
Outsmarting Kurenai

Naruko steadied herself and gave Rem a small smile.

"You're pretty good," Naruko said, "But I'm going to go all-out now,"

Uruka sweatdropped.

Naruko was a kind of girl that hated losing to anyone. She wouldn't hesitate coming at someone at full power if it meant she wouldn't lose and that was the kind of person she was.

Rem watched her loosen her gravity weights and a small frown appeared on his face. Her stats which had been around 25 – 30 had shot up right to 35 instantly.

Rem understood that she was stronger than she gave off but his gaze did not waver, He entered the Academy Taijutsu Stance.

"Don't hold back," Rem warned her.

Unlike the first time, Rem shot forward easing on his advantage of speed. Although people with the higher stats were strong, that didn't mean they were invincible.

The weaker one could always use a trick to overpower the strong, and that was why Rem was careful. Naruko wasn't the average civilian or even the average clan kid, She was the daughter of the 4th Hokage who had died shortly after the attack of the Kyuubi and the Uzumaki Heiress.

Naruko upon anticipating his movements moved her body forward fluidly throwing a swift punch toward Rem's face.

Rem jumped onto her arm and leapt into the air precisely while Naruko was agitated by Rem's dodge.

He came back down with a roundhouse kick which Naruko tanked to the side, Rem's eyes widened momentarily and Naruko used his surprise to her advantage, grabbing him by the side and twisting her body forward to smash his head in.

But to her surprise, Rem weaved around her grip and blocked her kick.

"Heh," Rem chuckled as he tackled Naruko's other leg, forcing the blond haired girl to the ground.

"Surrender," Rem said while sitting atop her back, his hand deliberately gripping a Kunai even though it was a simple Taijutsu spar.

Rem did this to assure that this girl would quietly surrender; besides it wasn't against the rules.

If you were captured by an Enemy Shinobi who held you down but didn't raise a Kunai to threaten your life, it's simply obvious that you would retaliate but if a Kunai was held to your neck, If you didn't want to lose your life, you wouldn't struggle.

Naruko didn't struggle.

"I surrender," She said and Uruka nodded, Rem released her and Naruko got off, dusting her clothes.

"Nice match," Rem said while extending his right hand to Naruko, "You're amazing at Taijutsu,"

"I'm even better at Ninjutsu and Fuinjutsu," Naruko praised herself as she took Rem's hand.

'As the Daughter of the former Hokage, I'd expect such a reaction,' Rem thought while simultaneously keeping his guard up.

Naruko stood up and smiled at Rem.

"See you later," Naruko muttered as she left.

Rem couldn't keep his eyes off her swaying ass, If she was this hot- He couldn't wait to see how hot her mother was.


The closing bell rang once again and students started leaving the class, Rem could feel an intense gaze upon his back as he turned to see Naruko who locked her azure eyes with him briskly.

Perhaps she was mad about the loss during Taijutsu sparring class? She had been smiling about it

But his thoughts were immediately dispelled as Naruko flashed him a bright smile.

"You can drop by my place anytime you want, we can train with my mom," She said as she passed by him and headed to the door.

Rem looked at her leaving back and a small smile tugged at his lips, Just who he wanted to meet!

The classroom was empty now and Rem started cleaning the classroom, while Uruka was at the table, looking at Rem.

'He worked so hard and he beat Naruko,' Uruka thought silently, She wanted to reward her diligent student.

Rem finished his cleaning rather quickly, He wanted to start his session with Uruka rather quickly.

'If I finish early, I can hit the Café and find Kurenai then give her the aphrodisiac,' Rem thought wickedly, Kurenai had gotten on his nerves last night but he was more calm and collected.

She was going to suffer more in his hands…

"Rem, Come to the table and shut the door," Uruka's voice knocked him out of his thoughts.

He did as his Sensei had ordered though, walking to the door and closing it. The hinges softly got into place and Rem approached his Sensei.

Her beautiful brown hair swayed in the wind coming through the window as a pink blush highlighted her cheeks.

[Affection Points: 23 / 100]

Her affection points weren't too high but it showed Rem that he was progressing. Her love for him was building and it was only a matter of time until it bloomed like a flower.

"Sensei?" Rem asked.

"Your After-school training is going well," Uruka replied, the pink blush covering her entire face, "And you won against Naruko today, you get a reward Rem,"

Rem's eyes widened in surprise but there was no time to react as Uruka pressed her soft lips against his cheek.

He could feel her hot breath against his cheeks and a small blush painted his face.


Uruka pulled back before he had a chance to get used to it and she instantly turned back to her serious demeanor.

"Everytime you do something very good like passing tests, I shall give you a reward," Uruka said.

Rem nodded eagerly, Her lips felt different from Ayame's- A little bit softer but the blush on her face made it worth it.

His eyes went to her affection points and he found they were in 30.


Rem did far more better in the Afterschool classes than he did yesterday and he felt proud of it but he had more better things to do.

He made his way to the Café of yesterday and through the window, He could sight Kurenai still sitting there.

"Doesn't she have anything better to do?" Rem wondered but ultimately he was happy that she was here.

Rem pushed open the door of the Café and went right to the counter.

"Give me 2 cups of your best Sake," Rem said.

"That will be 2, 000 Ryo, young sir," The black haired man at the counter said.

Rem slipped two 1, 000 Ryo notes across the counter.

"I need them now," Rem said, his voice low but the man nodded, taking off to the cupboard nearby.

Upon opening the Cupboard, He took out a large jug of Sake which seemed to cast an amazing scent across the Café.

After pouring the jug of Sake into two large transparent glass cups, He handed the cups to Rem but was surprised when he saw the young man bring out a pill.

'He's spiking it!' He thought in alarm.

Rem was not afraid of doing it in front of a mere civilian, there was nothing he could do about it. If he talked, Rem would of course kill him later.

Rem winked at the man and then put the pill in one of the cups, It dissolved quickly and Rem smiled.

"Thanks man," Rem said, dropping 300 Ryo at the counter, "That's a tip,"

"Th- Thank you, Kind sir," The man said as Rem collected the cups and advanced to Kurenai.


Kurenai felt a familiar presence behind her.

'Doesn't he learn his lesson?' Kurenai thought inwardly as Rem appeared in her line of sight, holding two enticing cups of alcohol.

"Good afternoon, Nice weather out isn't it?" Rem asked with a chilling smile.

"Yes," Kurenai said, "What do you want?"

"I want us to drink together," Rem said and took a seat, "In Suna, They say drinking with a beautiful woman brings a lot of luck to the man,"

Kurenai rolled her eyes but she was not one to turn down a good drink.

Rem dropped the glasses on the table and extended one to Kurenai.

"Let's have a good drink," Rem said.

Kurenai's crimson eyes glowed. There was a chance that he could have spiked her drink with some sort of drug.

"I want yours," Kurenai said and Rem gave it to her reluctantly, proving that Kurenai's assumption was correct.


Both of them exclaimed and hit their cups against each other before chugging down the contents.

Kurenai waited for the effects of the drug to wash over Rem but instead she felt her head getting dizzy.

"Looks like I win this round Kurenai," Rem said, flashing a smile. He stood up and left the Café shortly after.


"I knew that she would want my drink so I spiked the drink I had with the pill," Rem muttered as he got home.

Ayame wasn't here much to his disappointment; He was looking forward to another night of hot sex with his beautiful Lover.

Rem had given Kurenai the Unending lust pill in front of the Salesman and then while he was walking, he added the Unending affection pill.

If she was in her right mind, after recovering from the side-effects of using both pills at the same time, She would come right after him.

Unlike the Former pill, The effects of the Affection pill were instant and Rem was grateful for it.

With her Affection points for him up to 100, She wouldn't dare come to his house to try and attack him.

Rem sat on his couch and threw his legs into the air.

"All I have to wait for now is for her to come to me," Rem said with confidence laced in his words.


Author's Note:

Sex with Kurenai will come first before Uruka~

Thanks for reading~

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