
Virgin Life

Is life as a virgin hard??? No, Staying one is. My name is Salina Malin, I'm an 18 year old virgin she-wolf but my pack doesn't need to know that. Most people lose there virginity in about grade 10 at California High but here I am, in my senior year and I have not yet given in to the lustful temptation that hides at the back of every teenagers mind. I know, I know not every human loses there V card in high school but us wolves are different.

I am the only she-wolf past 15 who is still a virgin. Us wolfs go through something called a haze every year. A haze is an uncontrollable lust that makes you just want to rip your clothes off and find someone to fuck. Most wolfs just fuck whoever is near, others choose a mate, but you better hope you find that mate at a young age or you're going to be a fuck toy for any wolf that can smell your stench.