
ohh brother

jake-brother. sky-sister.

jake:Get your fat ass over here

skys brother said as she ran up the stairs what she did not know was jake had been watching porn and was ready.

sky:Yes jake

jack:come over here lay like this on the bed.

sky:ok now what?

jake:close your eyes.

jake undressed and took out his warm large dick it was close to the size of a ruler .......BIG. he shoved it straight into her.

sky:uhhhhhhh uhhhhhhhhhh w-what is that it h-hu-hurts

sky opens her eyes since she's in 4th grade she has no idea whats happening.

sky:what are u doing?

jake:cleaning u out


jake:because your full of liquid if i don't clean you out you will die

sky: is that why my privit part is wet.

jake: its called a pussy and yes

sky: pussy ok then thank you

he puts his tongue in her pussy and she moans they go to her room and he puts a dildo he bought in her pussy and his dick in her ass. Then they here the door mom's home.