prey in and never letting go once they got a hold of them.

Akira knew herself well, had to, and she knew she was... sick, in her own kind of way, not insane, not yet, and would never be if she had any say in it, but she was sick nontheless, the abuse in her childhood had left their marks, her dislike towards humans was just one of the more obvious ones left behind, she´d likely make her therapist cry, if she ever saw one, that is.

People in her old live had often compared her to a feral animal, rather than a human at one point in her live, hissing, growling and clawing if she got threatened or startled, she supposed they weren´t too far off, not that she´d admit that, at least out loud, last thing she needed was a permanent visit to the psyche ward in an asylum.

She sat herslef down in the hidden corner of the counter, waiting for her delivery, more asleep than awake.