
Sex to Godhood

Material for cultured citizen, prepare yourself Almost anything goes here. recommended for one with basically all doors open or the doors got windows or made of glass. As cultured person then deal the other side with culture, if not I welcome you as faithful read only reader. DISCLAIMER : the name or anything used are meant to be used in the comment for our cultured discussion only, not for any other purposes nor used to hurts others who/which coincidentally matched Enjoy

BoredDao · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 3 : 1 = 10, 10 = 1

At the center of the forest, inside the world tree,

A woman with green hair and white clothes appearing in kowtowing position, next to her was a woman with an enormous asset on top and bottom, not far from them, a glowing pink orb on top of an altar made of vines.

"You are disappointing. You lost your mind just from that?"

The standing woman with white hair expressed her disappointment as her black eyes glared at the kowtowing woman under her as her hand moved cutting the long green hair short until the dark toned neck of hers revealed.

"I am really sorry, your holiness. I lost control in my jealousy to his growth. I am willing to accept any punishment." Without raising her head, the green haired lady admitted her wrongs

"Evelyn, I yet to bestow you the real mark and here you are taken control by the seed only. I will guide you until the day come. Prepare yourself. Now, stand up and come here."

"Yes, Lord Paimon."

Evelyn, after being scolded by the woman with white hair who was none other than Paimon, stood up and came toward her with her face still facing down. Paimon raised her hand toward a direction with an open fist with her palm facing down the root ground before closing it and opening it again after turning the fist 180 degree. Somewhere in the forest, under a man and 2 serpents formed 2 white circles, one smaller circle and one bigger circle, the circles shined brightly leaving only the tree with broken branch, upper trunk with slashed marks and lower trunk cracked glowing while the existences of the man and serpents nowhere to be seen.

Paimon pressed both of her hands on the soft cheek of Evelyn whose height was the same as hers before pulling her face to match her lips to her own lips. The shocked Evelyn could only accept Paimon's action as she felt weak yet strong at the same time. Feeling weak to move or react while feeling the power inside her boiling as the seed of envy inside her being replaced by the mark with the shape of an eye. The eye of the mark inside her starting to glow dimly in a green light enough to cover just the eye area.

Evelyn's mouth was invaded by Paimon's tongue for some time. The green haired lady could only jolt as the other lady did as she pleases with her and could only raise her lower arms up while the upper arms pressing against the moderate busts of hers since she was not daring to touch the lady in front of her herself. Paimon pushed her away while licking her lips.

"Not bad. You have 10 days to rest and familiarize yourself with the mark of envy inside of you. I will slowly unleash its power until you are able to control it. I am done with the preparation. You can spend the whole 10 days with Eve as well. After that your training begins.

Ascension Forest, Twin Serpents Cave,

Inside the cave, a white light glowed brightly before dimmed filling the vacant cave with a man, a serpent with golden scales and a serpent with silver scales. The man and 2 serpents were none other than Adam, Lala and Lili who appeared in the cave where the serpents had discussed their master appearance before their little hunt race. Adam and the twins opened their eyes, the guest looked around while the host flabbergasted finding themselves home in no time. In their confusion a voice could be heard.

"That man has 10 days this time. Enjoy your time together as this will be last time. Remember to not enter the core area or leave the forest."

Evelyn's voice could be heard out of nowhere in the cave. The man who had battled her confused while the twins who were familiar with the voice showed a hint of contempt and anger. Little did they know that the one behind that voice was Paimon who used Evelyn voice to tell and warn the trio in the cave so they could spend the last meeting until the fated day. Of course, they didn't know what had happened on that side where the real Evelyn was sitting in front of the pink orb, staring at it while being drowned in a complex feeling inside of her.

Inside the cave the first to react was Lili who was fuming with anger as she was recalling the clash between her beloved master and the hateful woman who had sold the world out as well as pressuring them in the ascension forest and stopping them from leaving the forest to seek out their master.

"That fake goddess!!!"

"Calm down, my little sister. It must be that powerful entity, give it your all to spend time with Master."

"Goddess? Fake? Powerful entity?

What are you two talking about?"

Being asked by their master, Adam, Lala and Lili looked into each other before starting the explanation.

Thus, the sisters started the stories they heard from the other beasts not long after their birth, an almighty goddess that was so strong that none of their attacks would even harm her even the slightest, the oasis in the core center of the forest and its name. The story of them meeting the said goddess themselves but they found out that she had fended their attacks more than what they had heard. Even if most of the beast was weaker or equal to them, their hundreds years old story was not matching the fact. The only difference would be big tree at where the oasis of the stories was said to be.

"We were half convinced that she was a real goddess as we never able to beat her even though she couldn't defeat us a well. She would appear time to time to fight us for a day before leaving just like that. We suspected nothing as we had been the strongest 10 years after our births, with that we just thought we were just way stronger nearing that fake goddess that the time to make her reach the same state would decrease for each fight."

Lili continued the story as Lala added in

"That was until 9 years ago where that arrogant lady had bestowed upon us power and knowledge we didn't know of. On that day, we were told that the goddess those old folks were talking about actually was only a Quasi God that had taken care of this world thus connected to this world making her quadruple stronger than she should be in this world."

"That kind lady also showed us the power of a real goddess which terrified us a lot and also strength of a normal goddess to be which is about the same the aura unfolded not long after your clash with that fake goddess. The 20 years master didn't show up made us feel so sad even though since 40 years ago, master had always showed up every 10 years and by the time you finally appear again you clashed with that fake goddess and then the power after that, Lili was so worried of Master's safety."

Listening to the stories of the twin serpent sisters, Adam suddenly noticed something,

"Hold up. I vanished for 20 years? I just entered 15 today! And every 10 years? Our first encounter was 40 years ago? Didn't you two miscounted? It was each year instead of 10 and we met 4 years ago."

The cave had fallen into silence, as the confused 15 years old teenager looked at the silver serpent then golden serpent before back to the silver serpent and back to the golden serpent. The golden serpent, Lala, and silver serpent, Lili, were also as confused as the teenage boy as they looked into each other in discomfort and confusion for the weird fact they just heard from this way younger than them master of theirs.

Lili moved and curled herself around Adam and pressed her head onto him,

"So be it. It doesn't matter my Master, even if it is another 100 years, I will still wait for you and will always be your favorite, Lili. As long as you wont slay me, I will always be with you. For now, I will saturate myself in your every essence."

Lala could only curl her long body as well to set herself in a good position as she watched the two of them together. She could only sigh before pondering about the new fact her master had just spilled. The memory of their first encounter started replaying in her head where they fought, or more like when she got hit to the air and her sister got harassed which not they would call caress instead harass, continued with her got thrown a few times while her conquered younger sister was watching until she got tired herself. The next meeting where she got hit into the air again and the meeting after that where her sister got the caress instead of hit into the air and the previous meeting where she got thrown into the air and the bitter answer of her master. As she was reminiscing the bitter sweet memories, a single question popped up in her head as she asked her master,

"Master, are you unable to feel the presence of aura?"

"Sssttt, Master is sleeping."

"Master only 15 years old huh? And here we are already over a hundred years old."

"Big sis, we are only a century year old!"

"What's the difference? Master is still younger and 40 years ago, he was already as strong as we were back then and was already able to subdue us yet he was supposed to be only 11 years old by that time and we was over 60."

"He is Master after all."

"Based on what master had said, he only spent a year while we spent 10 years and the result was him on par with us."

"He is Master after all."

Hearing a similar reply Lala was stunned a little bit

". . .

Another 10 years for us and a year for him and we were left in dust."

"He is Master after all."

". . . . .

We got a power up and he got an even crazier power up."

"He is Master after all."

". . . . . . ."

Lala stared at her sister who had been rubbing her head on the sleeping Adam over her curled body.

"Master faced us back then 40 years ago by tiring me up and being a pervert harassing my cute little sister after seeing his favorite silver color so beautiful on the my little sister and yet her heart was won over after being satisfied by Master."

"He is Master after all."

Lili noticed something weird as she looked at big sister, Lala, who had smug face on her face looking at her with a meaningful stare.

". . . . . . . . . .

? ? ? ! ! !

Big sister! Y y yo yo you!"

"I am sleeping, good night my cute sister."

"Big sis! Hmph."

Lala left Lili hanging as she closed her eyes ignoring her little sister's funny reaction. Lili could only pout while glaring at her big sister after being played by her big sister. Seeing nothing came out of it, Lili ceased the act and continue to clad herself in her beloved Master's everything.