

Her life is a bed of roses with more thorns than flowers ••••••• Anabella's parents where murdered with her as a witness at a tender age of eleven. She was moved to a foster home where she was abused in all possible ways to no end. No matter how hard she tried, escape seemed so close,yet unobtainable. Ethan Brown, has just moved in to another town with his widowed mother, for the umpteenth time after his father's death. Little does he know, that moving nextdoor will bring an unexpected turn of events. Anabella is determined to stay clear from the cocky teenage boy. He is determined to keep the secrets behind his smile. But, what to do, when their pasts come messing with the present. Simple, they unravel mysteries, elucidate secrets. They discover the unknown.

Amara_Gracie · Teen
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17 Chs

Chapter 11


I feel like my life is a carousel, goes round, and round.

I sigh for the umpteenth time, massaging my head now throbbing from crying for so long.

I really wish I could stay home, but of course, school is my only escape.... Even though there's Melanie who would stop at nothing to make my life unbearable. Little does she know.... My life is a living hell, with my supposed 'father' as the devil.

I crawl on to my bed to try to get some sleep, even for just a few minutes.

I toss and turn on the bed, groaning in pain from the injuries, it hurts just trying to lie in one position, it doesn't really help that the bed isn't exactly soft.

About five minutes later,I finally give up trying to get some sleep, looking for some distraction I pick up my phone and stare at the broken screen for a while before turning it on.

It read 4:57 on the lock screen. Having nothing else to do, I stand up from my sitting position on the bed and walk to the kitchen to start on break fast.

I start making pancakes, using up the last batch of eggs, storing them in a flask the make a mental note to go grocery shopping as soon as possible.

Once the flask is filled, I take the leftover crumbs and put them in a plate, I take them with me as I painstakingly go back upstairs.


After brushing my teeth and eating. I just sit on my bed staring into space, memories of last night come rushing back into my mind.

Brushing them off I stand up with a groan and walk into my bathroom.

I eye the shower as if sizing it up.

Do you really have to shower.

It's going to hurt a lot... But then again, to don't want my wounds getting infected again.

"Okay" I say nodding to myself  "I'm going in"



Once I'm done disinfecting my injuries and dressing it.

I open up my wooden closet which is not even half filled I pull out a black tank top, navy blue leggings and my purple hoodie.

I do my makeup to cover my yet to fade bruises, still not a pro at it, I end up looking like a.... What did Melanie call it? ' a deranged lunatic misplaced clown'.

I pack up my assignments and stationary in my worn out back pack, I pick up my phone, the time read 6:24. The bus won't be here for another hour or so since school starts at eight.

After letting my hair air dry, I put it up in a ponytail at first, but then it showed the bruises on my neck, so I decide to wear it down.

It came down to my mid back in curls, I've always had my mothers long and curly hair but instead of her ash blonde hair mine was brown, just like my dads.

I run my hands through it trying to get rid of the tangles, I couldn't help but remember when my mum used to braid my hair with ribbons and bows especially the lemon green ones... She used to say it matches my eyes.

A single tears escapes my eye as I stare at my reflection, people always said I was a spitting image of my mother, except for my eyes which where a mixture of my dad's forest green and my mum's baby blue eyes, they always argued playfully whose eyes I got.

Unable to bear looking at her in me anymore, I run out of the toilet and sink on my bed, memories pull me in, until I'm caught in them, like in an avalanche I can't seem to stop them.

Tears run down my cheeks as quickly as I wipe them as my best childhood memories start flashing one by one in my mind's eye.

What do normal people do when they are sad.

I get up and go on fours to retrieve the box from underneath my bed, my original plan was to get my diary.

Inside the box was a blue gown of an eleven year old neatly folded on top of it sat a dressed doll wearing her favorite green bow.

Picking up the doll she chocked on a sob, she had always avoided looking in that box for the objects which lay inside held too many memories, but she could never bring herself to get rid of them.

Dropping the doll, she picked up her ball dress, her parents had bought it on her eleventh birthday which was princess themed, she had worn it when they were supposed to move. More tears coming at the memories she cries into the dress.

She rubbed her teary eyes with the dress which was now a shade of purple and black as it ruins the makeup. Sighing, she grabs her diary...


The tears had stopped now leaving only traces of hiccups, as i write the memories as they come, the book now half filled, I feel like I'm in my own universe escaping from it all... Somehow in my own fantasy right now everything is alright.

I'm broken from my trance by a loud honk.

The bus is here? How come.

I pick up my phone and turn it on, the time read 7:46.


I stand up, in my hurried state I shove the book in my bag and zip it about to leave the room, when I catch my reflection on the mirror from the bathrooms mirror.

Black lines of tears on my cheeks left overs of eyeshadow on my eyelids the rest spread across my face from the vigorous rubbing.


Having no choice, I run into the toilet and turn on the tap washing off everything and then drying up my face with a towel.

I stare at my reflection for a few seconds before I run out of the house.

The bus driver had already turned on the ignition when I pulled the door open so ignoring the sharp pain that ran through my arm.

All small talks in the bus ceased as everyone turned to look at me.

Everyone stayed quiet and still for a while as if time had stopped staring at me with contempt and disdain.... Then,

What the hell happened to her face

Did she get hit by a bus or something





I ignore them walking to my seat in front of the bus designated for 'the freak's staring at the houses through the window as everyone else goes back to chatting.

Just as the bus starts to move I see Ethan come out of his house giving his mother a hug as she kisses his cheek.

My heart constricts at the sight bringing back more memories that I've tried so hard to put at the back of my head.


I'm jolted from my memories as the bus comes to an abrupt stop, students start to file out of the bus, me heading out last.

I walk in  heading to my locker and keeping my head down as I try to avoid running into anyone.

Then I trip on something, or rather someone.

Yeah, you guessed right


And her 'girls'

I groan in pain and at how cliche and predictable she is.

Trip me, insult me and hurt me.

Someone picks me up by my left arm.... Brenda, as Tessa removes my  bag and tosses it to Melanie as she grabs my other arm.

Melanie unzips the bag and turns it over spilling all the contents.

She smiles sadistically kicking them around, I bend my head watching the floor, knowing there's nothing I can do.

Suddenly, she stops and bends picking something up...

"Ooh this looks special" she says in a mocking tone.

I look up, in her hands

My diary!

"No, no put it down!" I say struggling fruitlessly to escape the clutches of her minions.

"You don't want me to read this" she asks waving the book in my face.

I nod hopefully

Nah. She just opens a random page and begins to read for the gathering crowd.

"I swear, I tried countless times to run away..."

"No!!" I scream louder struggling again, tears flowing down my cheeks

"But I just couldn't escape"

I couldn't hear the rest as black spots start to cloud my vision, my legs giving away.